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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16
Registered Users
Posts: 1416
Level : 32
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MP : 472 / 41624
EXP : 28
826. futari - bouk, mork, qada, baru
827. geoette - boud, mors, qadi, zaru
828. glotynn - loud, mora, qadr, zafu
829. futari - loid, gora, sadr, zaju
830. glotynn - loir, gorf, sabr, caju
831. geoette - lour, gort, sabz, caja
832. futari - gour, gont, satz, cava
833. geoette - your, hont, batz, java
834. glotynn - youg, kont, catz, kava
835. menquart - joug, ront, cath, tava
836. geoette - jouk, runt, caph, taxa
837. glotynn - joik, rune, caps, toxa
838. geoette - joie, runs, caas, toga
839. futari - jote, russ, paas, tota
840. geoette - sote, ruse, paan, tosa
841. futari - sope, rusa, paar, tose
842. geoette - sipe, ruta, pair, toke
843. glotynn - supe, ruth, dair, roke
844. geoette - pupe, ryth, vair, roky
845. menquart - pume, rath, zair, rory
846. futari - pumi, ratu, zaar, lory
847. geoette - gumi, rayu, haar, logy
848. glotynn - lumi, layu, maar, dogy
849. geoette - sumi, layt, maad, dogs
850. glotynn - sufi, lart, mrad, digs
851. futari - sofi, lare, urad, dibs
852. geoette - sori, lawe, urao, dips
853. futari - siri, dawe, ural, rips
854. glotynn - sidi, diwe, udal, ripe
855. geoette - sida, dide, odal, rine
856. futari - soda, dido, odax, rink
857. geoette - coda, fido, olax, zink
858. glotynn - coca, fino, klax, fink
859. geoette - coco, finn, klan, oink
860. futari - cuco, "fink", klaf, kink ==> alter to "fian"


Posted on: 2007/10/19 21:16
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Re: wanna add the next word?
2006/1/16 17:41
From Taipei, 大羅天
Registered Users
Posts: 1767
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EXP : 24
New alphabetized list for lines 1 to 850.


