Re: wanna add the next word?

Posted by Anonymous on 2007/8/17 17:27:08

glotynn wrote:
Hi, Geo,

'Byou' is the name of a published CD and DVD for exercise, and therefore a proper noun.
Please explain otherwise or pick another word.


Hi Glot

1. The opening sentence of the definition for 'byou' says ...
" ... Byou is an exercise music ...", and goes on to say " ... it teaches dance numbers, steps and exercises."

The link below says that " ... byou is about getting used to moving your body and being comfortable with who you are. It doesn't matter what size you are ..."

The term is similar to those of the 'rock', the 'twist', the 'rap' and so on.

2. To further reinforce that 'byou' is not a proper noun. I have searched, and Vol I .. Page 743 defines 'byou' as follows:

>> 'byou' noun. [E. dial; origin obscure]. A quinsy [North. England]

I do not think 'byou' is a proper noun as such.

Your comments please.


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