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subject predicative
Just popping in
2007/6/1 10:45
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Concentrating on food, the conversion of pig to pork, most authorities on the subject ignore the animals brain. The peasants of Perigord have proved that the pig is trainable, teaching him to find black truffles buried amongst the roots of oak trees, but scientists dismiss this evidence of intelligence, claiming that the pig is sexually attracted by the truffle. They accept the colloquial equation of 'pig-headed' with stuborn stupidity. Sue, that clever sporting pig, might have grunted expressively at such presumptions but she seemed, increasingly, a creature of distant myth. I came to believe that her story could have no sequel, that is stood alone, a unique marvel of its day. Then I heard an echo, a whisper from Wales. There was talk of pigs pursuing sheep across the meadows of the Gower Peninsular. The reality was even stranger.

Answer the following questions:

(a) Find an example of a sentence with a subject predicative

(b) Find and example of a passive sentence

(c) Identify one verb group which contains a perfect participle and the perfect auxiliary as its only auxiliary verb, and another which contains a modal and a perfect participle

(d) Identify a prepositional phrase in which the noun phrase contains a second prepositional phrase

(e)Find an adjective modifing an abstract noun

Posted on: 2007/6/1 10:59
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about subject predicative
Home away from home
2006/6/29 22:52
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Hi Civicjai,

Welcome to OkEnglish!

Tim taught me and I got the answers to the questions. Hope they are helpful.

Answer the following questions:

(a) Find an example of a sentence with a subject predicative
The reality was even stranger.

(b) Find and example of a passive sentence
the pig is sexually attracted by the truffle

(c) Identify one verb group which contains a perfect participle and the perfect auxiliary as its only auxiliary verb, and another which contains a modal and a perfect participle
The peasants of Perigord have proved that the pig is trainable, teaching him to find black truffles buried amongst the roots of oak trees,

Sue, that clever sporting pig, might have grunted expressively at such presumptions but she seemed, increasingly, a creature of distant myth.

(d) Identify a prepositional phrase in which the noun phrase contains a second prepositional phrase
There was talk of pigs pursuing sheep across the meadows of the Gower Peninsular.

(e)Find an adjective modifing an abstract noun
stuborn stupidity

Posted on: 2007/6/1 12:34
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about subject predicative
Just popping in
2007/6/1 10:45
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Posts: 7
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MP : 2 / 781
EXP : 60
OH..Thanks a lot....Althought the answer was abit late.
But anyway, thanks a lot for you kindness and extrametly answer! Many thanks!

Have a nice weekend!

Posted on: 2007/6/1 15:24
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