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The Wheel of Life 天使走過人間 |
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2006/6/29 22:52 Group:
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The Wheel of Life: A Memoir of Living and Dying by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
真正能夠幫助你成長的老師,並不一定是學術界或宗教界的大宗師;兒童、臨終病人和清潔女工,也能夠啟發你,促使你的心智成長。人與人之間坦誠相待,互吐心聲,比全世界任何學術理論或科學知識,更能幫助我們成長。 人世無常,早晚每個人都必須面對挫折和考驗;我們就是這樣學習、這樣成長的。有些人一生下來就面對考驗;他們是最特別的一種人,他們需要更多的照顧和關愛。他們的存在提醒我們:人生的唯一目的是「愛」。 摘錄自《天使走過人間》 Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D. (July 8, 1926 – August 24, 2004) was a Swiss American psychiatrist, a pioneer in Near-death studies and the author of the groundbreaking book On Death and Dying (1969), where she first discussed what is now known as the Kübler-Ross model. She is a 2007 inductee into the American National Women's Hall of Fame. She was the recipient of twenty honorary degrees and by July 1982 had taught, in her estimation, 125,000 students in death and dying courses in colleges, seminaries, medical schools, hospitals, and social-work institutions. In 1970, she delivered the The Ingersoll Lectures on Human Immortality at Harvard University, on the theme, On Death and Dying.
Posted on: 2012/4/6 23:57
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