A Partial List Of Things You Should Know About A College

Posted by EastCoast on 2006/8/14 8:22:13
Factors to Consider When Selecting a School

The objective in school selection is to find the best possible match between the needs of the student and the education provided by the school. Each student has a unique set of social needs, interest and learning abilities, and each school offers a unique combination of teaching philosophy, size, curriculum, tuition, and student body composition. Because of the number of factors to be considered, and the difficulty in measuring these factors, the selection process can be a demanding exercise.

We have developed a checklist which many parents find helpful in evaluating schools. The following are examples of the types of questions that should be asked of any potential new school.

School Community

• Do students feel a sense of loyalty and enthusiasm about their school?

• Is the student body homogeneous or diverse in terms of social, ethnic, religious, or national status?

• Do parents play an active role in school affairs?
Administration and Faculty

• What is the background of the head of the school?

• Who are the teachers and what are their credentials?

• Do teachers challenge their students?
Philosophy of Education

• Is there an identifiable philosophy of education?

• What are the education goals of the school?

• Do faculty and students feel that these goals are being met?

Quality and Assurance and Performance

• How is the school accredited?

• How frequently is the school inspected and by what agencies, to insure that proper academic standards are maintained?

• Does the school undergo periodic peer review?
Other Characteristics

• What is the enrollment of the school?

• Is the school in a convenient location?

• Does the school provide transportation and food service?

Tuition, Fees, and Other Costs

• What is the school's tuition?

• Is financial assistance available?

• Are tuition insurance plans available?

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