Re: wanna add the next word?

Posted by glotynn on 2007/9/4 15:54:44
Thanks for the kind replacement, Geo.

The singular verb in the sentence "Pogs is a game that was popular from the early to mid 1990s" is not persuasive enough to make 'pogs' fit the rules, just like the sentence "Dogs is a book written by James Smith" does not legalize 'dogs' for this game.

Let's move on:
726. glotynn - yuzu, mita, hook, wont
727. futari - suzu, mica, hoom, bont
728. menquart - sufu, mico, hoon, font
729. geoette - jufu, fico, hoot, fint
730. futari - fufu, pico, hoit, fiat
731. geoette - futu, poco, coit, frat
732. futari - fute, pogo, doit, drat
733. glotynn - rute, pogy, yoit, draw
734. geoette - tute, fogy, yoik, braw
735. glotynn - tote, foge, yolk, wraw

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