Re: The lrc of Nothing is gonna change my love for you

Posted by futari on 2011/5/28 0:29:40

Elinor wrote:

You are too modest! You are an artist in my eye.

prefix used since 18c. (but most productively in 20c.) and meaning “kid of, resembling, like but not really;” from L. quasi “as if, as it were” (see quasi).

The prince of darkness; the fiend.

"Low Sunday," 1706, Quasimodo Sunday, from L. quasi modo, first words of introit for the first Sunday after Easter: quasi modo geniti infantes "as newborn babes" (1 Pet. ii:2). The hunchback in Victor Hugo's novel was supposed to have been abandoned as an infant at Notre Dame on this day.


(QUOTE) "... if you know what is quasimodo, and what quasi means then may you know what is modo means." (UNQUOTE)

Judging from Modo's quoted words, I guess Modo wants to say:

The word "modo" = "quasi" = "grosso modo"
(= almost; to a certain extent; in a rough way; roughly, circa or approximately)
= 類似的; 大致上; 有如; 似是; 近乎; 半的, 外表的

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