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No matter where you happen to be on 1 April, don’t be surprised if jokes fall playfully on you on this ALL FOOLS’ DAY.

In the beginning, All Fools' Day, was said to have begun in the 16th century in France. In 1582. King Charles Maximilien IX of the Valois Dynasty introduced the Gregorian Calendar and the New Year’s Week was moved from 25th March ~ 1st April to 1 January.

Because communication travelled very slowly those days, people were only informed of the change years later. Of course there were those who were more rebellious that refused to acknowledge the change and continued to celebrate on the last day of the former celebration, which falls on 1 April. These people were labelled "FOOLS" by the general populace. Subject to ridicule, they were sent on ‘fool errands’; being sent invitations to nonexistent parties, and had other cynical jokes played on them. These pranks became known as "April fish" because it seemed then that a young and naive fish was easily caught. It was also a common practice to hook a paper fish on the butt of someone as a joke.

Over time, the custom of prank-playing continued on the first day of April. This tradition eventually spread to Britain and Scotland in the 18th century and was introduced to the American colonies by the English and the French. Because of this spread, April Fool's Day has taken on an international flavour with each country celebrating the holiday in its own style.

The Scots call it Taily Day where a “Kick Me” sign called April 'Gowk' a.k.a. cuckoo bird is hooked to the butt of a person. The origin of the "Kick Me" sign can be traced back to the Scottish observance.

The Brits play jokes only in the morning on Gobs. A victim of a joke is called a 'noodle.' It is considered back luck to play a practical joke on someone after noon.

The Italians call the ‘holiday’ Festival of Hilaria. It is also referred to as "Roman Laughing Day."

The Portuguese decide that April Fool's Day falls on the Sunday and Monday before lent. In this celebration, many people throw flour at their friends.

Posted on: 2007/3/31 16:55
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Just popping in
2006/10/30 20:44
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I didn`t know until read your passage.As far as i`m cocerned,there are more and more diversities of festivals coming into our life from west.
but ironically ,we even unknow the reason why we celebrate on the festival. it`s imaginary that the mistake in the 16th in France would lead to so enormous change in the world.
thanks the author.we are sincerely hoping more messages.

Posted on: 2007/4/3 18:56
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Home away from home
2006/1/17 19:32
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Hello jester:
Welcome here.
Have you fooled on April 1?

April 1 In sixteenth-century France, the start of the new year was observed on April first. It was celebrated in much the same way as it is today with parties and dancing into the late hours of the night. Then in 1562, Pope Gregory introduced a new calendar for the Christian world, and the new year fell on January first. There were some people, however, who hadn't heard or didn't believe the change in the date, so they continued to celebrate New Year's Day on April first. Others played tricks on them and called them April fools. In France today, April first is called Poisson d'Avril. French children fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends' backs. When the young fool discovers this trick, the prankster yells Poisson d'Avril!
愚人节16 世纪的时候,法国人是在4月1号庆祝新年的。他们那时候过新年的方法和我们现在几乎一样,人们设宴、跳舞直到深夜。到了1562年,教皇格里高利颁布了基督教新历,按照新历,新年这一天改到了1月1号。但是,有些人没能听说或者听说了但不相信新年改天了。他们还是按照老习惯在4月1号这天过年。其他人就拿他们开玩笑,把他们叫做“愚人”。如今,法国人把愚人节叫做“上钩的鱼”。法国孩子会在朋友的背上贴一条鱼,以此来戏弄别人。当那个受骗上当的小朋友发现以后,开玩笑的人就大叫“上钩的鱼儿”!

Today Americans play small tricks on friends and strangers alike on the first of April. One common trick on April Fool's Day, or All Fool's Day, is pointing down to a friend's shoe and saying, Your shoelace is untied. School children might tell a classmate that school has been canceled. Whatever the trick, if the innocent victim falls for the joke the prankster yells, April Fool!

Most April Fool jokes are in good fun and not meant to harm anyone. The most clever April Fool joke is the one where everyone laughs, especially the person upon whom the joke is played.American humorist Mark Twainthe has siad that the first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year.

Posted on: 2007/4/3 19:56
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