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Tag Questions
Quite a regular
2006/1/21 6:31
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" Isn't John your brother, is he? "

Is the sentence a Tag Question?
I don't think that the sentence is correct, is it?

Posted on: 2008/6/15 10:31
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Re: Tag Questions
Home away from home
2006/1/20 18:03
From Taipei
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附帶問句的主句應是肯定句或否定句, 不會是疑問句. 附帶問句所問的語意與主句相反.

John isn't your brother, is he?

Posted on: 2008/6/15 13:35
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Re: Tag Questions
Quite a regular
2006/1/21 6:31
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1. I'm wrong, _______?

2. I'm not supposed to do so, _______?

3. There's nothing wrong, _______?

4. He's had nothing to worry about lately, _______?

5. I suppose the hijack crisis is ending, _______?

Posted on: 2008/6/17 22:22
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Re: Tag Questions
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16
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1. I'm wrong, aren't I?/ain't I?

2. I'm not supposed to do so, am I?

3. There's nothing wrong, is there?

4. He's had nothing to worry about lately, has he?

5. I suppose the hijack crisis is ending, isn't it?

Above are my final answers. I do learn a lot while searching for them.

Posted on: 2008/6/19 23:36
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Re: Tag Questions
Home away from home
2006/1/20 18:03
From Taipei
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Let me make a try:

1. I'm wrong, aren't I ?
"am not"沒有縮寫, 用aren't 或ain't代替皆可.

2. I'm not supposed to do so, am I ?
be supposed to = should, 所以這題填"should I"亦可.

3. There's nothing wrong, is it ?
這是倒裝句, There不是主詞, nothing才是主詞, nothing是否定語意.

4. He's had nothing to worry about lately, has he ?
He's had = He has had ; nothing是否定語意.

5. I suppose the hijack crisis is ending, isn't it ?
I suppose是外加的, the hijack crisis is ending才是主要語意.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, won't you?

Posted on: 2008/6/20 16:23
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Re: Tag Questions
Quite a regular
2006/1/21 6:31
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Thank you for responding.


3.There's nothing wrong, is there?

5. I suppose the hijack crisis is ending, isn't it ?
(華視教學處 英文文法與修辭.蔡克中編著)

Tag Questions made me dizzy.

Posted on: 2008/6/21 10:09
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Re: Tag questions (amendment made and info added)
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16
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Don't be, Buddy; there are rules to follow.

1) 在肯定的陳述之後用否定疑問式。
e.g. Peter helped you, didn't he?
e.g. Mary was there, wasn't she?
e.g. It is quite warm, isn't it?

2) 在否定的陳述之後用普通的疑問式。
e.g. You didn't see him, did you?
e.g. Ann can't swim, can she?

3) 附加疑問中的否定動詞, 一般都要用縮略形式。
e.g. She ate it all, didn't she?
e.g. He doesn't like fish, does he?
e.g. I'm late, aren't I?

4) 附加疑問的主語要用代詞。
e.g. Mary is coming, isn't she?
e.g. John is a painter, isn't he?

5) 帶"Let's"的附加問句中用助動詞"shall"。
==> [Let's ..., shall we?]
e.g. Let's go, shall we?
e.g. Let's forget it, shall we?
==> **[Let us/me ..., will you?]
e.g. Let us go, will you?
e.g. Let me have a look at that project, will you?

6) 凡見"neither", "(形容詞)no", "none", "no one", "nobody", "nothing", "scarely", "barely", "hardly", "hardly ever", "seldom", "few", "rarely", "little"等詞的陳述句, 都應作否定陳述看待, 後面接一個普通的附加疑問。
e.g. No salt is allowed, is it?
e.g. Nothing was said, was it?
e.g. Peter hardly ever goes to parties, does he?
e.g. That hardly counts, does it?
e.g. Nobody had bothered to plant new ones, had they?

