Re: 霍爾的移動城堡 Howl's Moving Castle(世界の約束)

Posted by 123 on 2006/12/11 18:09:11
Thank you bo bo geo's help for translating the lyrics to share.


涙の奥にゆらぐほほえみは Though faltering, a smile is managed amidst tears

時の始めからの世界の約束 That’s when our accord begins

いまは一人でも二人の昨日から Though alone, I savour the togetherness of the past.

今日は生まれきらめくNevertheless the future shall be beauteous

初めて会った日のように As though when we first met

思い出のうちにあなたはいない Your expression seems petered out in my reminiscence

そよかぜとなって頬に触れてくるBut I see a light wind sweeping and bringing comfort to you

木漏れ日の午後の別れのあともAlthough we parted on a sultry afternoon where the sun rays peeped through the space between the thick foliage

決して終わらない世界の約束 But our accord shall never end

いまは一人でも明日は限りない Though alone but tomorrow is boundless

あなたが教えてくれたYou once told me

夜にひそむやさしさThat darkness in the night reposes sweet tenderness

思い出のうちにあなたはいないYour expression seems petered out in my reminiscence

せせらぎの歌にこの空の色にBut I remember you singing at the at the stream, under the clear blue sky

花の香りにいつまでも生きてIn the whiff of those flowers, lively forever and ever

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