(請教) Word Meaning - Semantics
Posted by civicjai_11 on 2007/6/10 20:15:16
Consider the following list of words, and then answer the questions that follow:
shiny male owner two female passed
solid possession past gas too dull
a. a pair of complementaries
b. a pair of relational opposites
c. a pair of homopnones
d. a pair of gradable opposites
e. two members of a set of multiple complementaries
My answer is :
a. shiny, dull
b. male, female
c. two, too
d. solid, gas
e. owner, possession
Can somebody tell me my answer is it correct???
and i get confuse about complementaries/ relational opposites/ gradable opposites~ casue i think they are similar, please teach me how to differentiate those three~
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