Re: 紅豆, 綠豆

Posted by Tim Luo on 2006/2/9 21:03:29

fun wrote:
紅豆 is called adzuki bean or adsuki bean in American English. In British English it's usually called aduki bean. These different spellings all came from Japanese. Adzuki and aduki just reflect two different styles of Japanese romanizations. The kana for it is あずき and the kanji (漢字) is 小豆. The scientific name for the adzuki bean is Phaseolus angularis.

綠豆 is called "mung bean" in English. The word mung is of Indian origin. The scientific name for the mung bean is Phaseolus aureus. It's also called green gram or golden gram.


紅豆在美式英文叫做 adzuki bean 或 adsuki bean。在英式英文則通常叫做 aduki bean. 拼法不ㄧ樣是由於日文拼音的緣故。Adzuki 和 aduki 反應出兩種不同日文羅馬拼音的方式。日文假名是 あずき,漢字則是"小豆"。紅豆的學名是 Phaseolus angularis。

綠豆的英文叫做 mung bean。Mung 這個字的來源是印度文。綠豆的學名是 Phaseolus aureus。它也稱作 green gram 或 golden gram。


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