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Home away from home
2006/1/24 11:34
From United States
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Posts: 682
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EXP : 75

I pledge that I have the desire of a education,
I pledge that I will always try to do my best to understand,
If not I will ask what, when, where or why, so that I will understand.

I know the importance of knowledge and of the education I receive.
Helping me paint a picture in my mind of our past, present and future,
These things I need to know for my future
I pledge that I will not let anyone or anything to stop my growth
I will fight; and work hard to attain that which I must know.
I pledge to seek the answer to the questions put before me by my teachers.
Seeking those answers with all that I have within me,
Knowing that the hard work and study today will bring me the knowledge I will need tomorrow.

I pledge to learn from those who teach me,
I pledge to learn all that I can.

I pledge to study with the awareness and confidence that my working hard today
Will bring me the knowledge for my tomorrows,
I pledge to gain a better understanding of myself and those that surround me
By understanding our cultural roots, to understand that I am a human being,
Living in a world of many cultures,
I promise to learn,
To develop,
To understand,
All that surrounds me,
Today, tomorrow and in the future,

I pledge to have a healthy mind and body
Staying away from that which can harm me,
I will stay away from the evil of alcohol and drugs that can ruin me,
I will stay away from those who will pull me down.

I pledge to learn for my future and the future of my family.


I am not a student but I still can remember what should have been important to me as I went to school, I can remember that I studied hard and I went to many parties that I should not have gone to when I should have been back at the dorm studying for a test. I have to admit that I did not do what I should have done, and looking back I whish I had done. I can say though that when I graduated I was within the top of my class and had good grades but if I had studied more I would have achieved so much more in school.

I am still learning day by day new things because I love to learn and I wish to grow inside and to better myself for my tomorrows.

Posted on: 2006/2/2 11:19
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