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Re: wanna add the next word?
526. glotynn - shat, sist, than, matt
527. geoette - shaw, sift, thaw, mutt
528. Menquart - shab, soft, chaw, butt
529. futari - shad, loft, chap, putt
530. glotynn - shag, laft, chop, pott
531. futari - shog, laff, chip, mott
532. geoette - shoo, daff, chit, mort
533. futari - shod, diff, chin, sort
534. geoette - shoe, doff, chia, sora
535. futari - shie, doof, chic, lora
536. glotynn - shim, poof, cric, loma
537. geoette - skim, pouf, croc, coma
538. Menquart - skin, poup, cron, comp
539. futari - sken, poop, iron, pomp
540. glotynn - skep, pood, icon, powp
541. Menquart - step, food, ikon, howp
542. geoette - stet, rood, ison, howm

http://www.global-language.com/CENTURY/ Vol IV Pg .. 528
'ison' = The sign of a key-note in music of a Greek church

http://www.global-language.com/CENTURY/ Vol IV Pg .. 237
'howm' = A Scotch form of 'holm' meaning a small island, a river meadow or a hill

Posted on: 2007/6/30 11:08
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/1/20 18:03
From Taipei
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Hi Geo,

The words listed on CENTURY DjVu are from global languages. Your 'ison' is doubted a non-English word, and it's not contained in the major English dictionaries.

However, it's listed in Wiktionary as a Finnish word.

Would you provide a more persuasive source for 'ison'? Thanks.

Posted on: 2007/6/30 20:34
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Hi Glot

I trust the following explanation will convince you to accept ‘ison’ as a legal word for the game.

There are some foreign words that are spelt exactly the same as English words but have different definitions attached to them. One example is the word ‘comment’. In French, ‘comment’ (pronounce as komon) does not mean an explanatory remark, but is used partly in greeting a person.

Then there are words used here in this game denoting units of currencies of foreign countries that are not found in some regular dictionaries. One example is the word ‘kina’ used by yourself at Line # 289. By the same token the word ‘kina’ is a hyphenated word in Finnish. Please see link from Wiktionary below. Another example is the word ‘pula’ (a Botswana currency unit) used again by yourself at Line # 428. This word is also not found in some regular dictionaries. This word is French as well as Filipino.


Having said these, I invite you to turn to page 64 of this thread where Tim wrote and I quote:

Wiktionary, like UrbanDictionary, is basically a user contributed dictionary, and the definition there is not about English for this specific term. Posted on: 5/11 10:15:15

Moreover, The Century Global Dictionary spells out clearly any word that is NOT English, and the word ‘ison’, meaning a key-note term in music, has no notation of being foreign other than English.

I am not sure if the word ‘ison’ is found in The OED. Perhaps we solicit Tim’s comments.

Sorry Guys, for holding up the game.


Posted on: 2007/7/1 11:15
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Re: wanna add the next word?
2006/1/16 17:41
From Taipei, 大羅天
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It doesn't matter if ison is found in the OED or not. The Century Dictionary Online is an exact replica of The Century Dictionary in DjVu format. No dictionary contains all the words in any given language. The Century Dictionary is an unabridged dictionary and the largest free one you can find online, so naturally there would be many words you cannot find in most other dictionaries.


Posted on: 2007/7/1 16:43
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/1/20 18:03
From Taipei
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Well, guys, let's take it as it is.

526. glotynn - shat, sist, than, matt
527. geoette - shaw, sift, thaw, mutt
528. Menquart - shab, soft, chaw, butt
529. futari - shad, loft, chap, putt
530. glotynn - shag, laft, chop, pott
531. futari - shog, laff, chip, mott
532. geoette - shoo, daff, chit, mort
533. futari - shod, diff, chin, sort
534. geoette - shoe, doff, chia, sora
535. futari - shie, doof, chic, lora
536. glotynn - shim, poof, cric, loma
537. geoette - skim, pouf, croc, coma
538. Menquart - skin, poup, cron, comp
539. futari - sken, poop, iron, pomp
540. glotynn - skep, pood, icon, powp
541. Menquart - step, food, ikon, howp
542. geoette - stet, rood, ison, howm
543. glotynn - stut, roop, ilon, howz


Posted on: 2007/7/1 22:26
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16
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526. glotynn - shat, sist, than, matt
527. geoette - shaw, sift, thaw, mutt
528. Menquart - shab, soft, chaw, butt
529. futari - shad, loft, chap, putt
530. glotynn - shag, laft, chop, pott
531. futari - shog, laff, chip, mott
532. geoette - shoo, daff, chit, mort
533. futari - shod, diff, chin, sort
534. geoette - shoe, doff, chia, sora
535. futari - shie, doof, chic, lora
536. glotynn - shim, poof, cric, loma
537. geoette - skim, pouf, croc, coma
538. Menquart - skin, poup, cron, comp
539. futari - sken, poop, iron, pomp
540. glotynn - skep, pood, icon, powp
541. Menquart - step, food, ikon, howp
542. geoette - stet, rood, ison, howm
543. glotynn - stut, roop, ilon, howz
544. futari - saut, woop, flon, howk




"howk" >> http://www.global-language.com/CENTURY/
= to dig; to scoop; to make hollow

Posted on: 2007/7/1 23:53
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Hello Glot

Thank you for your indulgence. It so happened that the random picks were entries made by yourself. I was merely stating the facts without any malicious intent. No hard feelings please and if you have been offended, I sincerely apologize.

