THE VILLAIN – Part I, II, II & SummaryI ~~ 小人 – 第一, 二,三集和結

Posted by Anonymous on 2009/1/20 13:35:05
A gentleman has immaculate qualities and attributes. A villain is vicious.

So, what is villain? A villain … 什麼是小人? 小人 …

Is despicable 卑鄙
Is snobbish 講勢利
Quibbles 總說歪理
Disturbs intentionally 唯恐天下不亂
Plots against others 暗算他人
Often hides himself 見不得光
Harbors hatred 有仇必報
Forms cliques 結黨營私
Falsifies to cheat 弄虛做假
Is dishonest 不老實
Hangs on to his evil acts 老是做壞事
Is not one who can influence others 無法潛移默化他人
Complies in public, opposes in private 陽奉陰違 或 言行不一
Is selfish in any given situation 只顧己私
Is treacherous as the Winter Frost 陰險如冬日嚴霜

The concept, ‘beat-up the villain’ is to disencumber the evil, wicked and vicious element.
觀念中 '打小人' 是指擺脫陰邪的壞人。

So, how do we beat-up a villain? 我們如何對付小?

To be continued …
待續 …

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