Ghost Festival (2006. 10)

Posted by 123 on 2006/10/5 21:32:24
ps:希望這些翻譯題目對大家有所幫助.您寫好後可以 post here. Then We need some people to correct it for us,too. So if you care people correct your translation here directly, you can use a "ps" to tell us you dont want people to correct your translation for you and just want to share your translation here.

By the way, hope those who are good at English could correct it for us and thank you.
1. 每年的農曆七月十五日,華人世界呈現一片熱鬧氣氛。
3. 許多店家也在這天大肆祭拜,以求生意興隆。
4. 不過就行人而言,走在路上被煙薰恐怕並不好受。
5. 如何兼顧店家及行人的需求,值得省思。

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