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Re: wanna add the next word? |
Just can't stay away
2006/6/2 17:54 Group:
Registered Users Posts: 106
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501. Menquart - arew, racy, smag, cale
502. futari - anew, rady, scag, cali 503. geoette - alew, rade, snag, cadi 504. Menquart - alow, gade, snog, cedi 505. geoette - slow, wade, snow, zedi 506. glotynn - slew, wode, snob, zemi 507. geoette - shew, gode, stob, zeni 508. Menquart - phew, goje, stop, deni 509. futari - plew, gose, shop, demi 510. geoette - pleb, gove, shot, semi 511. glotynn - bleb, gote, shut, seme 512. futari - blab, goth, shun, sema 513. geoette - slab, doth, stun, sems 514. glotynn - scab, hoth, stuc, seis 515. futari - scat, hath, stud, seid 516. geoette - scot, oath, scud, seld 517. futari - stot, oaty, scad, feld 518. geoette - stat, maty, scam, keld 519. futari - slat, mary, sham, kele 520. glotynn - skat, miry, cham, fele 521. futari - skit, misy, chum, fete 522. geoette - shit, miss, chub, feta 523. Menquart - ship, muss, chab, fita
Posted on: 2007/6/27 17:00
Re: wanna add the next word? |
501. Menquart - arew, racy, smag, cale
502. futari - anew, rady, scag, cali 503. geoette - alew, rade, snag, cadi 504. Menquart - alow, gade, snog, cedi 505. geoette - slow, wade, snow, zedi 506. glotynn - slew, wode, snob, zemi 507. geoette - shew, gode, stob, zeni 508. Menquart - phew, goje, stop, deni 509. futari - plew, gose, shop, demi 510. geoette - pleb, gove, shot, semi 511. glotynn - bleb, gote, shut, seme 512. futari - blab, goth, shun, sema 513. geoette - slab, doth, stun, sems 514. glotynn - scab, hoth, stuc, seis 515. futari - scat, hath, stud, seid 516. geoette - scot, oath, scud, seld 517. futari - stot, oaty, scad, feld 518. geoette - stat, maty, scam, keld 519. futari - slat, mary, sham, kele 520. glotynn - skat, miry, cham, fele 521. futari - skit, misy, chum, fete 522. geoette - shit, miss, chub, feta 523. Menquart - ship, muss, chab, fita 524. geoette - shin, suss, chat, fitt Vol III .. Pg 466. 'Fitt' same as 'fit'. Used as an archaism, and spelled fitt, fitte, fytte Middle English : fit, fyt, fytt, fytte Also a song, a ballad, or story
Posted on: 2007/6/27 18:19
Re: wanna add the next word? |
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16 Group:
Registered Users Posts: 1416
Level : 32
HP : 0 / 782 |
501. Menquart - arew, racy, smag, cale
502. futari - anew, rady, scag, cali 503. geoette - alew, rade, snag, cadi 504. Menquart - alow, gade, snog, cedi 505. geoette - slow, wade, snow, zedi 506. glotynn - slew, wode, snob, zemi 507. geoette - shew, gode, stob, zeni 508. Menquart - phew, goje, stop, deni 509. futari - plew, gose, shop, demi 510. geoette - pleb, gove, shot, semi 511. glotynn - bleb, gote, shut, seme 512. futari - blab, goth, shun, sema 513. geoette - slab, doth, stun, sems 514. glotynn - scab, hoth, stuc, seis 515. futari - scat, hath, stud, seid 516. geoette - scot, oath, scud, seld 517. futari - stot, oaty, scad, feld 518. geoette - stat, maty, scam, keld 519. futari - slat, mary, sham, kele 520. glotynn - skat, miry, cham, fele 521. futari - skit, misy, chum, fete 522. geoette - shit, miss, chub, feta 523. Menquart - ship, muss, chab, fita 524. geoette - shin, suss, chat, fitt 525. futari - shan, siss, that, mitt
Posted on: 2007/6/27 22:19
Re: wanna add the next word? |
Home away from home
2006/1/20 18:03 From Taipei
Registered Users Moderators Posts: 999
Level : 27
HP : 0 / 674 |
501. Menquart - arew, racy, smag, cale
502. futari - anew, rady, scag, cali 503. geoette - alew, rade, snag, cadi 504. Menquart - alow, gade, snog, cedi 505. geoette - slow, wade, snow, zedi 506. glotynn - slew, wode, snob, zemi 507. geoette - shew, gode, stob, zeni 508. Menquart - phew, goje, stop, deni 509. futari - plew, gose, shop, demi 510. geoette - pleb, gove, shot, semi 511. glotynn - bleb, gote, shut, seme 512. futari - blab, goth, shun, sema 513. geoette - slab, doth, stun, sems 514. glotynn - scab, hoth, stuc, seis 515. futari - scat, hath, stud, seid 516. geoette - scot, oath, scud, seld 517. futari - stot, oaty, scad, feld 518. geoette - stat, maty, scam, keld 519. futari - slat, mary, sham, kele 520. glotynn - skat, miry, cham, fele 521. futari - skit, misy, chum, fete 522. geoette - shit, miss, chub, feta 523. Menquart - ship, muss, chab, fita 524. geoette - shin, suss, chat, fitt 525. glotynn - sain, siss, shat, fytt fytt → middle English, same as fitt (refer to Geoette's 'fitt')
Posted on: 2007/6/27 22:19
Re: wanna add the next word? |
Home away from home
2006/1/20 18:03 From Taipei
Registered Users Moderators Posts: 999
Level : 27
HP : 0 / 674 |
Hi Futari,
What a coincidence! Your entry #525 came up only 3 seconds earlier than mine. However, your 'shan' refers to a tribal people Shan (掸族) and their language, and is therefore a proper noun. If my query sustains, my entry #525 will have to replace yours. Cheers!
