Re: wanna add the next word?

Posted by futari on 2008/2/20 14:03:32
Here's another entry of mine. All are welcome to join in the fun.

976. geoette - brin, fats, apps, axal
977. glotynn - trin, cats, apes, axil
978. geoette - trig, cans, apee, axis
979. futari - taig, hans, apex, alis
980. geoette - targ, hant, axex, alia
981. futari - darg, hent, exex, alea
982. geoette - narg, hert, exec, alba
983. futari - narf, hern, ezec, alla
984. geoette - zarf, hers, etec, alfa
985. glotynn - zart, hery, eten, alta
986. futari - bart, herf, aten, alto
987. geoette - baht, herg, asen, auto
988. futari - balt, harg, asea, acto
989. futari - jalt, harh, asia, anto
990. futari - jilt, harf, asil, anta
= In Arabic means literally border or limit. In Aramaic, it means the pine forest which is plausible as this area is known for its pine trees.

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