How do we know if the song we want to post ,others have posted it or not?

Posted by 123 on 2006/9/19 14:34:47
hello all dear members:

You could see an item called "Search(搜尋)" on the left hand when you open the homepage.put the song name you want to post in it,then you will know if the song you want to post that others have posted or not.

ps: 使用進階搜尋"advanced search"之前,請把 "the last 100 days"的設定改成-->"from the beginning".這樣你在搜尋資料時才能完全搜尋到一開使別人所post過的文章,不然你所查尋到的文章只是前一百天的.

<embed src="<url you want to use>" autostart="0" loop="1" height="60" width="200"></center><p><table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="218">

You need to check "Enable html tags".

ps:put the song link into here--->"<url you want to use>".就是把link放到這個符號--->" "裏面.

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