abed, aber, abet, abib, abir, abit, abiu, abut, acar, acer, ache, achy, acid, acut, adar, adat, adda, adha, adin, adit, aeae, aeon, afar, agar, aged, agee, agen, agin, agon, ahem, ahum, aide, aidi, aids, aiel, aira, aire, airs, airt, airy, ajam, ajar, ajax, akha, akia, akin, alae, alal, alan, alar, alas, alee, alef, alen, alew, alie, alif, alim, alit, alod, aloe, aloo, alow, alum, amae, amah, amen, amia, amic, amid, amir, amon, anan, anas, anax, anew, anon, anus, apar, aper, apob, apod, apus, arak, arca, arch, arco, area, areg, arew, aria, arid, aril, arit, arna, arsh, arth, arty, arum, arya, aryk, aryl, ashy, asty, atar, atef, ates, atob, atof, atoi, atom, atop, auge, aula, aulu, aunt, aura, auwa, aver, aves, avid, avie, avis, awit, axel, axes, axia, axyl, ayah, ayan, ayat, ayel, ayen, ayin, azan, azon, baba, babe, babi, babu, baby, bace, bach, back, bade, bado, bael, baff, baga, bagh, bail, bain, bait, bake, bala, bald, bale, balk, ball, balm, band, bane, bang, bank, barb, bard, bare, barf, bark, barm, barn, bars, baru, base, bash, bask, bass, bast, bata, bate, bath, bats, batt, batz, baud, bawd, bawl, bawn, bawu, baya, bays, bayt, bead, beak, beal, beam, bean, bear, beat, beau, beck, bede, beef, beel, been, beep, beer, beet, belk, bell, belt, bend, bene, berg, berk, berm, best, beta, bete, beth, bhat, bice, bide, bidi, bier, biff, biga, bike, bikh, bile, bill, bima, bina, bind, bine, bing, bink, bint, bion, biot, bird, birk, birl, birn, biro, birt, bise, bish, bisk, bite, bito, bize, blaa, blab, blae, blah, blan, blat, blau, blaw, blay, blea, bleb, bled, blee, blet, bleu, blew, blin, blip, blit, blob, blog, blot, blow, blue, boak, boar, boat, boce, bock, bode, bodo, body, boer, boff, bogy, boil, boke, boku, bola, bold, bole, boll, boln, bolo, bolt, boma, bond, bone, bong, bonk, bont, bont, bony, book, bool, boom, boon, boor, boot, bora, bord, bore, bork, born, bort, bosa, bosh, bosk, boss, bota, bote, both, boud, bouk, boun, bour, bout, bowl, boza, bozo, brad, brae, brag, brak, bran, brat, braw, bray, bred, bred, bree, bren, bret, brew, brie, bril, brim, brio, bris, brit, broa, brob, brog, brot, brow, bual, buat, bubo, buck, budo, budu, buff, bufo, buga, buhe, buhl, buhr, buka, buke, bulk, bull, bulu, bump, buna, bund, bung, bunk, buno, bunt, bura, burb, bure, burg, burh, burl, burn, burr, burt, buru, bury, bush, busk, buss, bust, busy, buta, butt, buza, buzz, byer, byon, byor, byou, byte, caas, caca, cack, caco, cade, cadi, cady, caff, cage, cagy, caid, caja, caju, cake, caky, cala, cale, calf, cali, calk, call, calm, calp, calx, cama, came, camp, cana, cand, cane, cang, cant, cany, cape, caph, capo, caps, carb, card, care, carf, cark, carn, carp, carr, cart, case, cash, cask, cass, cast, cate, cath, catz, cauf, cauk, cava, cave, cavy, cawk, cede, cedi, ceil, cell, celo, celt, cent, cerd, cere, cero, cess, cest, chab, cham, chap, char, chat, chaw, chef, chem, chen, ches, chet, chew, chez, chia, chic, chin, chip, chit, chon, chop, chow, chub, chum, cill, cima, cine, cion, circ, cire, cirl, cite, city, cive, cize, clad, clam, clan, clap, claw, clay, clee, clef, clew, clip, clit, clod, clog, clop, clot, cloy, clue, coag, coak, coal, coap, coat, coax, cock, code, coil, coin, coit, coit, coke, cola, cold, cole, coll, colo, colp, colt, coma, come, comp, cond, cone, cong, coni, conk, conn, cons, cony, cook, cool, coom, coon, coop, coot, cope, cops, copt, copy, cora, corb, cord, core, corf, cori, cork, corm, corn, coro, corp, coss, cost, cosy, cote, coup, cour, cove, cowl, crab, crag, cram, cran, crap, craw, cray, cred, cree, crew, crib, cric, crim, crip, crit, croc, cron, crop, crow, cube, cuff, cuke, cull, culm, cult, cunt, cuon, curb, curd, cure, curl, curr, curt, cusk, cuss, cute, cuve, cyan, cyon, czar, dace, dada, dade, dado, daff, dago, dahi, dahu, dain, dair, dais, dale, dali, dalo, dama, dame, damn, damp, dana, dang, dank, dare, dark, darn, dart, dase, dash, dass, data, date, datu, daud, daun, dawa, dawn, daya, days, daze, deaf, deal, dean, dear, deck, dede, deed, deep, deer, defi, deft, defy, deil, deis, deke, dele, delf, deli, dell, delt, deme, demi, demo, demy, dene, deng, deni, dens, dent, deny, derb, dere, derf, derg, derk, derm, dern, desk, dess, deve, dhow, dial, dice, dick, diff, digs , dihu, dika, dike, dill, dime, dina, dine, ding, dink, dint, dire, dirk, dirl, dirt, disa, disc, dish, disk, dita, dite, ditz, diva, dive, diya, diyu, dizz, doce, dock, dodo, doer, does, doff, doge, dogs, dogy, doha, doit, doit, doke, dola, dole, doll, dolt, dome, dona, done, dong, doni, donk, dono, doof, dook, doom, doon, doop, door, dopa, dope, dopy, dore, dork, dorm, dorn, dorp, dort, dory, dosa, dose, doss, dost, dote, doth, dour, dout, dove, dowl, down, doze, drab, drad, drag, dram, dram, drat, drat, draw, dray, dree, dreg, drew, drey, drib, drie, drip, drop, drow, drua, drub, drug, drum, dual, duan, duce, duck, duda, dude, dudo, duel, duff, duke, dull, duly, duma, dump, dune, dung, dunk, dupe, dura, dure, duse, dusk, dust, dyke, dyon, each, eale, eame, earl, earn, ease, east, easy, eave, eche, echo, echt, ecut, edda, eddy, edge, edgy, edit, eira, eire, elil, elim, elix, emic, emir, emit, epic, etic, etim, euge, eval, even, ever, evet, evil, eyen, eyer, eyet, eyot, eyre, face, fact, fade, fado, faff, fail, fain, fair, faja, fake, falk, fall, fals, fame, fand, fane, fang, fard, fare, farm, fart, fash, fast, fate, fave, fawn, faze, feal, fear, feat, feck, feed, feel, feet, feld, fele, fell, felt, fend, feng, ferm, fern, fess, fest, feta, fete, feud, fiar, fiat, fiat, fice, fico, fico, fief, fife, fila, file, fili, filk, fill, film, fils, find, fine, fint, fint, fire, firk, firm, firn, fish, fisk, fist, fita, fitt, fitz, five, fizz, flab, flag, flak, flam, flan, flap, flat, flaw, flax, flay, flea, fled, flee, flet, flew, flex, fley, flic, flik, flip, flit, flix, floc, floe, flog, flon, flop, flot, flow, flub, flue, flux, foal, foam, foge, fogy, foil, foin, fold, folk, fond, fone, fong, fons, font, font, fonz, food, fool, foon, foot, fora, forb, ford, fore, fork, form, fors, fort, foss, foul, four, fowl, frae, frat, frat, fray, fred, free, fren, fret, frie, frit, frob, froe, frog, from, frow, fuck, fuel, fuff, fufu, fufu, fuga, fuge, fugo, fugu, fula, fume, fump, fund, funk, furl, fury, fuse, fuss, fust, fute, fute, futu, futu, futz, fuwa, fuze, fuzz, gabi, gaby, gade, gaff, gaga, gage, gagh, gain, gait, gaja, gaki, gala, gale, gall, galp, galt, gamb, game, gamp, gamy, gane, gang, gape, garb, gard, gare, gari, garn, gash, gasp, gast, gate, gaud, gaum, gaur, gave, gawd, gawk, gawn, gawp, gaze, gear, geck, geep, geer, geet, geld, gell, gelt, gene, gent, genu, gerb, germ, gern, gess, gest, ghat, ghee, gibe, gift, giga, gige, gila, gild, gile, gill, gilt, gimp, gink, gird, gire, giri, girl, girn, giro, girt, gise, gist, gite, give, glad, glam, glee, gleg, glen, glew, gley, glib, glim, glob, glom, glop, glow, glue, glum, glut, goad, goaf, goal, goar, goat, gobi, gobo, goby, gode, goel, goen, goer, goes, gohn, goje, gola, gold, golf, goll, golp, goma, gome, gone, gong, gonk, gont, good, goof, goog, gook, goon, goop, goot, gora, gord, gore, gorf, gork, gorn, gorp, gort, gory, gose, gosh, goss, gota, gote, goth, gour, gout, gove, gowk, gowl, gown, grab, grad, gram, gran, gray, gree, gren, gret, grew, grey, grid, grim, grip, grit, grow, grum, guan, guar, guck, guff, guhr, gula, guld, gule, gulf, gull, gulp, gult, guly, gumi, guna, gunk, gurl, gurn, gurr, gurt, guru, gush, gust, gybe, gyle, gyre, gyve, haar, hack, hade, haen, haff, haik, hail, hain, hair, haje, haka, hake, haku, hala, hald, hale, half, halk, hall, halm, halo, halp, halt, hame, hand, hane, hang, hank, hapa, hara, hard, hare, hark, harl, harm, harn, harp, hart, hary, hasa, hase, hash, hask, hasp, hate, hath, haud, haul, haut, have, hawk, hawm, haze, hazy, head, heal, heam, heap, hear, heat, heck, heed, heel, heep, heer, heft, heir, held, hele, hell, helm, helo, help, hemp, heng, henk, herb, herd, here, herm, hero, hest, hete, heuk, hewe, hick, hide, high, hike, hill, hilo, hind, hint, hire, hiro, hive, hizz, hoar, hoax, hobo, hock, hogh, hoit, hoit, hoke, hola, hold, hole, holm, holp, holt, holy, homa, home, homo, hond, hone, honk, hont, hood, hoof, hook, hook, hool, hoom, hoom, hoon, hoon, hoop, hoot, hoot, hope, hora, horn, horo, hose, hoss, host, hote, hoth, houp, hour, hout, hove, howk, howl, howm, howp, howz, huch, huck, hued, huel, huer, huey, huff, hufu, huge, hugs, hugy, hugz, huhu, huke, hula, hulk, hull, huly, huma, hump, huna, hung, hunk, hunt, hurl, hurr, hurt, hush, husk, huso, huzz, hyen, hype, hypo, hyte, iamb, ibex, ibis, icer, icon, idea, idel, idem, ides, idol, idyl, ikon, ilea, ilex, ilia, ilon, imam, iman, inde, indo, inia, into, iona, iota, iris, iron, ison, itan, item, iter, ivan, iwis, ixia, iyan, izar, jack, jade, jaff, jail, jake, jali, jamb, jane, jann, jant, jarl, jars, jasp, jass, jato, java, jawi, jawn, jawy, jazz, jeep, jeer, jell, jerk, jess, jest, jibe, jiff, jigo, jill, jink, jinx, jito, jive, jizz, joan, jock, jodo, jody, joey, john, joie, joik, join, joke, jole, jolt, jort, joss, jota, jote, joug, jouk, jowl, juba, jube, judo, jufu, jufu, jugo, juke, juku, junk, jupe, jura, jurt, jury, juse, just, jute, kadi, kaff, kage, kaka, kaki, kale, kali, kama, kame, kana, kand, kane, kapa, kaph, kapo, kapu, kara, kard, kari, karn, kart, kata, kate, kava, keck, keef, keel, keen, keep, keet, keld, kele, kell, kelp, kelt, kemb, kemp, keno, kent, kept, kerb, kerf, kern, kero, khan, khap, khat, khet, kibe, kick, kief, kigo, kill, kilo, kima, kime, kimo, kina, kind, kine, kino, kipe, kira, kirk, kish, kiss, kist, kite, koan, koek, koel, koha, kohl, koil, koko, koku, kola, kolk, kont, kook, kora, kore, korn, koro, kray, kuda, kudo, kudu, kula, kuli, kumo, kuna, kupu, kuru, kuso, kuta, kuzu, laas, lace, lack, lacy, lade, lady, laff, laft, laid, lain, lair, laja, lake, laky, lali, lalo, lama, lamb, lame, lamp, land, lane, lang, lank, lant, lard, lari, lark, larn, lart, lase, lash, lask, lass, last, late, lath, lats, laud, lava, lave, lawn, laws, lays, layt, layu, laze, lazy, lead, leaf, leak, leal, leam, lean, leap, lede, leea, leed, leef, leek, leep, leer, lees, leet, left, leie, leil, leim, leis, leme, lena, lend, lene, leno, lens, lent, leod, lese, less, lest, leud, leve, lewd, leys, liar, lice, lick, lied, lief, lien, lier, lieu, life, lift, like, lill, lilt, lima, limb, lime, limn, limo, limp, lind, line, link, lino, lint, lion, lira, lire, lirk, lirt, list, lite, live, lixt, load, loaf, loan, loba, lobe, lobo, lock, lode, lofo, loft, loge, logh, logo, logy, loid, loin, loir, loka, loke, loma, lomo, lone, long, loof, look, lool, loom, loon, loop, loos, loot, lope, lora, lord, lore, lori, lorn, lory, lose, loss, lost, lota, lote, loth, loti, loud, lour, lout, love, lown, lube, luck, lude, ludo, luff, luft, luge, lulu, lume, lumi, lump, lune, lung, lunk, luny, lure, lush, lusk, luso, lust, lute, luxe, luxy, lyon, lyre, maad, maar, mabi, mace, mach, mack, maco, made, mado, mage, magi, magn, mago, maha, maid, mail, maim, main, maja, majo, make, maki, mako, mala, male, mall, malm, malo, malt, mama, mami, mamo, mana, mand, mane, mano, manx, many, mara, marc, mare, mark, mart, mary, masa, mase, mash, mask, mass, mast, mate, math, matt, maty, maul, mawk, mawn, maxi, mead, meak, meal, mean, mear, meat, mede, meed, meek, meer, meet, mega, meld, mell, melt, meme, memo, mend, mene, mens, menu, mere, merk, mesa, mesh, mess, meta, mete, meth, meve, mica, mica, mice, mich, mick, mico, mico, midi, miff, mild, mile, milk, mill, milo, milt, mime, mine, mini, mink, mint, minx, miny, mire, mirk, miro, miry, mise, miso, miss, mist, misy, mita, mita, mite, mitt, mitu, mity, mixt, moan, moat, mobo, moby, mock, moco, mode, modo, mody, moff, mofo, moga, moil, moin, mojo, moke, moky, mola, mold, mole, moll, molt, moly, momo, mona, mone, monk, mono, mons, mood, mook, mool, moon, moor, moot, mope, mora, more, mork, morn, mors, mort, mosk, moss, most, mote, moth, moto, mott, motu, move, mrad, muce, much, muck, muda, mudo, muff, muga, mule, muli, mull, mulo, mump, mung, mure, murr, muse, mush, musk, muso, muss, must, mute, mutt, muxe, muxy, myre, myrt, myth, nabe, nada, nadi, naff, naga, naid, naif, naik, nail, naja, nake, nale, nall, nama, name, namo, nana, nane, napa, nape, napu, narc, nard, nare, nark, nart, nary, nase, nash, nasi, nask, naso, nast, nave, navy, naze, nazi, neat, neck, need, nemo, nems, nene, neon, nerd, nere, nerf, nese, ness, nest, nett, news, newt, nian, nice, nick, nide, niff, nigh, nile, nill, nine, nion, noba, noce, nock, node, noil, nola, nole, noll, nolo, nolt, none, nook, noon, noor, noot, nope, nopi, nori, norm, norn, nose, nosh, nost, nosy, nota, note, nott, noun, nous, nout, nude, nuff, nuke, null, nurd, oafy, oary, oath, oaty, obel, obex, obia, obie, obil, obit, oboe, obol, oche, ocho, odic, odir, odyl, ofay, offa, offo, offy, okay, okeh, oker, okey, okir, olan, olay, omal, omam, omau, ombi, ombu, omen, omer, omit, onde, ondo, onto, onus, oobi, oofo, oofy, ooze, oozy, opal, open, opus, orad, oral, ordo, orzo, otic, otis, ouch, oude, ouse, oust, ouze, ouzo, oval, oven, over, oves, ovex, ovis, oxen, oxer, oxyl, oyer, paak, paan, paar, paas, paca, pace, pack, paco, pact, pacu, pada, page, pagh, paha, pahu, paid, pail, pain, pair, pake, paki, pala, pale, pali, pall, palm, palo, palp, paly, pane, pang, pank, pann, pant, papa, pape, para, pard, pard, pare, pari, park, parm, parr, pars, part, pase, pash, pass, past, pata, pate, path, pato, patu, paua, paul, paum, pave, pavo, pavy, pawk, pawl, pawn, paya, pays, peak, peal, pear, peat, peck, peel, peep, peer, pega, pegm, pela, pell, pelt, pend, peng, penk, pent, peon, pepa, pepe, pepo, perk, perm, pern, pese, pest, phat, phew, pice, pick, pico, pico, pied, pier, pika, pike, pile, pili, pill, pimp, pine, ping, pink, pint, piot, pipa, pipe, piri, pirl, pirn, pish, piso, piss, pist, pita, pith, pito, pits, pity, pitz, plan, plat, play, plea, pleb, pled, plew, plex, pley, plie, plim, plip, ploc, plod, plok, plop, plot, plow, ploy, plum, poak, pock, poco, poco, pogo, pogo, pogy, poke, poky, pole, poll, polo, poly, pome, pomo, pomp, pond, pone, pony, pood, poof, pool, poon, poop, poor, pope, porc, pore, pori, pork, port, pory, posa, pose, posh, poss, post, posy, pott, pouf, poup, pour, pous, pout, powp, poze, prad, pram, prat, pray, pred, prey, prie, prim, pris, prod, prom, prop, prow, psst, puce, puck, pudu, puer, puff, pugs, puja, puka, puke, puku, pula, pule, puli, pulk, pull, pulp, pulu, puma, pume, pumi, pump, pumy, puna, pung, punk, punt, puny, pupa, pupe, pupu, pure, purl, purr, pusa, push, puso, puss, pust, puta, puto, putt, putz, pyot, qada, qadi, qadr, qagh, quab, quad, quap, quar, quas, quat, quay, qued, quel, ques, quet, quew, quey, quib, quid, quik, quim, quin, quip, quit, quiz, quob, quod, quog, quop, quoz, raca, race, rach, rack, racy, rade, rady, raff, raft, raga, rage, ragi, raid, rail, rain, raja, rake, raki, raku, rale, rang, rank, rant, rape, rasa, rase, rash, rasm, rasp, rata, rate, rath, rato, ratu, rave, rayu, raze, razz, read, real, ream, reap, reck, rede, redo, reed, reef, reek, reel, reft, rely, rend, reng, rent, repo, rese, rest, reve, rewe, rice, rick, ride, rife, riff, rift, rile, rill, rily, rime, rimy, rind, ring, riot, rise, rish, risk, rite, rive, road, roam, roan, roar, robe, rock, rode, rody, roke, roky, role, roll, rong, ront, rood, roof, rook, room, roon, roop, root, rope, ropy, rory, rosa, rose, rosh, ross, rost, rosy, rota, rote, roti, rotl, roto, roty, roue, roun, roup, rout, rove, rube, ruck, rude, rufa, ruff, ruft, ruga, rule, ruly, rump, rune, rung, runs, runt, rupa, rusa, ruse, rush, rusk, russ, rust, ruta, rute, ruth, ryth, saba, sabr, sabz, sack, sadr, saga, sage, sagh, sago, sagy, said, sail, saim, sair, sake, saki, sala, sale, salm, salo, salt, sama, same, sand, sane, sang, 