I'll continue from here. Cheers.

526. glotynn - shat, sist, than, matt
527. geoette - shaw, sift, thaw, mutt
528. Menquart - shab, soft, chaw, butt
529. futari - shad, loft, chap, putt
530. glotynn - shag, laft, chop, pott
531. futari - shog, laff, chip, mott
532. geoette - shoo, daff, chit, mort
533. futari - shod, diff, chin, sort
534. geoette - shoe, doff, chia, sora
535. futari - shie, doof, chic, lora
536. glotynn - shim, poof, cric, loma
537. geoette - skim, pouf, croc, coma
538. Menquart - skin, poup, cron, comp
539. futari - sken, poop, iron, pomp
540. glotynn - skep, pood, icon, powp
541. Menquart - step, food, ikon, howp
542. geoette - stet, rood, ison, howm
543. glotynn - stut, roop, ilon, howz
544. futari - saut, woop, flon, howk
545. geoette - smut, whop, floe, hawk

Posted on: 2007/7/2 10:08
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/1/20 18:03
From Taipei
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Not at all, Bro Geo. How can I be offended in a game? Your stated examples "kina" and "pula" are referred to in answers.com as English words used to call the said foreign currency units. They are nothing wrong to this game. The only point I was persuaded by was "The The Century Global Dictionary spells out clearly any word that is NOT English, and the word ‘ison’... has no notation of being foreign other than English.".

Let's go ahead:
526. glotynn - shat, sist, than, matt
527. geoette - shaw, sift, thaw, mutt
528. Menquart - shab, soft, chaw, butt
529. futari - shad, loft, chap, putt
530. glotynn - shag, laft, chop, pott
531. futari - shog, laff, chip, mott
532. geoette - shoo, daff, chit, mort
533. futari - shod, diff, chin, sort
534. geoette - shoe, doff, chia, sora
535. futari - shie, doof, chic, lora
536. glotynn - shim, poof, cric, loma
537. geoette - skim, pouf, croc, coma
538. Menquart - skin, poup, cron, comp
539. futari - sken, poop, iron, pomp
540. glotynn - skep, pood, icon, powp
541. Menquart - step, food, ikon, howp
542. geoette - stet, rood, ison, howm
543. glotynn - stut, roop, ilon, howz
544. futari - saut, woop, flon, howk
545. geoette - smut, whop, floe, hawk
546. gotynn - sout, whot, floc, hawm


Posted on: 2007/7/2 14:40
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Thanks Glot. Indeed both 'kina' and 'pula' are words acceptable to this game, otherwise the alarm bell would have gone for an inquiry. I was wanting to bring home the point that different dictionaries have different features and attributes; and as Tim has put it that no single dictionary contains all the words in any given language.

I am glad that you have not been disturbed. Here's my entry. Cheers.

526. glotynn - shat, sist, than, matt
527. geoette - shaw, sift, thaw, mutt
528. Menquart - shab, soft, chaw, butt
529. futari - shad, loft, chap, putt
530. glotynn - shag, laft, chop, pott
531. futari - shog, laff, chip, mott
532. geoette - shoo, daff, chit, mort
533. futari - shod, diff, chin, sort
534. geoette - shoe, doff, chia, sora
535. futari - shie, doof, chic, lora
536. glotynn - shim, poof, cric, loma
537. geoette - skim, pouf, croc, coma
538. Menquart - skin, poup, cron, comp
539. futari - sken, poop, iron, pomp
540. glotynn - skep, pood, icon, powp
541. Menquart - step, food, ikon, howp
542. geoette - stet, rood, ison, howm
543. glotynn - stut, roop, ilon, howz
544. futari - saut, woop, flon, howk
545. geoette - smut, whop, floe, hawk
546. gotynn - sout, whot, floc, hawm
545. geoette - soun, what, flic, haen


Posted on: 2007/7/2 15:51
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Just can't stay away
2006/6/2 17:54
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526. glotynn - shat, sist, than, matt
527. geoette - shaw, sift, thaw, mutt
528. Menquart - shab, soft, chaw, butt
529. futari - shad, loft, chap, putt
530. glotynn - shag, laft, chop, pott
531. futari - shog, laff, chip, mott
532. geoette - shoo, daff, chit, mort
533. futari - shod, diff, chin, sort
534. geoette - shoe, doff, chia, sora
535. futari - shie, doof, chic, lora
536. glotynn - shim, poof, cric, loma
537. geoette - skim, pouf, croc, coma
538. Menquart - skin, poup, cron, comp
539. futari - sken, poop, iron, pomp
540. glotynn - skep, pood, icon, powp
541. Menquart - step, food, ikon, howp
542. geoette - stet, rood, ison, howm
543. glotynn - stut, roop, ilon, howz
544. futari - saut, woop, flon, howk
545. geoette - smut, whop, floe, hawk
546. gotynn - sout, whot, floc, hawm
545. geoette - soun, what, flic, haen
546. Menquart - roun, whan, flik, hyen


Posted on: 2007/7/2 16:09
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