My Love For You

Posted by EastCoast on 2006/9/6 12:46:02
Darling my love for you is a blessing
One given down from the heavens
Our love
My love is like the deep blue sea
Filling my eyes with no end in sight
Holding you, caressing you is like the waves of the sea
Constantly searching for a place to be with you
To love you
To crash upon the sand with the one I love
Loving into your eyes
Seeing the depth like that of the sea
That is where our memories are kept
Deep down within you and me
Our hearts like that of the sea
Vast and full of love

My love for you is like the clouds
Look up and you will see
The clouds that are like the love I have for thee
Pure, as the rain
Loud as the thunder, like the beating of my heart
Like the lightning reflecting within your beautiful eyes
Flashing our love that I can see
Tasting, the pure love as pure as the rain water falling down upon me

My love for you is like the wind
Blowing softly over you
Carrying the sweet sent of my love to me
A sent that is always part of me
Feeling the wind caress our skin
Like the soft sweet embrace we share together
Always present, always gentle
Always there

My love for you is as the Sun
Warming us
Touching us with its beams of love
Penetrating deeply within us
Like a fire it burns with the heat of passion
Need and want
That we both share for each other
Longing to reach out and touch us from the sky

My love for you
Is like the sand
As we walk upon the beach
Waiting for you to sink into me
To feel you sift through my fingers as I caress you
Our sharing my love of the sands of time
Endlessly flowing
Today, tomorrow and forever more

My love for you are like the highest mountains
Unreachable by all but you
High above the love others can give
Only you can reach the summit of my love
And conquer this mountain of love

My love is as a river
Flowing forever
Winding through the valleys and plains
Flowing through every vein and part of me
Rushing at times when I see or think of you
Tranquil at times when we are at rest
Holing each other as we sleep

Can you see my love
My love is and always will be everything I see
Feel and touch
And will always remind me of our love


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