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Thorn Upon the Rose |
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味道像夏天的酒一樣甜, It's taste was sweet like summer wine,
以雙倍時間跳動的心臟。 the heart that beats in double time.
於是他就跳華爾滋了,把你摔倒了, So he waltzed right in, he bowled you over,
而你仍然沉浸在他離開的感覺中。 and you're still reeling from the feeling when he's gone.
門關上,鎖打開, The door is closed, the lock is turned,
所有的記憶和信件都被燒毀了。 and all the memories and letters have been burned. 所以當你摘下那朵漂亮的花時 So when you pick the handsome flower
不要忘記玫瑰上的刺 don't forget the thorn upon the rose
傷口很深,疤痕永遠存在 It's cut is deep and it's scar lasts forever,
愛走到哪裡,它就跟著愛走。 it follows love wherever love goes. 很難知道我們是如何墮落的 Just how we fall it's hard to know
當我們的感受很少表現出來時。 when what we feel we seldom show.
所以我們展示我們認為最好的部分, So we show the parts we feel are best,
我們在邊緣蠕動,試圖掩蓋其餘部分。 we squirm around the edges trying to cover up the rest.
你以為你了解他,他也這麼認為, You think you know him and he thinks the same,
當這一切的背後,這只是一場瘋狂的猜謎遊戲 when underneath it all it's just a crazy guessing game 所以當你摘下那朵漂亮的花時 So when you pick the handsome flower
不要忘記玫瑰上的刺! don't forget the thorn upon the rose!
傷口很深,疤痕永遠存在 It's cut is deep and it's scar lasts forever
愛走到哪裡,它就跟著愛走。 it follows love wherever love goes. 輸贏都一樣 Win or lose it's just the same
喜悅的淚水 痛苦的淚水 tears of joy tears of pain
他們手牽手,形影不離 They're hand in hand, they come as one
沒有太陽的承諾,你永遠看不到月亮 you'll never see the moon without the promise of the sun
對於所有的瘀傷和所有的打擊 For all the bruises for all the blows
我寧願感受刺,也不願看不見玫瑰 I'd rather feel the thorn than to never see the rose 所以當你摘下那朵漂亮的花時 So when you pick the handsome flower
不要忘記玫瑰上的刺 don't forget the thorn upon the rose
傷口很深,疤痕永遠存在 It's cut is deep and it's scar lasts forever
愛走到哪裡,它就跟著愛走。 it follows love wherever love goes. 愛走到哪裡,愛就跟到哪裡。 It follows love wherever love goes. 來源: LyricFind 作詞/作曲:Julie Matthews / Matthews
Posted on: 2024/8/19 8:37
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