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like a rock
Home away from home
2008/6/24 17:10
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In this shit life, you have to chuck some things.
- Robert Spritz

translation and lyrics copy from below link
it is very bad, could some one help to translate?

Stood there boldly
Sweatin' in the sun
Felt like a million
感觉象许多许多 汗水
Felt like number one
The height of summer
I'd never felt that strong
Like a rock

I was eighteen
Didn't have a care
Working for peanuts
Not a dime to spare
But I was lean and
Solid everywhere
是家里金钱的保障 无论在哪里
Like a rock

My hands were steady
My eyes were clear and bright
My walk had purpose
My steps were quick and light
And I held firmly
To what I felt was right
Like a rock

Like a rock, I was strong as I could be
向一个石头 我很坚强 以至于我会成功
Like a rock, nothin' ever got to me
想一个石头 永远没有事情给我产生影响
Like a rock, I was something to see
Like a rock

And I stood arrow straight
Unencumbered by the weight
Of all these hustlers and their schemes
I stood proud, I stood tall
我站在自豪上面 我高傲的站着
High above it all
I still believed in my dreams
在我的梦里 我仍然相信
Twenty years now
Where'd they go?
twenty years
I don't know
sit and I wonder sometimes
坐着 有时 我很想知道
Where they've gone

And sometimes late at night
有时 在深夜
When I'm bathed in the firelight
The moon comes callin' a ghostly white
月亮进来 召集可怕的白色
And I recall
Like a rock. standin' arrow straight
Like a rock, chargin' from the gate
Like a rock, carryin' the weight
Like a rock
Lihe a rock, the sun upon my skin
Like a rock, hard against the wind
Like a rock, I see myself again
Like a rock

Posted on: 2008/10/18 18:48
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Re: like a rock
Home away from home
2006/1/22 14:46
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I watched that movie too.

We started our life with so many dreams, but the dreams slowly got forgotten and reduced, and we also learned to accept what we really are and make peace with ourselves.

I liked the movie, it is so mush better than the other movies made out of ketch-up / fluid /flesh /air etc over dosed so called movie selling factors.

<The Weather Man>In this shit life, you have to chuck some things

Sacrifice is, to get anything of Value, You have to sacrifice.
犧牲是, 要得到珍貴的東西, 你一定要有所犧牲。

Do you know that the harder thing to do 
and the right thing to do are usually the same thing ?
你知不知道,艱難的的事情 通常就是 該做的事情。

Nothing that has meaning is easy, Easy doesn't emter into grown-up life.
有意義的事 絕對不會是輕易的,在成人世界裡 根本沒有什麼輕易之事。

This shit life, we must chuck something.
We must chuck them in this shit life.
在人生坎坷的路途中 有些東西必須捨棄
一定要捨棄它們 才能繼續在坎坷人生路走下去

--------------- Robert Spritz

I remember once imagining what my life would be like, what I'd be like. I pictured having all these qualities, strong positive qualities that people could pick up on from across the room. But as time passed, few ever became any qualities that I actually had. And all the possibilities I faced and the sorts of people I could be, all of them got reduced every year to fewer and fewer. Until finally they got reduced to one, to who I am. And that's who I am, the weather man.

--------------- Dave Spritz

Posted on: 2008/10/18 23:14
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Re: like a rock
Home away from home
2006/8/19 23:09
From I'm here
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So that's where the Chevy commercial got the song from.......

Posted on: 2008/10/19 0:03
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Re: like a rock
Home away from home
2008/6/24 17:10
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People don't throw things at me anymore...
...maybe because I carry a bow around.
I don't know.

Come on.
Another man is with my family.
Things didn't work out the way I predicted.
Accepting that's not easy...
...but easy doesn't enter into grown-up life.

what a shit life, wish i can have a bow and arrows carry on street shoot on field.

Posted on: 2008/10/19 12:37
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Re: like a rock
Home away from home
2008/6/24 17:10
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lyrics and translation copy from below link
it is very bad, could someone help to translate?

Posted on: 2008/10/21 18:43
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Re: like a rock
Home away from home
2006/8/19 23:09
From I'm here
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"it is very bad..."

