Prequestionaire for College

Posted by EastCoast on 2006/8/14 7:34:34
This is a prequestionaire that we have everyone fill out so that we will get a better understanding of what he or she is looking for in college.

Student Questionnaire

"Begin your college choice process first by looking at yourself then by looking at schools. Analyzing yourself as a potential college student will help you understand the qualities that will make a college right for you."

Please complete the following questions (notes are just fine) and email or fax them to me one week prior to our appointment

Please send transcripts and test scores prior to our initial appointment.

1. Something I've heard about the college admissions process that scares me is...

2. The one thing that excites me about the college admissions process is...

3. When we talk about college my parents and I disagree about...

4. What I don't want in college is...

5. What I think I want is...

6. My comfort zone about attending college (The country and area I wish to study is?)

7. Educational Consulting can help me by...

8. My parents' stress out about...

9. I'm passionate about...

10. I'm happiest when...

11. I feel vulnerable when...

12. I learn best by...

13. The best past of my high school experience so far has been...

14. The worst past of my high school experience so far has been...

15. A few other things I'd like you to know about me are...

16. Please tell us something unique about you that isn't reflected on your transcript.

Parent Questionnaire
I find it very helpful to get your perspective on your child as we enter into the admissions process. Please complete the following questions (notes are just fine!) and email or fax them to me one week prior to my appointment with your child.

Student’s Full Name:
Parent (s) Name:
Colleges Parents Attended (if appropriate):
Siblings (Ages, schools attending):
Telephone: Home: Office:
Employer (s):
E-mail: Fax Number:
Referred By:

1. My child is passionate about....

2. Defining moments in my child's life have been...

3. What brings out the spark in my child is...

4. My child is most vulnerable when...

5. The best traits of my child are...

6. The most engaged I've seen my child at school is when...

7. Something I've heard about the college process that makes me nervous is...

8. Something I've heard that makes me excited is...

9. Specific colleges I'd like my child to explore are (please also list the reason)...

10. My comfort zone with my child applying to colleges out of the State or Country is?

11. My hope for my child in the college admission process are...

12. Educational Consulting can help by...

13. Something you didn't ask that I'd like you to know is...

14. Are there any religious considerations you'd like us to be aware of when we prepare the college list?

15. Will you be applying for financial aid? Or other financial services.

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