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Japan quake: Exodus from around Fukushima nuclear plant
Home away from home
2006/1/22 14:46
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What a tragedy happening in Japan, now the worse is coming....

How I HATE high tech......


Be sure to use unbrella+hat+mask when you go out in these coming couple of days. Raincoat is also good to protect yourself. In other words, wrap yourself well, make it just like a parcel ready to get sent.

!!!! if you MUST GO outdoors!!!!


quoted from BBC News--
" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-12720219 "

Japan quake: Exodus from around Fukushima nuclear plant
13 March 11 02:07 GMT

An estimated 170,000 people have been evacuated from the area around a quake-damaged nuclear power station in north-east Japan that was hit by an explosion, the UN atomic watchdog says.

A building housing a reactor was destroyed in Saturday's blast but the reactor is said to be intact.

Staff are now trying to cool another damaged reactor but radiation has risen above safety limits, reports say.

Friday's quake and tsunami are thought to have left more than 1,000 dead.

The authorities are stepping up relief efforts as the scale of the tragedy becomes clear.

Officials announced that the number of troops helping with rescue work in the region would be doubled to 100,000.

'Minimal radiation'

The Japanese government has sought to play down fears of a meltdown at Fukushima 1, saying that radiation levels around the stricken plant have now fallen.

But on Sunday morning, Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) revealed that the cooling system of another reactor had failed.

Government spokesman Yukio Edano said air with some radioactive content was being released to help to cool it.

"We believe that we can stabilise the situation of the reactor," he said.

"And although the air being vented out does contain some minimal radioactive material, however, we believe that it is a minimal level that does not affect human health."

Later Kyodo news agency quoted Tepco as saying radiation levels around the plant had risen above permissable limits.

The company added that this did not necessarily mean a threat to human health.

Technicians performed a similar operation on the first reactor at Fukushima 1 hours before the explosion that wrecked the building it was housed in.

Meanwhile, Tepco said at least 15 people at a nearby hospital were found to have been exposed to radioactivity.

And the firm also confirmed that four of its workers were injured in Saturday's explosion, but that their injuries were not life-threatening.

The Japanese government doubled the size of the evacuation zone around Fukushima 1 to 20km (12.4 miles) after the blast.

The government has urged local people to remain calm and is preparing to distribute iodine to anyone affected.

The UN's nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said in a statement: "In the 20km radius around Fukushima Daiichi [No. 1], an estimated 170,000 people have been evacuated.

"In the 10-kilometre radius around Fukushima Daini [No. 2] an estimated 30,000 people have been evacuated. Full evacuation measures have not been completed."

Scenes of devastation

The tsunami that followed the 8.9-magnitude earthquake wreaked havoc along a huge stretch of on Japan's north-east coast, sweeping far inland and devastating a number of towns and villages. Powerful aftershocks are continuing to hit the region.

The BBC's Damian Grammaticas in the coastal city of Sendai says the scenes of devastation are astonishing.

He says giant shipping containers have been swept inland and smashed against buildings, and fires are still burning close to the harbour.

Police said between 200 and 300 bodies were found in just one ward of the city.

The town of Rikuzentakada, Iwate prefecture, was almost completely submerged. Japanese broadcaster NHK reported that soldiers had found hundreds of bodies there.

NHK reports that in the port of Minamisanriku, Miyagi, the authorities say that about 7,500 people were evacuated to 25 shelters after Friday's quake but they have been unable to contact the town's other 10,000 inhabitants.

A local official in the town of Futaba said more than 90% of the houses in three coastal communities had been washed away by the tsunami.

"The tsunami was unbelievably fast," said Koichi Takairin, a 34-year-old truck driver who was inside his four-ton rig when the wave hit Sendai.

"Smaller cars were being swept around me. All I could do was sit in my truck."

More than 215,000 people are said to be living in 1,350 temporary shelters in five prefectures.

International disaster relief teams are being sent to Japan, with the UN helping to co-ordinate the operation.

President Barack Obama has pledged US assistance. One US aircraft carrier that was already in Japan will help with rescue and relief efforts, and a second is on its way.

