Re: 請問各位英文前輩這段英文該怎麼翻成中文

Posted by SoutheLily on 2010/6/16 13:46:29
Have you tried google translator?

"Four out of five computers in China, the world's largest computer and Internet market, have been affected by computer viruses, according to a report in the official state news service, China Daily. ''Only 16 percent of computer users reported they were free from any viruses in their computers,'' reports researcher, Zhang Jian. Viruses sent through the Internet are destroying information and causing too many computers to crash, the China

五分之四的電腦在中國,世界最大的電腦和互聯網市場,已經受到電腦病毒,據報告在國家官方新聞服務機構,中國日報。 ''只有百分之十六的計算機用戶報告稱,他們在不受任何病毒的電腦,''報告研究員,張謇。病毒是通過互聯網發送信息,並造成破壞太多計算機崩潰時,中國日報說。

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