IPA (KK) Tests
Posted by fun on 2006/1/25 20:29:51
The following tst the KK subset symbols of the IPA.
Every symbol is enclosed in "//". Please let me know if any of the symbols cannot be viewed in your browser.
IE does not support those codes well, but Firefox and the like do.
/p/, /b/
/t/, /d/
/k/, /g/
/f/, /v/
/θ/, /�/
/s/, /z/
/ʃ/, /ʒ/
/ʧ/, /ʤ/
/m/, /m̩/
/n/, /n̩/
/i/, / ɪ /
/e/, /ɛ/
/�/, /ɑ/, /ɒ/
/ɔ/, /o/
/ʊ/, /u/
/ɝ/, /ɚ/
/ə/, /ʌ/
/aɪ/, /aʊ/, /ɔɪ/
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