Re: 死雞撐飯蓋

Posted by futari on 2007/4/29 4:50:25
Guess the two connote different meanings.
1) "dialectic" is "辯証"; "邏輯論証"。
2) "死雞撐飯蓋" means "to refuse to admit that one is evidently wrong and keep on arguing". Perhaps, one can use the word "dialectic" to "beautify" one's "死雞撐飯蓋" behaviour.

As for "死牛一邊頸":
= "be hell-bent on having one's own way"
= "be as stubborn as a mule"
= "be stiff-necked"
= "stick to one's guns"
= "unreasonably, often perversely unyielding"
= "bullheaded"

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