Re: god save me

Posted by EastCoast on 2006/7/28 14:26:18
Rony, first if you are pregnant I want to be your manager because we both will be very rich. I will book you on all the TV shows and we will write a book on how to have a child and how to raise a child..... Ha Ha Ha.

Rony there are many reasons why a person may eat more during certain periods of time in their lives

1. Stress.
2. Growing
3. Need of energy
4. The processing of food within your body
5. Glandular problems
6. Food that is too good to turn down, like my mothers

There are so many reasons for eating to much you have to talk to your doctor and make sure it is not a health problem and that you are not gaining to much weight, because that in itself is a big health problem that will affect your life now and in the future. Rony nothing will be solved by putting your finger down your throat, that is just a temporary fix and extremely unhealthy.

Maybe you just need to tell your mom or girlfriend to not serve you too much food.........


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