Posted by Rony on 2007/8/29 13:45:43
it's easy to get an answer by cheating from the previous
4 by 4 matrix. i dont wanna cheat, but seems it's my only gift to cheat, sucks

123 109 110 120 123 109 110 120
112 118 117 115 112 118 117 115
116 114 113 119 116 114 113 119
111 121 122 108 111 121 122 108
123 109 110 120 123 109 110 120
112 118 117 115 112 118 117 115
116 114 113 119 116 114 113 119
111 121 122 108 111 121 122 108

Geo, please dont count this as an answer, i just let you know sometimes ppl can get an answer by cheating

Yes, Geo, u should bar Futari from this game

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