Re: M~O~O~N

Posted by Elinor on 2011/9/12 18:23:29
Futari, I don't know them all, but I searched them for a while on the net.

1) aimat the moon / level at the moon 想入非非, 野心太大

2) as changeable as the moon 反覆無常

3) bay the moon / bark at the moon 空嚷嚷,徒勞,枉費心機

4) be over the moon / jump over the moon 欣喜若狂,為之雀躍,快樂得不得了

5) below the moon / under the moon 月下的; 塵世的

6) boast above the moon / boast beyond the moon 捧上天, 海闊天空地吹牛

7) cast beyond the moon 任意推測

8) cover oneself with the moon 露宿

9) cry/ask/wish for the moon 癡人說夢,異想天開

10) dark of the moon

11) full of the moon 滿月

12) harvest moon 獲月,秋分前後之满月

13) hunter's moon 臘月,緊接着獲月harvest moon後的一個满月

14) believe/think that the moon is made of green cheese 愚弄人

15) moon about/around 閒蕩

16) moon away 虛度光陰

17) moon over 為某事或某人悲傷

18) do a moonlight flit 夜逃, (為避債)乘黑夜逃離

19) many moons ago 很久以前

20) old moon / waning moon

21) old moon in new moon's arm 新月抱殘月

22) once in a blue moon 機會難得,千載難逢

23) pay/offer the moon 支付一大筆款項,天價

24) praise above the moon / praise beyond the moon 過分頌揚; 捧上天

25) promise somebody the moon 對某人作無法兌現的承諾

26) shoot the moon 夜逃, (為避債)乘黑夜逃離

27) moonshine in the river 微不足道的東西

28) That's all moonshine. 胡言亂語

29) IDIOM: The moon does not heed to the barking of dogs / Does the moon care for the barking of a dog?


30) IDIOM: The moon is a moon still, whether it shines or not.

31) IDIOM: The moon is not seen where the sun shines.

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