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Excuse Me , I'm Sorry
Home away from home
2006/1/17 19:32
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Hello all friends:

What is the different between Excuse Me and I'm Sorry?
Thank you !!
"Excuse me." 這句話美國人比英國人更常用,說這句話的一方若是不止一個人的場合,可說成 "Excuse us." 。英國式的說法更常使用 "Pardon." 或 "Sorry." 等字眼。此語主要用於以下場合:
(1) 攀談的時候:

A: Excuse me, is this your book?
B: Yes, it is.

(2) 中途退席的時候:
A: Excuse me for a moment.
B: Sure.

(3) 請別人讓路的時候:
A: Excuse me, can I just get past?
B: Certainly.
(4) 輕度冒犯到別人時 (如踩到或碰觸到人、打嗝或打噴嚏):
A: Ouch!
B: Excuse me, I didn't see you.
A: Never mind.
(5) 要表示異議時
A: "She is a good student."
B: "Excuse me, but that's not true."
(6) 沒聽懂對方的話時 (使用上升調)
英國式用法大多用 "Pardon?" 或 "I beg your pardon?"
A: "What time is it?"
B: "Excuse me?"
A: "I asked you what time it is."

source from:

Posted on: 2007/3/8 13:57
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Re: Excuse Me , I'm Sorry
Not too shy to talk
2007/3/12 21:32
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u have reply it yourself,
excuse me 有时也不用翻译成 "对不起"吧,I GUESS

Posted on: 2007/3/18 22:09
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