Re: wanna add the next word?

Posted by glotynn on 2007/4/2 15:06:31
Since when has this game become a competition of the two?

To save the forum space, I put together all the words in Line Nos. 1-45 :

Line Nos. 1-45
foot, mass, bass, tass, soot, lass, boss, toss, slot, pass, buss, doss, plot, past, bust, dose, plow, pase, busy, hose, blow, pace, bush, hole, flow, pare, gush, pole, glow, dare, hush, sole, grow, mare, rush, mole, crow, mere, lush, mold, crop, here, lash, meld, drop, hero, dash, geld, prop, zero, cash, weld, prow, cero, case, well, brow, cere, cast, tell, brew, core, gast, till, grew, more, fast, bill, drew, mode, last, pill, crew, made, lost, mill, chew, male, list, milk, chow, pale, fist, milt, show, sale, gist, malt, dhow, bale, mist, salt, drow, bald, most, halt, frow, bard, cost, hart, frog, lard, host, hark, from, lark, post, harp, prom, bark, pose, carp, prod, bank, pore, camp, trod, lank, pork, lamp, trot, sank, cork, damp, troy, sand, fork, damn, tray, band, fore, dame, fray, land, lore, lame, bray, lane, lord, lime, bran, bane, cord, dime, bean, wane, curd, dine, beam, wine, cure, line, beat, sine, lure, fine, peat, vine, pure, pine, pear, tine, sure, pint, year, tint, sere, pink, sear, lint, were, link, fear, hint, ware, dink, dear, hunt, wore, sink,

46. futari - bear, aunt, tore, sunk
47. glotynn - beer, punt, tyre, punk

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