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Re: 君子與 小人 – 第一集 之打小人 ~~ THE GENTLEMAN AND THE VILLAIN – Part I – Beat-up The Villain |
Happy New Year too ... Cyber World is a place where the truths are sometimes lies and vice versa. So long as one does not harm or injure others, or has no evil intentions, let him/her be of any religion. It doesn't really matter. Don't take it too seriously, lady. Everyone lies at one point or another, so those who hate liars love themselves and hate the world ... And in this statement of yours ... "in "beat-up the villain"...will it work better if you have a picture of them...?" I believe in this ... 平時不作虧心事 、半夜敲門心不驚! So let the lecher and his stooges worry about things ba. The conspiracy is beginning to unfold ...
Posted on: 2009/2/5 11:14
Re: 君子與小人 – 第三集之打小人程序 ~~ THE VILLAIN – Part III – Procedure For Beating Up The Villain |
小人 – 打小人程序第三集
THE VILLAIN – Part III – Procedure For Beating Up The Villain (這中文部分摘錄自中文網站) (This article is a translation from a Chinese text obtained from the internet as seen below. Every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy.) The concept, ‘beat-up the villain’ is to disencumber the evil, wicked and vicious element. So, how do we beat-up a villain? This how it is done! 觀念中‘打小人’是指擺脫陰邪的壞人。 我們怎樣打小人呢? CEREMONY The purpose of the ritual is viewed initially as the prevention of a destructive sorcery, and later simulated and blend to ward off such zeal for a heinous act. 儀式 打小人就其目的而言可分為事前預防的消極性巫術與針對特定人士的積極性巫術,而後加強且混合去擋住惡行。 COMMISSIONING OF MEDIUM A client commissions a specific medium (拜神婆或喃嘸佬) to perform the ritual. The medium would use writing paper cut into a human image; blank or with written personal particulars of the specific person to be beaten. Wooden clogs or other items are used to thrash the paper image to achieve the purpose of what is intended for of the client. The entire beating up process can be divided into eight parts: 委任靈媒 委託特定的靈媒,拜神婆或喃嘸佬 利用剪成人型的紙,紙上則視需求書寫特定人士資料或不寫任何資料,再利用木屐或其它物品來毆打紙張以達到委託者之目的。 整個打小人儀式可分為八個部分: 1. RESPECT TO DEITY Show of respect to the deity by burning simple incense papers and joss sticks to worship the Gods of Heaven and Earth. 1. 奉神 利用簡單的香燭供奉天地神明。 2. REPORTING Write the client's name, date of birth and the eight characteristics of a horoscope on the ‘百解靈符’ (literally - the multiple denizen dispel tally). When all is set, the medium will write the specific villain’s name, date of birth and the eight characteristics of a horoscope on the paper human image; or a photograph or any other personal effects, including words in writing of the villain to be either placed or written on the paper image. 2. 稟告 將委託人之姓名、生辰八字等寫在百解靈符上。 若欲打特定小人,則將特定小人之姓名、生辰八字、照片、衣物等可以代表特定小人身份之物,包括白紙黑字的留言, 書寫或放置於小人紙上。 3. BEATING UP THE VILLAIN The medium uses symbolic objects such as the client’s or his own clogs, religious weapons such as joss sticks or even cigarettes etcetera to assault and injure the villain who is represented by the paper image, differentiated by paper images of the villain; man; woman; and the Five Devils (五鬼紙) 3. 打小人 利用各種象徵物如委託者或施術者之木屐、宗教象徵武器甚至是香枝或香煙等,毆打、傷害小人紙。 小人紙分為小人紙、男人丁、女人丁、五鬼紙等。 4. SACRIFICIAL OF THE ‘EVIL WHITE TIGER’ If the beating of a villain is chosen during the period of the ’Awaking of Insects’ (驚蟄), the ceremony of ‘sacrificial offer to the Evil White Tiger (祭白虎星君) ‘must be observed at the same time. A yellow colored piece of paper cut to the image of a tiger and painted with strips of black, and the two corners of its mouth painted with a pair of sharp protruding teeth, is used. Generally, the sacrificial offer entails the use of a lump of pork dipped in pig’s blood and is placed at the Evil White Tiger’s mouth. The idea being, the Evil White Tiger is well fed and would do no further harm to others. The medium would also use lard to smear on the Evil White Tiger’s mouth making it sticky so that it cannot open its mouth to injure others. In certain places, the Evil White Tiger is destroyed after the sacrificial offer either by fire or beheaded with a bronze sword. 