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snob, snog, snow, snub, snug, snus, soak, soal, soam, soap, soar, sock, soft, soil, soke, sola, sold, sole, solo, soly, soma, some, sone, song, sool, soon, soot, sope, sora, sore, sorn, sort, soss, sote, souk, soul, soun, soup, sour, sous, sout, sowl, spam, spar, spaw, sped, spet, spew, spud, spun, spur, sput, stab, stag, stal, star, stat, sted, sten, step, stet, stew, stir, stoa, stob, stop, stor, stot, stow, stub, stuc, stud, stun, stut, such, suck, suer, sufi, sufu, sufu, suka, sula, sulk, sull, sulu, suma, sumi, sumo, sump, sung, sunk, supe, sura, sure, suss, suzu, suzu, swam, swat, swim, swob, swop, swot, syrt, tace, tack, taco, tact, taha, tail, tain, tait, taka, take, taki, tala, talc, tale, tali, talk, tall, tame, tana, tang, tank, tant, tanx, tapa, tape, tapu, tara, tare, tarn, taro, tarp, tart, tasa, task, tass, tata, tatt, tatu, taua, taut, tava, tawa, taxa, taxi, tazz, tead, teak, teal, team, tear, teat, teek, teen, teja, tela, tell, temp, tend, tene, tent, tepa, term, tern, terp, tess, test, teth, text, than, thar, that, thaw, thea, thee, them, then, thew, they, thin, tian, tiar, tice, tick, tico, tide, tidy, tift, tige, tigh, tike, tile, till, time, tine, ting, tink, tint, tiny, tire, tirl, tiro, tith, titi, toad, toat, toby, tock, toco, tody, toea, toft, tofu, toga, toke, tola, told, tole, toll, tolu, tome, tone, tong, tonk, tons, tony, took, tool, toom, toon, toor, toot, tope, topi, topo, tops, torc, tore, torm, torn, toro, torp, tort, tory, tosa, tose, tosh, toso, toss, tost, tota, tote, tour, tout, town, toxa, toze, trad, tram, trap, tray, tree, trek, tren, trey, trie, trim, trio, trip, trit, trod, trot, troy, tuak, tuan, tuba, tube, tuck, tufa, tuff, tuft, tugs, tuhu, tula, tule, tumo, tump, tuna, tune, tunk, turd, turf, tusk, tute, tutu, tuya, tuza, tuzz, twat, twig, twin, twit, type, typo, tyre, tzar, uiro, ulan, ulna, ulva, undo, unto, urea, urna, urva, utea, utia, utis, uvea, uyot, vadi, vail, vain, vair, vale, vali, vals, vane, vang, vann, vant, vary, vase, vast, vaut, veal, veck, veda, vedi, veep, veer, veil, vela, vele, veli, vell, vena, verb, verd, vert, very, vese, veve, vial, vibe, vice, vick, vide, vile, vill, vine, vire, visa, vise, vite, vive, vole, volt, vote, wade, wadi, wady, waff, waft, wage, waid, waif, wail, wain, wair, wait, wake, waki, wald, wale, wali, walk, wall, walm, waly, wand, wane, wank, want, ward, ware, wark, warm, warn, warp, wart, wary, wase, wasp, wast, watt, waul, waur, wave, wavy, weak, wear, weed, week, weel, ween, weep, weer, weet, weft, weid, weil, weir, weld, welk, well, welt, wend, wene, went, wept, werd, were, werk, west, whan, whap, what, whee, when, whet, whew, whin, whip, whit, whop, whot, wick, wide, wild, wile, wilk, will, wilt, wind, wine, wing, wink, winx, wire, wise, wist, wive, wode, woke, wone, wong, wonk, wont, wont, wood, wool, woon, woop, word, wore, work, worm, worn, wort, wost, wove, wrak, wrap, wraw, wray, wren, wrie, writ, wudu, wuss, wust, xill, xorn, yagi, yald, yale, yali, yana, yang, yank, yara, yard, yare, yark, yarn, yarr, yate, yawd, yawi, yawl, yawn, yawp, yaws, yead, yeah, yean, yeap, year, yede, yell, yelp, yend, yerk, yern, yili, yill, yirn, yock, yode, yoga, yogi, yoik, yoit, yoke, yolk, yoma, yona, yore, yose, yosi, yote, youg, your, yowe, yowl, yuan, yuck, yuka, yuke, yuku, yule, yurt, yuzu, yuzu, ywis, ywit, zaar, zafu, zair, zaju, zari, zaru, zati, zeal, zedi, zemi, zeni, zerk, zero, zess, zest, zill, zinc, zine, zing, ziti, zizz, zobo, zoea, zoep, zoey, zoll, zomo, zona, zone, zonk, zony, zool, zoom, zoon, zoop, zoot, zork, zouk, zuar, zubr, zuhr, zuke, zulu, zupu, zyll,


