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Re: wanna add the next word? |
Hi Lady
As I have said before, everyone here is a winner! Here are the two words, one of which is dedicated to you, replacing the word 'gymn' 529. futari - shad, loft, chap, putt 530. glotynn - shag, laft, chop, pott 531. futari - shog, laff, chip, mott 532. geoette - shoo, daff, chit, mort 533. futari - shod, diff, chin, sort 534. geoette - shoe, doff, chia, sora 535. futari - shie, doof, chic, lora 536. glotynn - shim, poof, cric, loma 537. geoette - skim, pouf, croc, coma 538. Menquart - skin, poup, cron, comp 539. futari - sken, poop, iron, pomp 540. glotynn - skep, pood, icon, powp 541. Menquart - step, food, ikon, howp 542. geoette - stet, rood, ison, howm 543. glotynn - stut, roop, ilon, howz 544. futari - saut, woop, flon, howk 545. geoette - smut, whop, floe, hawk 546. gotynn - sout, whot, floc, hawm 547. geoette - soun, what, flic, haen 548. Menquart - roun, whan, flik, hyen 549. geoette - roan, whin, flix, hymn 550. futari - joan, thin, elix, fymn 551. all here - jean, this, elil, fxmn Both words ‘fymn’ and ‘fxmn’ are seen in Katzutaka Inoguchi’s invention of an optical system, the history of which is written in the attached link below. The invention has patent rights acclaim in the USA and has also been granted Foreign Patent References. The two words can be found in one of the paragraphs headed under DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS, an excerpt I append hereunder: QUOTE Now, when the i-th local meridional section power is defined as φyi and a value obtained by the distance between the hit point between the i-th optical surface and each reference ray and the hit point between the (i+1)th optical surface and each reference ray being divided by the refractive index of the medium there between is defined as a converted surface interval ei', composite power obtained from the m-th surface to the n-th surface in the same manner as ordinary paraxial pursuit calculation is defined as meridional section composite power φymn, and the inverse number fymn of φymn is defined as the meridional section composite focal length from the m-th surface to the n-th surface. Likewise, composite power obtained with respect to the local sagittal section power φxi and the converted interval ei' from the m-th surface to the n-th surface between the hit points is defined as sagittal section composite power φxmn, and the inverse number thereof is defined as the sagittal section composite focal length fxmn. UNQUOTE Cheers All
Posted on: 2007/7/7 21:46
Re: wanna add the next word? |
Just can't stay away
2006/9/10 10:58 Group:
Registered Users Posts: 149
Level : 11
HP : 0 / 256 |
恭喜。。。 所有的优胜者
Posted on: 2007/7/8 3:38
Re: wanna add the next word? |
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16 Group:
Registered Users Posts: 1416
Level : 32
HP : 0 / 782 |
Thanks, Geoette. That sure is a humble and generous gentleman's gesture; I appreciate it.
So, congratulations to all participants! And, CHEERS!
Posted on: 2007/7/8 13:55
Re: wanna add the next word? |
Let's All Celebrate! Cheers Celebrations called off!
Posted on: 2007/7/8 18:24
Re: wanna add the next word? |
Hello Guys
The celebration is called off! Why? None of us notice an illegal entry made by me at Line 547. I only noticed the 'illegal' word on looking back the entire game trying to collate statistics for my own interest. The word ‘haen’ does not follow Glot’s ‘hawm’. I shall now replace the word and continue with the game. Common guys, this word game is coming back alive; let’s continue with the fun! Cheers 529. futari - shad, loft, chap, putt 530. glotynn - shag, laft, chop, pott 531. futari - shog, laff, chip, mott 532. geoette - shoo, daff, chit, mort 533. futari - shod, diff, chin, sort 534. geoette - shoe, doff, chia, sora 535. futari - shie, doof, chic, lora 536. glotynn - shim, poof, cric, loma 537. geoette - skim, pouf, croc, coma 538. Menquart - skin, poup, cron, comp 539. futari - sken, poop, iron, pomp 540. glotynn - skep, pood, icon, powp 541. Menquart - step, food, ikon, howp 542. geoette - stet, rood, ison, howm 543. glotynn - stut, roop, ilon, howz 544. futari - saut, woop, flon, howk 545. geoette - smut, whop, floe, hawk 546. gotynn - sout, whot, floc, hawm 547. geoette - soun, what, flic, < harm > <=== replaced 548. Menquart - roun, whan, flik, < hyen > <=== pls revise 549. geoette - roan, whin, flix, < hymn > 550. futari - joan, thin, elix, < gymn > It's over to you, Menquart and Lady.
Posted on: 2007/7/9 17:07
Re: wanna add the next word? |
Just can't stay away
2006/6/2 17:54 Group:
Registered Users Posts: 106
Level : 9
HP : 0 / 207 |
Wow, Geo, what a short celebration it was! However, it's nice that the game has come back to life. haha...
My replacing entry #548: 526. glotynn - shat, sist, than, matt 527. geoette - shaw, sift, thaw, mutt 528. Menquart - shab, soft, chaw, butt 529. futari - shad, loft, chap, putt 530. glotynn - shag, laft, chop, pott 531. futari - shog, laff, chip, mott 532. geoette - shoo, daff, chit, mort 533. futari - shod, diff, chin, sort 534. geoette - shoe, doff, chia, sora 535. futari - shie, doof, chic, lora 536. glotynn - shim, poof, cric, loma 537. geoette - skim, pouf, croc, coma 538. Menquart - skin, poup, cron, comp 539. futari - sken, poop, iron, pomp 540. glotynn - skep, pood, icon, powp 541. Menquart - step, food, ikon, howp 542. geoette - stet, rood, ison, howm 543. glotynn - stut, roop, ilon, howz 544. futari - saut, woop, flon, howk 545. geoette - smut, whop, floe, hawk 546. gotynn - sout, whot, floc, hawm 547. geoette - soun, what, flic, harm 548. Menquart - roun, whan, flik, herm Anyone can make a successive entry, please.
Posted on: 2007/7/9 17:49
Re: wanna add the next word? |
I shall replace the word 'hymn' with 'herb'
Here goes ... 526. glotynn - shat, sist, than, matt 527. geoette - shaw, sift, thaw, mutt 528. Menquart - shab, soft, chaw, butt 529. futari - shad, loft, chap, putt 530. glotynn - shag, laft, chop, pott 531. futari - shog, laff, chip, mott 532. geoette - shoo, daff, chit, mort 533. futari - shod, diff, chin, sort 534. geoette - shoe, doff, chia, sora 535. futari - shie, doof, chic, lora 536. glotynn - shim, poof, cric, loma 537. geoette - skim, pouf, croc, coma 538. Menquart - skin, poup, cron, comp 539. futari - sken, poop, iron, pomp 540. glotynn - skep, pood, icon, powp 541. Menquart - step, food, ikon, howp 542. geoette - stet, rood, ison, howm 543. glotynn - stut, roop, ilon, howz 544. futari - saut, woop, flon, howk 545. geoette - smut, whop, floe, hawk 546. gotynn - sout, whot, floc, hawm 547. geoette - soun, what, flic, harm 548. Menquart - roun, whan, flik, herm 549. geoette - roan, whin, flix, herb Next please
Posted on: 2007/7/9 18:06
Re: wanna add the next word? |
Maybe, it is only appropriate to allow Futari, and Futari alone, to make a change to the word 'gymn' at Line 550. Just my thoughts. Sometimes, rules are made to be bent. Ha! Hope you all agree! Thanks
Posted on: 2007/7/9 18:39
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