Correct Writing Error II

Posted by Rachel on 2007/1/31 22:12:07
Friends, would you please revise these two as well? Thanks!!

大意 : Mr. Green 在電力公司上班,他的老闆會在每星期五付薪水給他,而他所有的薪水都交給他的太太.他的太太則固定拿100元給他當午餐費.

Mr. Green works in a electpicity factory. His boss gives him his wages on Fridays, but he is a considerate husband. So he gives his wife all of his money and his wife will take one hundred for him to eat lunch. They are a happiness of couple.

Mr. Green works in a power company. His boss distributes pay on Friday. As soon as he got home he delivered it to his wife. But she returned him 100 dollars. Even though she will ask for 100 dollors not long after.

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