Posted on: 2007/10/19 23:38
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Re: wanna add the next word?

glotynn wrote:
Hi Geo,

Thanks in advance for your time to be spent on those repeated words.

'Klan' is s short name for Ku Klux Klan or KKK, a secret society of white Southerners to resist Black emancipation, and should be regarded a proper noun. Do you have another definition to it?


Hello Glot

"Klan" also spelt clan is a common noun interpreted as a group of people united by kinship and descent.

The following links hopefully justify that interpretation.

"Ku Klux" is a proper noun ... there's no doubt about it. The word "Klan" is added to reinforce that the Ku Klux is an "unorthodox" clan or association.

The third link that I have provided shows this ... "Also called Ku Klux. [Origin: Ku Klux (perh. < Gk kýklos circle, assembly) + Klan, sp. var. of clan]

In South East Asia, it is not uncommon to see clans and associations, the likes of, for example - Chen Clan, Hwang Clan and so on.

I trust that all is in order, if not, please override my entry. Anyone can continue beginning Line # 859.

Sorry for the hold-up. Cheers!


Posted on: 2007/10/20 9:46
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/1/20 18:03
From Taipei
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Hi Geo,

Thanks for your explanation, yet not quite convincing. There's no doubt clan is a common noun, but its variant spelling 'klan' refers only to Ku Klux Klan in the US. People in English speaking countries don't use 'klan' where 'clan' is meant, i.e. in English clan is a common noun but Klan is not. In German, clan and klan are interchangeable, but what we need here for the game is not a German word.

In the same manner, if one names his residential area as "Kingston Kommunity" instead of Kingston Community, the word 'kommunity' can never become a common noun nor even a common word in English.

In your 3rd link, it says:
Ku Klux Klan
Perhaps alteration of Greek kuklos, circle; see cycle + alteration of clan.
In other words, kuklos is a common noun in Greek, but when borrowed into Engligh as a name, 'Ku Klux' can never be a common noun.

Geo, shall we seek for Tim's comments?


Posted on: 2007/10/20 20:51
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Hi Glot

A valid point. Let's not trouble Tim as he has his other things to sort out on those unscrupulous comments by an unholy element, whom I think is the greatest coward.

How about the word 'slax' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SLAX
to replace 'klan'. If this is still not acceptable, then please remove my entry and you guys continue with the game. Thanks!

Posted on: 2007/10/21 9:18
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/1/20 18:03
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IMHO, I think slax or SLAX is acceptable though written in capital letters. Computer jargons are okay for this game if not being symbols or acronyms. And Lady Futari, if you agree, would you revise your word following it? Thanks.


