
Posted by Anonymous on 2006/5/19 21:41:31



如果雲知道  If The Clouds Know
作詞:季忠平/許常德 作曲:季忠平 編曲:屠穎

愛一旦結冰        Once love freezes

一切都好平靜    everything’s so quiet

淚水它一旦流盡 Once tears run out

只剩決心             only resolution remains

放逐自己在黑夜的邊境 Expelling myself at the boarder of dark night
任由黎明一步一步向我逼近 Letting the dawn draws closer and closer ,
想你的心 化成灰燼       this heart missing you becomes ashes

真的有點累了 沒什麼力氣do feel a little tired,  kind of weak
有太多太多回憶 哽住呼吸too many memories choking my breath
愛你的心我無處投遞how to deliver this heart loving you
如果可以飛簷走壁找到你 if I could walk the wall and wing through eaves to find you
愛的委屈 不必澄清 grievance of love needs no explanations
只要你將我抱緊   Only need you to hold me tightly

如果雲知道 If the clouds know

想你的夜慢慢熬  the night missing you passes so slowly
每個思念過一秒  every thought of you takes one second

每次呼喊過一秒   each cry of you takes one second
只覺得生命不停燃燒 only feeling this life is on fire

如果雲知道   If the clouds know

逃不開糾纏的牢cannot escape form this entangled jail
每當心痛過一秒everyone second hit by a heartache

每回哭醒過一秒every second I awoken from crying
只剩下心在乞討only my heart remaining and begging

你不會知道   you will never know

真的有點累了 沒什麼力氣do feel a little tired,  kind of weak
有太多太多回憶 哽住呼吸too many memories choking my breath
愛你的心我無處投遞how to deliver this heart loving you
如果可以飛簷走壁找到你 if I could walk the wall and wing through eaves to find you
愛的委屈 不必澄清 grievance of love needs no explanations
只要你將我抱緊   Only need you to hold me tightly

如果雲知道 If the clouds know

想你的夜慢慢熬  the night missing you passes so slowly

每個思念過一秒   every thought of you takes one second

每次呼喊過一秒   each cry of you takes one second
只覺得生命不停燃燒only feeling this life is burning

如果雲知道   If the clouds know

逃不開糾纏的牢cannot escape form this entangled jail
每當心痛過一秒everyone second hit by a heartache

每回哭醒過一秒every second I awoken from crying
只剩下心在乞討only my heart remaining and begging

你不會知道   you will never know


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