Posted on: 2007/6/27 22:47
Re: wanna add the next word? |
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16 Group:
Registered Users Posts: 1416
Level : 32
HP : 0 / 782 |
My point:-
"shan" (as adjective) >> Of or relating to the Shan or their language or culture. ========================================================== "shan" (as noun) >> An English dialect term used in Cumbria to denote an embarrassing event, as in "Me mam was wearing flares. It was a right shan." ========================================================== "shan" (as noun) >> [nautical] A defect in spars, most commonly from bad collared knots; an injurious compression of fiber in tiber; the turning out of the cortical layers when the plank has been sawed obliquely to the central axis of the tree. >> Same as shanny. ==========================================================
Posted on: 2007/6/27 23:32
Re: wanna add the next word? |
Clever Glot! However, Futari has proven her point on the word 'shan'. Would you revise your entry please. Cheers!
Posted on: 2007/6/28 12:53
Re: wanna add the next word? |
Home away from home
2006/1/20 18:03 From Taipei
Registered Users Moderators Posts: 999
Level : 27
HP : 0 / 674 |
Hi Futari,
"Shan" as an adjective is still a proper term, just like Singaporean as an adj. is a proper term. However, I accept the other two points you provided. I withdraw my last entry and submit my new one: 501. Menquart - arew, racy, smag, cale 502. futari - anew, rady, scag, cali 503. geoette - alew, rade, snag, cadi 504. Menquart - alow, gade, snog, cedi 505. geoette - slow, wade, snow, zedi 506. glotynn - slew, wode, snob, zemi 507. geoette - shew, gode, stob, zeni 508. Menquart - phew, goje, stop, deni 509. futari - plew, gose, shop, demi 510. geoette - pleb, gove, shot, semi 511. glotynn - bleb, gote, shut, seme 512. futari - blab, goth, shun, sema 513. geoette - slab, doth, stun, sems 514. glotynn - scab, hoth, stuc, seis 515. futari - scat, hath, stud, seid 516. geoette - scot, oath, scud, seld 517. futari - stot, oaty, scad, feld 518. geoette - stat, maty, scam, keld 519. futari - slat, mary, sham, kele 520. glotynn - skat, miry, cham, fele 521. futari - skit, misy, chum, fete 522. geoette - shit, miss, chub, feta 523. Menquart - ship, muss, chab, fita 524. geoette - shin, suss, chat, fitt 525. futari - shan, siss, that, mitt 526. glotynn - shat, sist, than, matt
Posted on: 2007/6/28 14:28
Re: wanna add the next word? |
501. Menquart - arew, racy, smag, cale
502. futari - anew, rady, scag, cali 503. geoette - alew, rade, snag, cadi 504. Menquart - alow, gade, snog, cedi 505. geoette - slow, wade, snow, zedi 506. glotynn - slew, wode, snob, zemi 507. geoette - shew, gode, stob, zeni 508. Menquart - phew, goje, stop, deni 509. futari - plew, gose, shop, demi 510. geoette - pleb, gove, shot, semi 511. glotynn - bleb, gote, shut, seme 512. futari - blab, goth, shun, sema 513. geoette - slab, doth, stun, sems 514. glotynn - scab, hoth, stuc, seis 515. futari - scat, hath, stud, seid 516. geoette - scot, oath, scud, seld 517. futari - stot, oaty, scad, feld 518. geoette - stat, maty, scam, keld 519. futari - slat, mary, sham, kele 520. glotynn - skat, miry, cham, fele 521. futari - skit, misy, chum, fete 522. geoette - shit, miss, chub, feta 523. Menquart - ship, muss, chab, fita 524. geoette - shin, suss, chat, fitt 525. futari - shan, siss, that, mitt 526. glotynn - shat, sist, than, matt 527. geoette - shaw, sift, thaw, mutt
Posted on: 2007/6/28 15:41
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