Japan's worst previous earthquake was of 8.3 magnitude and killed 143,000 people in Kanto in 1923. A magnitude 7.2 quake in Kobe killed 6,400 people in 1995.

Posted on: 2011/3/13 11:17
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Re: Japan quake: Exodus from around Fukushima nuclear plant
Home away from home
2006/1/17 19:32
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Thanks lily's information about "umbrella+hat+mask".
Pray for Japanese, too.

Posted on: 2011/3/13 20:23
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Re: Japan quake: Exodus from around Fukushima nuclear plant
Just can't stay away
2008/5/30 23:05
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The unclear power plant be damaged by huge earthquake that intensify the tragedy in Japan.
As regards the blackest catastrophe , I hope God bless them .
Also , I give my honest condolence to all victim.


Posted on: 2011/3/14 8:12
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Re: Japan quake: Exodus from around Fukushima nuclear plant
Home away from home
2006/1/22 14:46
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No need to panic, but facts are there:

(1) using sea water to cool it off, which means the sea water is contaminated .....

(2) the vapor is going to the air ......

(3) the explosion this morning .....

but, luckily, the wind is not coming towards to our direction.

Anyway, let's pray for Japan. May God gives peace to who were deceases and give those who survived courages to continue.

yeah, Cloud, what a tragedy there, and it is on going .....

Let every one of us pray to God, dont let it get worse.

Posted on: 2011/3/14 11:45
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Re: Japan quake: Exodus from around Fukushima nuclear plant
Just can't stay away
2008/1/29 19:49
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May God bless Japanese

Posted on: 2011/3/14 20:27
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Re: Japan quake: Exodus from around Fukushima nuclear plant
Home away from home
2006/4/28 13:55
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thats too bad, quake+tsunami+nuclear,could it be any worse?

Posted on: 2011/3/14 23:36
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Re: Japan quake: Exodus from around Fukushima nuclear plant
Home away from home
2006/1/22 14:46
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Hi Rony,

You left out 'volcanos'

Regardless what's to come, lets pray hard but leave it to God. It is all in His hands.

Posted on: 2011/3/15 11:21
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Re: Japan quake: Exodus from around Fukushima nuclear plant
Home away from home
2006/4/28 13:55
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oh Lily, i dont see volcanos on tv, r they submarine? if thats true then it proves the saying again

no worst, but worse

Posted on: 2011/3/18 22:42
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Re: Japan quake: Exodus from around Fukushima nuclear plant
Home away from home
2006/1/22 14:46
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Hi Rony:

Only yesterday, TV news said Fuji Mountain富士山 may get awaken by these more than 800 quakes after the big one.

And, the 'volcanos', Shinmoedake新燃岳火山 shot out smoke over 4000 meters high 4 days ago. This area still has many strong earthquake almost daily.

The worst is the rumors ciculating. An email I got this morning saying the earthquake is caused by the nuclear test by Japan which is consented by USA, give me a break!!! Japanese so stupid and ran a nuclear test under the sea?

And other stories came with the email, accusing the death of Chinese in Japan quke關東大地震 in 1923, the pdf says Japan practise on them to prepare for the invasion to Korea while the invasion was in 1910, ... again, I see only brainwash purpose, after all, how many is clear of the history especially the text books may full of propaganda. Enen some might get on internet to check, but the story so conflicting, ....

and other attachments, same, brain wash stuffs, sophisticate lies

I can only pray, May God bless human beings.....

Well, I can still buy salt at regulator price here in Taiwan. I call this "luck"

How is the salt supply in your area?

Posted on: 2011/3/19 11:36
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Re: Japan quake: Exodus from around Fukushima nuclear plant
Home away from home
2006/4/28 13:55
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hi Lily,

thx for the info about volcanos.

rumors like that spread everywhere on net, i guess rumors always have some supporters especially when they r wearing the coat of science.

i dont buy any nuclear test stories, they would choose a spot much more remote than 130kms from its coast. and just a wild guess, this nuclear test story were made up by chinese haha

about salt, i really have no idea how much my neighbor made in just an hour that morning. but those ppl had to doubt their iq just 1 or 2 hours after they bought so many packs of salt which can satisfy their needs in their whole life

Posted on: 2011/3/19 22:26
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