Re: What are some people nosy about?

Posted by Elinor on 2012/2/10 22:34:21

123 wrote:
always wanting to find out things that do not concern you, especially other people's private affairs: Don't be so nosy!
a nosy neighbor.

這是我從longman查的定義.至於正確用法可能要請大家多提供了. Thanks!

謝謝 Kathy!!

請問 be nosy about 和 gossip about 一樣嗎? (我覺得好像不一樣,一個是find out things 一個是 talk about... 不知道這樣解釋對不對?)

to talk about other people's behavior and private lives, often including remarks that are unkind or untrue

gossip about
The whole town was gossiping about them.

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