Posted on: 2007/10/21 14:54
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16
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Extra info on "klan"

... Usage Frequency: Klan
"Klan" is generally used as a noun **(common) ---approximately 100.00% of the time. "Klan" is used about 44 times out of a sample of 100 million words spoken or written in English. Its rank is based on over 700,000 words used in the English language. Some parts-of-speech are not covered due to the samples used by the British National Corpus. (note: percents less than one-hundredth of one percent have been omitted)

Parts of Speech ==> Noun **(common)
Percent ==> 100%
Usage per 100 Million Words Rank in English ==> 44
Rank in English ==> 51,500



Pronunciation: \ˈklan\
Function: noun
Etymology: (Ku Klux) Klan
Date: 1867
: an organization of Ku Kluxers; also : **a subordinate unit of such an organization



All the catagories and conjured framing are meaningless. Conservative, liberal, realist, pessimist, pragmatist, anarchist, terrorist - these are terms historians or complicit parrots in the MSM misuse to define other forces or populations. None of these hollow terms having any single meaning or clear definition. Each and every catagory will offer a myriad array of positions, terms, and guiding principles that define that specific **klan, cartel, cult, or cabal.

Every opposing force will hurl additional meanings, positions, terms, and misguided principles as a percieved description of the particular **klan, cartel, cult or cabal.


Here's my revised entry, and thank you, Tim, for the alphabetization.

851. futari - sofi, lare, urad, dibs
852. geoette - sori, lawe, urao, dips
853. futari - siri, dawe, ural, rips
854. glotynn - sidi, diwe, udal, ripe
855. geoette - sida, dide, odal, rine
856. futari - soda, dido, odax, rink
857. geoette - coda, fido, olax, zink
858. glotynn - coca, fino, klax, fink
859. geoette - coco, finn, "slax", oink <==
860. futari - cuco, fian, "slaw", kink <== revised accordingly


Posted on: 2007/10/21 16:52
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Re: wanna add the next word?

glotynn wrote:
IMHO, I think slax or SLAX is acceptable though written in capital letters. Computer jargons are okay for this game if not being symbols or acronyms. And Lady Futari, if you agree, would you revise your word following it? Thanks.

Hi Glot.

Thanks! Let's move on.

Hello Futari

Thank you for the additional information on 'klan'. I appreciate it. As usual, you are very very resourceful. Also, my apologies for having to make you replaced the word 'klaf'.

My next entry ...

851. futari - sofi, lare, urad, dibs
852. geoette - sori, lawe, urao, dips
853. futari - siri, dawe, ural, rips
854. glotynn - sidi, diwe, udal, ripe
855. geoette - sida, dide, odal, rine
856. futari - soda, dido, odax, rink
857. geoette - coda, fido, olax, zink
858. glotynn - coca, fino, klax, fink
859. geoette - coco, finn, slax, oink
860. futari - cuco, fian, slaw, kink
861. geoette - cuca, dian, staw, king


Cheers all!

Posted on: 2007/10/21 18:57
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/1/20 18:03
From Taipei
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Hi Geo,

Futari's added information indicates that klan is 100% used as a noun (common); this is certain since it is a misspelling of clan which is a common noun. Klan is a correct spelling only when referred to Ku Klux Klan. In the same link it also says:
"Klan" is a common misspelling or typo for: clan, khan.

My successive entry:
851. futari - sofi, lare, urad, dibs
852. geoette - sori, lawe, urao, dips
853. futari - siri, dawe, ural, rips
854. glotynn - sidi, diwe, udal, ripe
855. geoette - sida, dide, odal, rine
856. futari - soda, dido, odax, rink
857. geoette - coda, fido, olax, zink
858. glotynn - coca, fino, klax, fink
859. geoette - coco, finn, slax, oink
860. futari - cuco, fian, slaw, kink
861. geoette - cuca, dian, staw, king
862. glotynn - auca, jian, stay, kink


Posted on: 2007/10/21 23:39
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Re: wanna add the next word?

glotynn wrote:
Hi Geo,

Futari's added information indicates that klan is 100% used as a noun (common); this is certain since it is a misspelling of clan which is a common noun. Klan is a correct spelling only when referred to Ku Klux Klan. In the same link it also says:
"Klan" is a common misspelling or typo for: clan, khan

Hi Glot

Above in italics noted. Thanks for pointing out.

BTW, 'kink' is a used word. Please check Line # 860. Please have it replaced. Cheers!

Posted on: 2007/10/22 6:55
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