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Not too shy to talk
2006/1/22 21:14
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I realize that the chat room is under use for the purpose of communication be it in English or other languages....As for me, I strongly feel that the chat room is one of the source of place where one's English can be improved progressively.

Furthermore, it will be fun place to learn if we communicate positively....

There are many chat rooms, but how many are productive enough to make it a successfully. Although some may be popular but somehow they die off quickly of which I don't know the reason/s why. I have to admit that my English is just average but without practice....I am back to square one....and I will be afraid to express myself in the event that i need to use English as an instrument of communication.

I urge members here to try out the room, after all there is no harm in trying it out.

Posted on: 2013/9/2 22:53
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Re: chatroom
Quite a regular
2013/8/16 9:53
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I agree with you wholeheartedly! The only way to improve the communication skills in a foreign language is to (well, what else!) CMMUNICATE with some others in that particular language. It does not matter how good your language level is as long as you try your best to get your message across. That is how I always perceive as the best way to learn. I have seen so many ESL students pass through our school. The chatty ones tend to get over the language barrier faster than others. So, be a chatterbox in the chat room if you truly want to improve. No one knows who you are and no one is there to judge you. All you need is to open yourself to welcome challenges and at the same time, make a few friends.

Posted on: 2013/9/3 5:40
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Re: chatroom
Home away from home
2006/1/22 14:46
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Julia, there are something very special about this site, many of we old timers knowing each other quite well.

But it doesn't mean that we will dig into anyone's closet.

I am only telling you that we old chatters here are not only chatters, we are more like remote friends, distance isn't really a barrier for the friendship

Looking forwards to lots lots of the pleasant chats in future.


julia1492 wrote:

I agree with you wholeheartedly! The only way to improve the communication skills in a foreign language is to (well, what else!) CMMUNICATE with some others in that particular language. It does not matter how good your language level is as long as you try your best to get your message across. That is how I always perceive as the best way to learn. I have seen so many ESL students pass through our school. The chatty ones tend to get over the language barrier faster than others. So, be a chatterbox in the chat room if you truly want to improve. No one knows who you are and no one is there to judge you. All you need is to open yourself to welcome challenges and at the same time, make a few friends.

Posted on: 2013/9/3 12:07
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Re: chatroom
Just can't stay away
2008/1/29 19:49
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everyone are welcome to visit this webside and have a good time not only chatting with chatters but also improving yourself just like what wolfy and southelily had said.

Posted on: 2013/9/3 21:56
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Re: chatroom
Just can't stay away
2013/8/20 7:06
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ok ok haha i know julia, me and julia are friend from nciku. Quote:

Rita_Chen wrote:
everyone are welcome to visit this webside and have a good time not only chatting with chatters but also improving yourself just like what wolfy and southelily had said.

Posted on: 2013/9/4 7:45
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Re: chatroom
Just can't stay away
2013/8/20 7:06
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and like what other said too

Posted on: 2013/9/4 7:46
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Re: chatroom
Not too shy to talk
2006/1/22 21:14
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Agreeing with each other about learning a language is a positive thing or sign, but the ultimate importance of it all is to participate into the language.

We are not here to judge one's learning ability, but more so to share and assist in learning a foreign language (ie, in this case...English), hopefully they will improve progressively. However, please one must not be shy to make a mistake here, it is only from the mistake that we can try to help correct the mistake in order for them to progress and not to make the same mistake again.

But how do we know where we stand in terms of the level of our English....its simple, just practice consistently with the fellow members here, and one is not still not sure of the answer....remember to ask.

One more method to improve is to learn speak more often, and members can find a website that allows voice conferencing....Again, let me remind those who wish to learn must try to speak out even if it doesn't comes out correctly...it is still alright because i am sure the learned ones is there too assist.

Finally, one word of advice..."Rome was not build in one day"...in other words....it takes time to progress.

Posted on: 2013/9/4 17:24
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Re: chatroom
Quite a regular
2013/8/16 9:53
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My previous post was not intended for those old regular chatters who are the frequent visitors to the chat room. (From what I have seen, the size of regular chatters here is fairly small.) I was referring to those members who are wanting to improve their oral language but somehow seem to be shy away from the chat room.

I used to visit another chat room operated by a so called English learning social site in Taiwan. In fact, that was where I met Wolfy online. I used to volunteer to help out in the chat room all the time to facilitate the discussions with specific topics. Speaking from my experience, a chat room would definitely flourish if the members feel that they have been encouraged to participate. Many of us from that site later became good friends. In fact, I wrote the book with three of them without even meeting them in person. Unfortunately, that site was sold and the administration changed. We ended up leaving there.

Members come and go, but only the ones who feel "at home" would stay. So "the regulars" can actually make a difference to make the newcomers feel at home in the chat room, a non-threatening environment to learn.


Reading your post is like reading my last few entries posted at the other English site where we met. Whenever I come to this place, I don't see anybody in the room. The only member I encounter once in a while is 123. It might be a good idea for someone to set up regular scheduled discussions at a specific time if you want to encourage the new chatters to join in. I remember we used to have discussion groups organized by Eason and facilitated by us as well as those concerts hosted by people we know.


Posted on: 2013/9/5 9:54
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