You are right! It is bad indeed. That's what happen when someone doesn't know American culture and slangs trys to translate a song with American culture and slangs as its lyrics.

I like the line about "number one", I'm glad the song writer didn't use "number two".

Posted on: 2008/10/22 0:02
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Re: like a rock
Home away from home
2006/1/22 14:46
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To Apex:

you are funny .....

To Modo:

Check this out, not as poetry as lyrics shall be though ....

Stood there boldly 屹立無畏
Sweatin' in the sun 揮汗烈陽下
Felt like a million 感覺身價百萬
Felt like number one 感覺宛如冠軍
The height of summer 盛夏季節

I'd never felt that strong 從不曾覺得那般堅強過
Like a rock 有如磐石

I was eighteen 那年我十八
Didn't have a care 什麼也不在乎
Working for peanuts 收入少少
Not a dime to spare 口袋空空

I was lean and 瘦削的身材
Solid everywhere 體魄堅實
Like a rock 宛若砥柱
My hands were steady 雙手堅穩

My eyes were clear and bright 那時的我眼睛明亮澄澈
My walk had purpose 那時的我目標明確
My steps were quick and light 那時的我步履輕快
And i held firmly 那時的我堅持
To what i felt was right 我認定的正義
Like a rock 有如磐石
Like a rock 有如磐石

I was strong as i could be 那時的我那般堅強
Like a rock 有如磐石

Nothin' ever got to me 從不退縮
Like a rock 有如磐石

I was something to see 那時的我值得注意
Like a rock 有如磐石

And i stood arrow straight 那時的我屹立如箭矢
Unencumbered by the weight 不因重擔而有滯礙

Of all these hustlers and their schemes 儘管騙徒多詐
I stood proud, 那時的我傲然屹立,
i stood tall 那時的我筆直屹立
High above it all 在一切之上

I still believed in my dreams 那時的我仍相信夢想

Twenty years now 已經二十年過去

Where'd they go? 它們去了哪裡
Twenty years 二十年
I don't know 我不知道

I sit and I wonder sometimes 有時我靜坐緬想
Where they've gone 時光到底去了哪裡?
And sometimes late at night 有時在夜深時刻
When I'm bathed in the firelight 當我沐浴在壁爐的火光裡
The moon comes callin' a ghostly white 蒼白的月光照耀
And I recall 我回想
and I recall 我回憶
Like a rock 有如磐石
Standin' arrow straight 直立如箭矢
Like a rock 有如磐石
Chargin' from the gate 蓄勢待發
Like a rock 有如磐石
Carryin' the weight 承擔責任
Like a rock 有如磐石
Like a rock 有如磐石
The sun upon my skin 烈日炙膚
Like a rock 有如磐石
Hard against the wind 迎風而行
Like a rock 有如磐石
I see myself again 我又看見了當年的我
Like a rock 有如磐石

I have problem with 'charging from the gate', like in a base ball game, the coach is at the 'gate', and gives instruction to the players, or like the management of the horse raceing track, dont know how to put that into chinese, because i dont know sports. Anyone??

Posted on: 2008/10/22 2:31
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Re: like a rock
Home away from home
2006/8/19 23:09
From I'm here
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Lily, I'm glad there was no "looking" after the word funny.

"Felt like a million", I think it actually came from the phrase "feels like a million bucks" which means feeling great.

"Charging from the gate" is probably a description of horse racing rather than baseball. It means someone is ready to go and he is shooting out when the gate is finally opened, and going for it.

You did a fine job, Lily.

Posted on: 2008/10/23 0:35
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Re: like a rock
Home away from home
2006/1/17 19:32
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To Apex:
Wow , your wrods are so friendly now. ...hehe ><ll

Posted on: 2008/10/23 18:11
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Re: like a rock
Home away from home
2006/1/22 14:46
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To Apex:


Well, I never saw u in my life, so, no room for this word "looking" when it refers to the physical appearance.

You are right about the 'charging from the gate'

Do you remember when you were 18 <---- What an age!!!

Yes, at that age , one is all ready to go, fear of nothing etc

in Chinese, we say "血氣方剛" 是也

Posted on: 2008/10/23 23:47
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