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世界十大幸福國家新出爐:丹麥、挪威…The 10 Happiest Countries in the World
Home away from home
2006/1/22 14:46
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The 10 Happiest Countries in the World

Thailand 36名
Singapore 30名
South Korea 41名
Taiwan 42名
Japan 43名

資料來源: 2013/9 United Nations World Happiness Report




The second United Nations World Happiness Report provides a snapshot, both ranking countries for happiness and (A)delving into the factors that promote and hinder happiness. This year's report finds that Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Sweden are the happiest countries, while the United States ranks 17th out of 156 countries. A string of African countries are at the bottom of the list, including Togo, Benin, and Burundi--along with some other countries, like Bulgaria (144th place) and Georgia (134th).


The report (1)ranks the countries across six categories: GDP per head, healthy life expectancy, "having someone to count on," "perceived freedom to make life choices," (2)freedom from corruption, and (B)prevalence of generosity. Each country gets a score out of 10, with Denmark achieving 7.7, and the average being 5.1. Togo, at the bottom, has 2.9.
這份報告依六大範疇進行評估: 人均GDP、國民壽命、「有可倚靠對象」、「感到有選擇生活的自由」、免於貪腐、以及慷慨度。滿分10分,丹麥獲得7.7分,平均得分是5.1,墊底的多哥則是2.9分。


The U.N. published a similar study last year, covering the years between 2005 to 2011; the (C)latest report looks at 2010 to 2012. The good news: happiness has improved in 60 out of 130 countries. The bad news: it has worsened in 41 (some couldn't be compared from last time). The United States had a slight decline in its happiness number (minus 0.283)--about the same fall as Japan, Hungary, and Finland. Egypt and Greece saw the biggest drops of all, presumably because of political unrest in Egypt and economic woes in Greece.


Happiness gains were most common in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. Two-thirds of South Asian countries experienced decreases. Europe was split: six of 17 countries had increases, but seven had decreases (including Portugal, Italy, Spain, and Greece, which were hit by the financial crisis). Happiness was down in much of the Middle East and North Africa.
幸福感提升最多的國家在非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南和中南美洲。三分之二的南亞國家幸福感降低。歐洲狀況兩極: 17個國家中,6個國家幸福感提高,7個國家下降(包括葡萄牙、義大利、西班牙、希臘這些面臨金融危機的國家)。中東與北非的幸福感普遍低。


The report postulates that happiness is desirable not only as an end goal but also because it has beneficial side-effects—(3)namely, that happier citizens are more productive, live longer, earn more, and contribute more to society. For that reason, the authors write, governments should invest as much in mental health and public services as they do in promoting economic growth.
這份報告認為,追求幸福的原因不只因為這是一個終極目標,也是為了有益的副作用:也就是說,幸福的國民生產力比較高,較長壽,賺得更多,也能對社會做出更多貢獻。因此政府在心理健康與公共服務方面的投資,應該與促進經濟成長的投資相等。(資料來源: fastcompany)

Posted on: 2013/10/16 13:39
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Re: 世界十大幸福國家新出爐:丹麥、挪威…The 10 Happiest Countries in the World
Home away from home
2013/8/16 18:21
From Hungary
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I read this survey before. This is - as I use these terms - definitely not about "happiness". The agents above may describe satisfaction.
Anyway, it is quite a "populist" approach: anyone who spends an evening in the North, say in Sweden and in the South, say in Greece, can observe people: no one would ever state Swedes are happier than the Greek.

Posted on: 2013/10/16 18:45
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Re: 世界十大幸福國家新出爐:丹麥、挪威…The 10 Happiest Countries in the World
Home away from home
2006/1/22 14:46
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So TRUE!!!

Northern Europeans v.s. Southern Europens.....


montanius wrote:
I read this survey before. This is - as I use these terms - definitely not about "happiness". The agents above may describe satisfaction.
Anyway, it is quite a "populist" approach: anyone who spends an evening in the North, say in Sweden and in the South, say in Greece, can observe people: no one would ever state Swedes are happier than the Greek.

Posted on: 2013/10/17 18:15
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2013/11/7 13:26
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SoutheLily wrote:
So TRUE!!!

Northern Europeans v.s. Southern Europens.....


montanius wrote:
I read this survey before. This is - as I use these terms - definitely not about "happiness". The agents above may describe satisfaction.
Anyway, it is quite a "populist" approach: anyone who spends an evening in the North, say in Sweden and in the South, say in Greece, can observe people: no one would ever state Swedes are happier than the Greek.

Posted on: 2013/11/7 14:56
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