The Poorest President: Jose Mujica 貧窮大總統

Posted by SoutheLily on 2013/1/5 11:19:30


烏拉圭總統Jose Mujica因為英國媒體《BBC》報導他是全世界最貧窮的國家領導人因而聲名大噪。Mujica拒絕入住總統官邸,選擇留在一座外觀破爛的小農舍,農舍門口只有兩名警衛站崗。在他眼中,那些追求物慾的人才是真的窮人,然而他的人生觀似乎不能為他帶來更高的支持率。

(A) 儉樸
(B) 支持率
(C) 世事變化

Jose Mujica is known as the world's poorest president, but the one-time guerrilla revolutionary has chosen to shun the state's grand presidential home for his wife's (1) ramshackle farmhouse. He chooses to give 90% of his monthly salary to charities supporting the poor and small businesses. Some people consider that this is nothing else but a smart marketing campaign to (2) endear Mujica with Uruguay’s low-income voters.

Jose Mujica 已是世人所熟知的「最貧窮」總統,這位曾是游擊革命份子的總統選擇不住進官邸,而是住在妻子名下的破爛農舍。Mujica 日前決定將擔任總統的90%月薪捐給慈善團體以及小企業。不過有些人認為,這是Mujica受低收入選民喜愛的聰明行銷手法。

"If you don't have many possessions then you don't need to work all your life like a slave to sustain them, and therefore you have more time for yourself," he explains of lifestyle. He also exemplifies his environmental views: At a world summit this summer, he asked whether Earth has "enough resources so seven or eight billion can have the same level of consumption and waste that is seen in rich societies today?"


Mujica accuses most world leaders of having a "blind obsession to achieve growth with consumption, as if the contrary would mean the end of the world".


Those who know him affirm that Jose Mujica has always been this way: humble, (A) austere and self-sacrificing. Perhaps the (B) vicissitudes of armed warfare and later, years of jail, fostered in him an appreciation of simple things.

熟知 Jose Mujica 的親友認為他是一個謙遜、儉樸,願意犧牲小我的人。也許長年飽受戰火摧殘和牢獄之災,也讓他常心懷感激。

But this doesn't mean he's a popular president. In fact, his (C) approval rating has dipped below 50% after two controversial decisions: signing a bill to allow abortions during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and supporting a debate on the legalization of marijuana.


However, he doesn't have to worry too much about his popularity rating. According to Uruguayan law, he is not allowed to seek re-election in 2014. Also, at 77, he is likely to retire from politics altogether (3) before long.


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