4. 祭白虎 若在 ’驚蟄’ 日打小人則須 ’祭白虎’。 以黃色的紙老虎代表白虎,紙身畫有黑色斑紋,口角則畫有一對獠牙。祭祀一般是使用小塊生豬肉沾上豬血,放入紙製白虎口中(餵紙老虎),當老虎吃飽後便不會再傷害人。而拜神婆亦會以肥膩的生豬肉抹在紙老虎的嘴上,使紙老虎口中充滿油水,使其不能再張口傷人。有些地方祭完白虎之後會將紙製白虎燒掉或用銅劍將紙製白虎的頭切掉。 5. RECONCILIATION To dispel all vilifications, calamity and disasters, the scattering of sesame seeds and other beans, or the burning of paper boat, and the use of ‘the multiple denizen dispel tally’ (百解靈符) are observed. 5. 化解 用撒芝麻、豆子等小物體或燒紙船、百解靈符等,將一切污衊、災害等化解。 6. BLESSINGS The client prays by using a red colored piece of paper, cut to the image of a noble person to obtain the effect of one who would render help to the client in times of need. 6. 祈福 以紅色[紙, 剪成人形表示貴人,希望能得到貴人幫助。 7. OFFERINGS Paper shaped bullions, and gold and silver incense papers are burned to worship the supernatural beings. 7. 進寶 將紙元寶、金, 銀紙等焚化供奉鬼神。 8. CASTING DIVINATION BLOCKS Two crescent-shaped objects made of timber (originally made of bamboo) are used for the ‘casting of divination blocks’. These blocks are designed with a flat base, and a convex top. The pair of blocks thrown out to form what Christians called ‘THE HOLY GRAIL completes the procedure. There are three possible permutations formed when the blocks are thrown out: a) both blocks landing on the base is construed as a ‘yang’ combination (陽杯). b) both blocks resting on the convex sides symbolize a ‘ying’ combination (陰杯). c) The outcome of one landing on its base and the other on its convex side completes the ‘casting ceremony’, and is called the ‘sacred combination’ (聖杯). Please check the following link and the Taipei, Wan Shan, long Shan temple video clip for explanation and demonstration of the ‘casting of divination blocks’. 8. 擲筊 將兩個半月形,一面平坦、一面向外彎出的木塊(原來竹條造的)擲出。兩塊平坦向上則為 ’陽’ 杯,向下則為 ’陰’ 杯,一下一上為 ’聖’ 杯。出現聖杯表示儀式完成。 (請參考下面網頁的擲筊圖片及臺北, 萬華, 龍山寺擲筊實況的錄影短片)
Posted on: 2009/2/9 21:08
Re: 君子與小人 – 總結 ~~ THE VILLAIN – Summary |
Dear Readers:
THE VILLAIN - Summary This thread reminds us of one of Confucius' analects … "Do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you." It is all about behavioral principles. The key element is that a person attempting to live by this rule treats all people with consideration. It covers a wide range of world cultures, and is a standard to which different cultures use to resolve conflicts. It encompasses the ethics of one's rights to just treatment, and a responsibility to ensure justice for others based on trust and community. So, treat others with respect, compassion and affection, and be repaid the same in return. 小人 – 總結 大家好: 這短文讓人想起孔子所說的 '己所不欲,勿施於人'。 這是人類行為的準則。 重點是, 一個人若要遵守這道理,應當對所有的人關心。 它適用於世界各地不同的文化,而且是一個解決不同文化衝突的標準。 這說明了一個人有 "被公正對待的權利" 的倫理準則; 以及根據 "信任" 及 "團體生活" 的原則, 去確保公正對待他人的責任。 因此,尊敬他人、具有同情心及愛心,定會有同樣的回報。 EPILOG Actually, one who is adept in elaborate calculations and spends time on wicked tricks and ploys will eventually find his/her mental efforts on devious and irresponsible schemes go down the drain. A Chinese poetry written during the Song Dynasty has this to say: "A cheerful shepherd boy, riding on an ox, blowing a sonorous tune with his flute can be heard in the distant paddy field. Merchants of Chang An scheming to get rich and famous do not enjoy a carefree life as the shepherd boy does" ….. It's like saying … Heaven weighs humankind's wishes and decides what bona-fide wishes are granted. 結束語 其實善於精心計算,用盡所有精巧的計謀、費盡心機卻也是白忙一場。 宋朝有一首詩說: "騎牛遠遠過前村 、短笛橫吹隔壟聞。 多少長安名利客 、機關用盡不如君。" ..... 相等於 ... 謀事在人 、成事在天!
Posted on: 2009/2/13 11:36
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