montanius wrote:
Ha-ha, it's a horror story, Song...
Four days ago accomplishing my daily pensum (in running) I got back and I wanted to change my shoes; I put my left (or right, hard to reconstruct after such a long time) leg on the second step, leant over it and tried to untie the shoelace - which was not aesy at all as I had my beautiful white running gloves on, so it took a time to complete, and then, huhh, I realized I had a pain in my back, in the spine, right over my perfectly shaped butts: I hardly could move for a day... - On the 3rd I'll try to run again...
Corset is a great idea, but any time I borrow ladies' clothes I am thrown starnge glances.
I only knew Pontius Pilate washed his hands, personal hygienie is very important.
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