7) 當句子的主語是"anyone", "anybody", "no one" "nobody", "everybody", "everyone", "somebody", "someone", "none" "neither"時, 在附加疑問中可用代詞"they"[常用]/"he"[也可]來替代。
e.g. No one would object, would they?
e.g. Neither of them complained, did they?
e.g. Everyone warned you, didn't they?
e.g. Someone had recognised him, hadn't they?
e.g. Everyone knows his job, doesn't he? (Or, Everyone knows their job, don't they?)

8a) 在一般現在時態的附加疑問中, 用"don't?/doesn't?"形式; 在一般過去時態的附加疑問中, 用"didn't?"形式。
e.g. Edward lives here, does he?
e.g. It doesn't work, does it?
e.g. You found your passport, didn't you?
8b) 在其他各時態之後, 否定的附加疑問中只用助動詞。
e.g. Mary's coming tomorrow, isn't she?
e.g. Peter's heard the news, hasn't he?
e.g. You will stay in touch, won't you?
e.g. I'm controlling it, aren't I?
8c) 縮略形式"'s"相當於"is/has", 而"'d"相當於"had/would"。
e.g. Peter'd written before you phoned, hadn't he?
e.g. You'd better change your wet shoes, hadn't you?
e.g. The boys'd rather go by air, wouldn't they?
e.g. John's born in summer, wasn't he? [Here, "'s"相當於"was"。]

9) 話者陳述自身感受/想法/情況, 並想了解受話人是否有相同見解/感覺時, 則在附加疑問中用"you"。
e.g. I love tea, don't you?
e.g. I feel cold, don't you?

10) 主句中如有"I think/suppose/expect/believe/imagine/fancy"這樣的主謂結構時, 則附加疑問句應重覆從句中的主語。
e.g. I suppose you are not serious, are you?
e.g. I expect you will have a good time there, won't you?
e.g. I don't believe he has finished, has he?

11) 陳述句的主語是"this", "that", "these", "those"時, 則附加疑問句中的主語要分別用"it"或"they"。
e.g. That is your book, isn't it?
e.g. Those are your books, aren't they?

12) 陳述句的主語是"one"時, 附加疑問句的主語當用"one"[英式英語], 或用"he"[美式英語]。
e.g. One can't be too careful, can one?/can he?

13a) 推測已發生的情況時, 若陳述句有"must have (done)", 並有表示過去的時間狀語, 問句部分用"didn't"; 若没有過去的時間狀語, 問句部分則用"haven't"或"hasn't"。
e.g. They must have gone there last night, didn't they?
e.g. They must have arrived by now, haven't they? (根據"by now"來判斷)
e.g. They must have been to the Great Wall, haven't they?
13b) 被動時, 則按被動結構來處理。
e.g. The room must have been cleaned yesterday, wasn't it?
e.g. The room must have been cleaned, hasn't it?

Extra info:
==> "used to"後, 用"did"(didn't)/"used"(usedn't)
e.g. They used to write to you, didn't they?
e.g. There used to be a cinema here, usedn't there?

==> "I wish"後, 可用"may"
e.g. I wish to have a rest now, may I?


Posted on: 2008/6/21 16:33
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Re: Tag Questions
Quite a regular
2006/1/27 17:05
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1. Nancy has few friends, ____________?

2. Alice will in no way trust you anymore, ____________?

3. Please don’t close the window, ____________?

4. Let me do it myself, ____________?

5. Let us do what we want, ____________?

6. Let’s have come ice cream, ____________?

7. Let’s not go to the park, ____________?

8. Let’s not watch TV, ____________?

9. Have a cup of tea, ____________?

10. He must have been a fool, ____________?

11. You must have failed in the exam, ____________?

12. Studying English is useful, ____________?

Posted on: 2008/6/22 16:05
本僧人法號:「一知半覺」, 請多指教!
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Re: Tag Questions
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16
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Hi, dog-legged, why don't you try tackling them first? Perhaps you can get them all correct.

Posted on: 2008/6/23 19:45
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Re: Tag Questions
Quite a regular
2006/1/21 6:31
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Come on! dog-legged, It's not rocket science or brain surgery, is it?

Posted on: 2008/6/25 23:42
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