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Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16
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Do you know them all?

1) aim at the moon / level at the moon

2) as changeable as the moon

3) bay the moon / bark at the moon

4) be over the moon / jump over the moon

5) below the moon / under the moon

6) boast above the moon / boast above the moon

7) cast beyond the moon

8) cover oneself with the moon

9) cry/ask/wish for the moon

10) dark of the moon

11) full of the moon

12) harvest moon

13) hunter's moon

14) believe/think that the moon is made of green cheese

15) moon about/around

16) moon away

17) moon over

18) do a moonlight flit

19) many moons ago

20) old moon / waning moon

21) old moon in new moon's arm

22) once in a blue moon

23) pay/offer the moon

24) praise above the moon / praise beyond the moon

25) promise somebody the moon

26) shoot the moon

27) moonshine in the river

28) That's all moonshine.

29) IDIOM: The moon does not heed to the barking of dogs / Does the moon care for the barking of a dog?

30) IDIOM: The moon is a moon still, whether it shines or not.

31) IDIOM: The moon is not seen where the sun shines.

32) ENGLISH FOLKLORE SAYING: No moon, no man.

Posted on: 2011/9/12 15:43
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Re: M~O~O~N
Home away from home
2006/6/29 22:52
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Futari, I don't know them all, but I searched them for a while on the net.

1) aimat the moon / level at the moon 想入非非, 野心太大

2) as changeable as the moon 反覆無常

3) bay the moon / bark at the moon 空嚷嚷,徒勞,枉費心機

4) be over the moon / jump over the moon 欣喜若狂,為之雀躍,快樂得不得了

5) below the moon / under the moon 月下的; 塵世的

6) boast above the moon / boast beyond the moon 捧上天, 海闊天空地吹牛

7) cast beyond the moon 任意推測

8) cover oneself with the moon 露宿

9) cry/ask/wish for the moon 癡人說夢,異想天開

10) dark of the moon

11) full of the moon 滿月

12) harvest moon 獲月,秋分前後之满月

13) hunter's moon 臘月,緊接着獲月harvest moon後的一個满月

14) believe/think that the moon is made of green cheese 愚弄人

15) moon about/around 閒蕩

16) moon away 虛度光陰

17) moon over 為某事或某人悲傷

18) do a moonlight flit 夜逃, (為避債)乘黑夜逃離

19) many moons ago 很久以前

20) old moon / waning moon

21) old moon in new moon's arm 新月抱殘月

22) once in a blue moon 機會難得,千載難逢

23) pay/offer the moon 支付一大筆款項,天價

24) praise above the moon / praise beyond the moon 過分頌揚; 捧上天

25) promise somebody the moon 對某人作無法兌現的承諾

26) shoot the moon 夜逃, (為避債)乘黑夜逃離

27) moonshine in the river 微不足道的東西

28) That's all moonshine. 胡言亂語

29) IDIOM: The moon does not heed to the barking of dogs / Does the moon care for the barking of a dog?


30) IDIOM: The moon is a moon still, whether it shines or not.

31) IDIOM: The moon is not seen where the sun shines.


Posted on: 2011/9/12 18:23
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Re: M~O~O~N
Home away from home
2006/6/29 22:52
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dark of the moon 變形金剛

Posted on: 2011/9/12 18:24
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Re: M~O~O~N
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16
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"dark of the moon"
= 1) The time period of approximately a week at the time of a new moon, when the light of the moon is absent at night. (一個月中看不見月亮的期間)
= 2) Any period in which the light of the moon is obscured. (月黑時)

"old moon / waning moon" (殘月/漸小月/虧月)
= 1) a phase of the moon lying between last quarter and new moon, when it appears as a waning crescent
= 2) the moon when it appears as a waning crescent
= 3) the time at which this occurs


"The moon is a moon still, whether it shines or not."
= 不管顯露不顯露, 月亮總是月亮。

"The moon is not seen where the sun shines."
= 太陽一出, 月亮失色。 (小巫見大巫)

Posted on: 2011/9/13 0:52
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Re: M~O~O~N
Home away from home
2006/6/29 22:52
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Thanks a lot.

Posted on: 2011/9/13 13:11
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Re: M~O~O~N
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16
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Elinor wrote:

Thanks a lot.

You're welcome.

And, a few more to add to the list:
1) moon-faced 圓臉的

2) moonhead 笨蛋/傻瓜

3) moonstruck 發狂的/神經錯亂的

4) English folklore saying: No moon, no man.
= The boy never comes to anything that's born at new moon.

(In Cornwall, when a child is born in the interval between an old moon and the first appearance of a new one, it is said that it will never live to reach the age of puberty.)

Posted on: 2011/9/13 13:29
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Re: M~O~O~N
Home away from home
2006/6/29 22:52
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4) English folklore saying: No moon, no man.
= The boy never comes to anything that's born at new moon.

(In Cornwall, when a child is born in the interval between an old moon and the first appearance of a new one, it is said that it will never live to reach the age of puberty.)


1. What is an old moon? Here is the moon phases :http://www.moonconnection.com/moon_phases.phtml

2. Does that mean the child is born in the period of "dark of the moon"?


Posted on: 2011/9/13 14:16
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Re: M~O~O~N
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16
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futari wrote:
"old moon / waning moon" (殘月/漸小月/虧月)
= 1) a phase of the moon lying between last quarter and new moon, when it appears as a waning crescent
= 2) the moon when it appears as a waning crescent
= 3) the time at which this occurs

Please note that:
"old moon" = "waning moon" = definition 1)

(according to how the moon appears to us, in order of appearance)

1. New (also called the Dark Moon) - not visible
2. Waxing Crescent
3. First Quarter - commonly called a "half moon"
4. Waxing Gibbous
5. Full - we can see the entire illuminated portion of the moon
6. Waning Gibbous
7. Third Quarter - another "half moon", but the illuminated part is opposite of the First Quarter
8. Waning Crescent
9. New - back to the beginning


So, according to the definition(s) given in the dictionary,
"old moon" corresponds to the seventh phase through eighth phase of the moon cycle till new moon restores and the cycle starts again.


Posted on: 2011/9/13 16:30
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Re: M~O~O~N
Home away from home
2006/6/29 22:52
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Thank you so much for the explanation.

Posted on: 2011/9/13 19:41
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