123: 2025 new year
123: hihii
silly: not here for a long while, not sure if the chat room has been closed?
123: miss you guys so much
123: Where are you all going?
123: covid-19
123: Happy New Year!
123: 哪避暑好?
123: 夏天太熱了
123: cold these days in Taiwan
linlin: Hi 123 :)
linlin: It is still so cold even though its spring now...
123: moon festivbale
123: hi linlin
linlin: Anonymous! where are you ?
123: OH.... I see. Hk has celebrated for you.
Apex: Oh... HK did one this last July 1st.
123: Should I set the firework for celebreating you are still alive?
123: Glad that know that
Apex: yes, 123, I'm still alive!
123: cold today...
123: ????
123: 颱風天
123: I am so busy...
123: Hello Apex.. You are still alive. ><lll hahah
Apex: Hello 123
123: 啊................
songaiding: the last lap!!
123: time to study hard
jessy1234: ty 123
123: WB
jessy1234: boom! i am BACK!
123: busy busy
123: praying....So many things need to be solved ...
123: Jessy1234 too bad... I didnt see you online.. wuuuuuu
jessy1234: ok 123 haha i am online now haha
123: 明天來聊天喔
123: so busy.. I drank green tea..and 睡不著啦..
clares: 我又来也 :O .. I was here...
julia1492: BACK to WORK tomorrow.
jessy1234: haha booom i am back
linstruct: All my friends, am so glad to see you ...xo
julia1492: Learning to twit in the twittering world. Julia1492
songaiding: Julia..that your for sheltering us..
jessy1234: i know right julia ok english.tw is a good site too ya
julia1492: I am so glad that OKEnglish offers a new home for us. :))
linlin: ..great cuzzie Song
jessy1234: haha lolz song, 123, julia haha
songaiding: A ship in Port is safe but that is not what ships are built for..
songaiding: Yea.. am on holiday untill 31 st August~
123: Julia,good to know that .
songaiding: yes.. we have good weather today
julia1492: To 123: Thanks. I had figured out how to use it and chatted with a few yesterday. No problem. However, some of my friends still have trouble logging in with their passwords!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
123: To Julia..Lily has posted hot to use chatroom on the forum.
julia1492: 123, I am trying to enter the chatroom, but the system does not allow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
123: hello, you all could try to chat in the chatroom when you all have time....
julia1492: Hello, anyone here! I need some help!
Gregwilson18: uWWdyDiI
123: GO GO GO
123: Rony:... I saw youin chatroom..How are you?
snoopy123: I hope oneday we will have a chance to chat in the chatroom.Have a nice day!
snoopy123: To123:I'm very sorry that I just saw your message.I seldom see people in the chatroom
123: at 7 pm
123: To snoopy, you can go to chatroom on 7 pm, I might have time.
123: To snoopy, sure! you can log into chatroom to chat.But sometime I am not in front of myPC.
snoopy123: is there anybody?
snoopy123: I want to strenghten my English!
snoopy123: I am a new guest here!
snoopy123: HI!123 I am snoopy123
123: snoopy123,hello
sagesage10: Welcome to Wigs-Lace. Offering wigs, hair extensions, falls
123: hello,friends
aihalakkath: Welcome to Wigs-Lace. Offering wigs, hair extensions, falls
123: 倒數囉 ...
123: 8/19..
Elinor: Kathy, no worries, I'm with you! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrojFR7jM9E
123: hello all my friendss Where are you?
123: Thanks El, you know I am very sweet. haha kidding la
Elinor: Kathy, 妳好貼心!Happy Valentine's Day!
123: 情人節快樂....
123: 過年期間 吃吃喝喝 吃飽睡 睡飽吃
123: Elinor..hehe Thanks!
Elinor: Kathy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-SMJtcTBqU
Elinor: Hello! k5112819b
k5112819b: Holle
openH2O: Thanks elinor. good to hear from you.
Elinor: Open, it is so good to see you back!
123: solshy. sure..long time no see
solshy: hi is anybody here?
123: willsimple...No idea...