Re: Japan quake: Exodus from around Fukushima nuclear plant

Posted by SoutheLily on 2011/3/20 11:53:36

Rony wrote:
hi Lily,

thx for the info about volcanos.

rumors like that spread everywhere on net, i guess rumors always have some supporters especially when they r wearing the coat of science.

i dont buy any nuclear test stories, they would choose a spot much more remote than 130kms from its coast. and just a wild guess, this nuclear test story were made up by chinese haha

about salt, i really have no idea how much my neighbor made in just an hour that morning. but those ppl had to doubt their iq just 1 or 2 hours after they bought so many packs of salt which can satisfy their needs in their whole life

dont mention lah, Rony, we pay lots of attention on earthquke since we are also worrying the effects by this big one. It is not so often to have an earthquake here, few days ago, we just hit by a small one, about 4.8. Well, experts said the structures in East Pacific area are changed after this big quake....

hehehehe, about the nuclear test, you are so smart!! Why I hate rumors? Mostly is the totally undesired hatreds it is intended to. Why turn this world into turmoil? I hate these people with special interests. We billions of little people are just their chess for them to play with.

Well, salt crisis should be resolved by now, I hope you didn't run out of it when the salt rush was happening. :)

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