Re: Zodiac

Posted by glotynn on 2006/3/21 16:55:17
Another version of the zodiacal signs' Chinese translation being more habitually heard in Taiwan:
牡羊座 03/21 - 04/20 Aries
金牛座 04/21 - 05/20 Taurus
雙子座 05/21 - 06/21 Gemini
巨蟹座 06/22 - 07/22 Cancer
獅子座 07/23 - 08/22 Leo
處女座 08/23 - 09/22 Virgo
天秤座 09/23 - 10/22 Libra
天蠍座 10/23 - 11/21 Scorpio
射手座 11/22 - 12/21 Sagittarius
摩羯座 12/22 - 01/19 Capricorn
水瓶座 01/20 - 02/19 Aquarius
雙魚座 02/20 - 03/20 Pisces

Mine is Sagittarius.

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