小人 – 第二集 – 打小人的適當時間和地點 ~~ THE VILLAIN – PART II – Appropriate Time/Place for Beating Up The Vill

Posted by Anonymous on 2009/1/29 11:19:16
A villain is referred to as specific person. Traditionally, Chinese cosmology has a dualistic view of this class of person and as a result, produces different civil voodoo beliefs such as 'ying and yang'; 'Heaven and Earth'; 'righteous and wicked'; 'man and woman' etcetera, so is 'villain and gentleman'.

觀念中 '小人' 是指特定人士。 傳統華人的宇宙觀是一種二元論平衡的宇宙觀,也由此而產生了各種不同的民間信仰,例如 '陽與陰';'天與地';'正與邪';'男與女' 等,'小人與貴人' 亦如是。


Beating up the villain is usually carried out in temples. There are different times and days for different countries insofar as the practice is concerned. However, the prevailing practice is the period of '驚蟄', literally translated as the 'Awaking of Insects in the 3rd solar term'. Other days are the 6th, 16th and 26th day of each lunar calendar month, or on, based on the almanac, the '除日' day, literally translated as ‘The Rid Of Day. '驚蟄', according to folklore, is the dormancy of all things being awakened by the thunder of Spring. This awakens all types of slanderous elements, including the villain and the 'Evil White Tiger' (白虎星君 - literally the white tiger star which is a star of bad omen or a jinx) allowing them the opportunity to begin their heinous activities. And it is for this reason that there is the need to beat-up the villain lest he acts evil. The numeral '6' and 'Rid Days' in Chinese astrology, are when the universe turns an overcast sky (陰天). It's on those days that the practice of beating up the villain takes place.

Generally, the beating up of the villain takes place in a dark and gloomy locality, such as under the bridge. On every occasion of the day of 'Awaking of Insects', temples of the ‘Village Deity’ are filled with scores of devotees carrying on the beating up activity. In recent years, not only do you find old folks observing this customary practice, even the younger generation of devotees also is found participating in this ritual.

For your information, this ritual is notably a traditional practice in South East Asia and the Far East, in particular, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. I am not sure if this ritual is a practice of Taiwan, but I doubt so.

However, the 'Kuan Du Bridge' (關渡大橋) in Taipei is a sacred place highly recommended for beating up the villain. The bridge, which spans 165 meters across the 'Danshui River' (淡水河), is the most ideal location. It links 'Bali' (八里鄉) with 'Tamsui' (淡水) of Taipei County, near Tamsui's border with 'Beitou' (北投區) in Taipei City.

For those devout men and women who think are obsessed by the heinous acts of villains, try beating them up under the 'Kuan Du Bridge'. Good Luck!

打小人的時間各地廟宇不一,最為盛行的日子是 '驚蟄',其他時間則有農曆每月初六、十六、廿六或曆書所記之 '除日'。 '驚蟄' 依民間的說法是蟄伏中的萬物被春雷驚醒之日,也因此各種污衊不堪之物包括小人、'白虎星君' 等也開始活動,因此必須在此時打小人以免小人為害。 '六' 日與 '除' 日乃傳統中國宇宙觀裡陰數、'陰日',故亦在此日進行解除小人之日。

打小人一般會在陰暗的地方進行,例如橋底。 每逢驚蟄,都有不少人前往當地的土地廟進行打小人活動,從前多為老人家,近年亦有年輕人參與。

另外供各位參考,這種傳統儀式主要在東南亞和遠東,特別在香港、新加坡和馬來西亞流行。 我不能肯定臺灣是否有這個慣例。我相信台灣沒有。

然而, 臺北有一橋梁長達165米,位於臺北市的北投區,它撗跨淡水河,是最理想打小人的地點。 '關渡大橋' 連接 '八裡鄉' 和臺北縣的 '水',是建議為打小人的熱門聖地。

有那些善男信女認為不斷被兇惡的小人行動騷擾,不妨嘗試在 '關渡大橋' 之下痛打小人。 祝好運!

To be continued …
待續 …

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