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Re: wanna add the next word? |
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16 Group:
Registered Users Posts: 1416
Level : 32
HP : 0 / 782 |
751. geoette - bene, buta, weer, eche
752. glotynn - tene, bata, weel, oche 753. futari - wene, bats, ween, ocho 754. geoette - wend, bays, weep, echo 755. glotynn - weed, bayt, weet, echt 756. futari - werd, baya, keet, ecut 757. geoette - weid, daya, khet, acut 758. futari - weir, days, whet, abut 759. glotynn - wair, pays, whit, abet 760. geoette - waid, paya, whip, aber 761. futari - naid, pata, whap, abed
Posted on: 2007/9/13 22:24
Re: wanna add the next word? |
Home away from home
2006/1/20 18:03 From Taipei
Registered Users Moderators Posts: 999
Level : 27
HP : 0 / 674 |
751. geoette - bene, buta, weer, eche
752. glotynn - tene, bata, weel, oche 753. futari - wene, bats, ween, ocho 754. geoette - wend, bays, weep, echo 755. glotynn - weed, bayt, weet, echt 756. futari - werd, baya, keet, ecut 757. geoette - weid, daya, khet, acut 758. futari - weir, days, whet, abut 759. glotynn - wair, pays, whit, abet 760. geoette - waid, paya, whip, aber 761. futari - naid, pata, whap, abed 762. glotynn - naik, data, khap, aged
Posted on: 2007/9/13 23:44
Re: wanna add the next word? |
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16 Group:
Registered Users Posts: 1416
Level : 32
HP : 0 / 782 |
751. geoette - bene, buta, weer, eche
752. glotynn - tene, bata, weel, oche 753. futari - wene, bats, ween, ocho 754. geoette - wend, bays, weep, echo 755. glotynn - weed, bayt, weet, echt 756. futari - werd, baya, keet, ecut 757. geoette - weid, daya, khet, acut 758. futari - weir, days, whet, abut 759. glotynn - wair, pays, whit, abet 760. geoette - waid, paya, whip, aber 761. futari - naid, pata, whap, abed 762. glotynn - naik, data, khap, aged 763. futari - naif, datu, khan, agen
Posted on: 2007/9/14 0:52
Re: wanna add the next word? |
Indeed there's much to learn! I am always conscious of my ignorance that makes it a great step to knowledge. My knowledge is the amassed thoughts and experiences of innumerable minds that exist everywhere. Thank you Lady! Cheers
Posted on: 2007/9/14 10:03
Re: wanna add the next word? |
My entry ...
751. geoette - bene, buta, weer, eche 752. glotynn - tene, bata, weel, oche 753. futari - wene, bats, ween, ocho 754. geoette - wend, bays, weep, echo 755. glotynn - weed, bayt, weet, echt 756. futari - werd, baya, keet, ecut 757. geoette - weid, daya, khet, acut 758. futari - weir, days, whet, abut 759. glotynn - wair, pays, whit, abet 760. geoette - waid, paya, whip, aber 761. futari - naid, pata, whap, abed 762. glotynn - naik, data, khap, aged 763. futari - naif, datu, khan, agen 764. geoette - naff, patu, khat, agee Vol I .. Page 110 'agee' >>> Awry; off the right line; obliquely; wrong
Posted on: 2007/9/14 10:06
Re: wanna add the next word? |
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16 Group:
Registered Users Posts: 1416
Level : 32
HP : 0 / 782 |
751. geoette - bene, buta, weer, eche
752. glotynn - tene, bata, weel, oche 753. futari - wene, bats, ween, ocho 754. geoette - wend, bays, weep, echo 755. glotynn - weed, bayt, weet, echt 756. futari - werd, baya, keet, ecut 757. geoette - weid, daya, khet, acut 758. futari - weir, days, whet, abut 759. glotynn - wair, pays, whit, abet 760. geoette - waid, paya, whip, aber 761. futari - naid, pata, whap, abed 762. glotynn - naik, data, khap, aged 763. futari - naif, datu, khan, agen 764. geoette - naff, patu, khat, agee 765. futari - niff, pacu, ghat, alee
Posted on: 2007/9/14 16:34
Re: wanna add the next word? |
Home away from home
2006/1/20 18:03 From Taipei
Registered Users Moderators Posts: 999
Level : 27
HP : 0 / 674 |
751. geoette - bene, buta, weer, eche
752. glotynn - tene, bata, weel, oche 753. futari - wene, bats, ween, ocho 754. geoette - wend, bays, weep, echo 755. glotynn - weed, bayt, weet, echt 756. futari - werd, baya, keet, ecut 757. geoette - weid, daya, khet, acut 758. futari - weir, days, whet, abut 759. glotynn - wair, pays, whit, abet 760. geoette - waid, paya, whip, aber 761. futari - naid, pata, whap, abed 762. glotynn - naik, data, khap, aged 763. futari - naif, datu, khan, agen 764. geoette - naff, patu, khat, agee 765. futari - niff, pacu, ghat, alee 766. glotynn - jiff, pahu, phat, clee
Posted on: 2007/9/14 17:05
Re: wanna add the next word? |
751. geoette - bene, buta, weer, eche
752. glotynn - tene, bata, weel, oche 753. futari - wene, bats, ween, ocho 754. geoette - wend, bays, weep, echo 755. glotynn - weed, bayt, weet, echt 756. futari - werd, baya, keet, ecut 757. geoette - weid, daya, khet, acut 758. futari - weir, days, whet, abut 759. glotynn - wair, pays, whit, abet 760. geoette - waid, paya, whip, aber 761. futari - naid, pata, whap, abed 762. glotynn - naik, data, khap, aged 763. futari - naif, datu, khan, agen 764. geoette - naff, patu, khat, agee 765. futari - niff, pacu, ghat, alee 766. glotynn - jiff, pahu, phat, clee 767. geoette - biff, paha, bhat, clef
Posted on: 2007/9/14 17:23
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