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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/1/20 18:03
From Taipei
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Hi Geo,

The name of a people or their language is regarded as a proper noun or used as a proper adjective, as 'Lahu' is according to your provided link. Would you pick another word? Thanks and cheers!

I'm submitting my stand-by entry and will make a revision following yours if need be:
826. futari - bouk, mork, qada, baru
827. geoette - boud, mors, qadi, zaru
828. glotynn - loud, mora, qadr, zafu
829. futari - loid, gora, sadr, zaju
830. glotynn - loir, gorf, sabr, caju
831. geoette - lour, gort, sabz, caja
832. futari - gour, gont, satz, cava
833. geoette - your, hont, batz, java
834. glotynn - youg, kont, catz, kava
835. menquart - joug, ront, cath, tava
836. geoette - jouk, runt, caph, taxa
837. glotynn - joik, rune, caps, toxa
838. geoette - joie, runs, caas, toga
839. futari - jote, russ, paas, tota
840. geoette - sote, ruse, paan, tosa
841. futari - sope, rusa, paar, tose
842. geoette - sipe, ruta, pair, toke
843. glotynn - supe, ruth, dair, roke
844. geoette - pupe, ryth, vair, roky
845. menquart - pume, rath, zair, rory
846. futari - pumi, ratu, zaar, lory
847. geoette - gumi, rayu, haar, logy
848. glotynn - lumi, layu, maar, dogy
849. geoette - sumi. lahu, maad, dogs
850. glotynn - pumi, sahu, mrad, digs


Posted on: 2007/10/14 14:57
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Re: wanna add the next word?

glotynn wrote:
Hi Geo,

The name of a people or their language is regarded as a proper noun or used as a proper adjective, as 'Lahu' is according to your provided link. Would you pick another word? Thanks and cheers!

Hello Glot

Okay, I have amended my entry below, and sorry to have to trouble you to amend yours. May I ask, whether or not, the word 'russ' at Line # 839 is regarded as a proper noun?

And, by the way ...

1. 'pumi' is seen entered by Futari at Line # 846. Please revised accordingly.

2. 'mrad' is an abbreviated term for 'millirad'. Please see this link http://www.answers.com/topic/millirad?cat=technology.


Here goes my amended entry. Cheers!

826. futari - bouk, mork, qada, baru
827. geoette - boud, mors, qadi, zaru
828. glotynn - loud, mora, qadr, zafu
829. futari - loid, gora, sadr, zaju
830. glotynn - loir, gorf, sabr, caju
831. geoette - lour, gort, sabz, caja
832. futari - gour, gont, satz, cava
833. geoette - your, hont, batz, java
834. glotynn - youg, kont, catz, kava
835. menquart - joug, ront, cath, tava
836. geoette - jouk, runt, caph, taxa
837. glotynn - joik, rune, caps, toxa
838. geoette - joie, runs, caas, toga
839. futari - jote, russ, paas, tota
840. geoette - sote, ruse, paan, tosa
841. futari - sope, rusa, paar, tose
842. geoette - sipe, ruta, pair, toke
843. glotynn - supe, ruth, dair, roke
844. geoette - pupe, ryth, vair, roky
845. menquart - pume, rath, zair, rory
846. futari - pumi, ratu, zaar, lory
847. geoette - gumi, rayu, haar, logy
848. glotynn - lumi, layu, maar, dogy
849. geoette - sumi. [layt], maad, dogs >> 'layt' replaces 'lahu'
850. glotynn - pumi, sahu, mrad, digs

Vol IV .. Page 712
'layt' >> Same as 'lait'

Posted on: 2007/10/14 18:01
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/1/20 18:03
From Taipei
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Thanks, Geo, for the replacement.

The word 'russ' is okay for the game because it has other meanings than a Russian or the Russians:
Russ, a Scandinavian student finishing high school, and the celebrations which follow.
Russ or Radler, a combination of wheat beer and lemonade, similar to shandy.


The word 'mrad' is a short for millirad. Though abbreviated, it's not done in an acronym manner taking the initial letters of several words to combine. Such one-to-one short terms have often been accepted in this game. Geo, you may be able to remind me of some examples in previous entries of the game beyond my bad memory.

My amended entry:
826. futari - bouk, mork, qada, baru
827. geoette - boud, mors, qadi, zaru
828. glotynn - loud, mora, qadr, zafu
829. futari - loid, gora, sadr, zaju
830. glotynn - loir, gorf, sabr, caju
831. geoette - lour, gort, sabz, caja
832. futari - gour, gont, satz, cava
833. geoette - your, hont, batz, java
834. glotynn - youg, kont, catz, kava
835. menquart - joug, ront, cath, tava
836. geoette - jouk, runt, caph, taxa
837. glotynn - joik, rune, caps, toxa
838. geoette - joie, runs, caas, toga
839. futari - jote, russ, paas, tota
840. geoette - sote, ruse, paan, tosa
841. futari - sope, rusa, paar, tose
842. geoette - sipe, ruta, pair, toke
843. glotynn - supe, ruth, dair, roke
844. geoette - pupe, ryth, vair, roky
845. menquart - pume, rath, zair, rory
846. futari - pumi, ratu, zaar, lory
847. geoette - gumi, rayu, haar, logy
848. glotynn - lumi, layu, maar, dogy
849. geoette - sumi. layt, maad, dogs
850. glotynn - sufi, lart, mrad, digs


Posted on: 2007/10/15 0:36
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16
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Well, Geoette, for your information, "russ" is an adjective, too.

There are two "sufus" in the alphabetized list. What should we do, pals?

Posted on: 2007/10/15 2:05
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16
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Well, Geoette, for your information, "russ" is an adjective, too.

There are two "sufus" in the alphabetized list. What should we do, pals?

826. futari - bouk, mork, qada, baru
827. geoette - boud, mors, qadi, zaru
828. glotynn - loud, mora, qadr, zafu
829. futari - loid, gora, sadr, zaju
830. glotynn - loir, gorf, sabr, caju
831. geoette - lour, gort, sabz, caja
832. futari - gour, gont, satz, cava
833. geoette - your, hont, batz, java
834. glotynn - youg, kont, catz, kava
835. menquart - joug, ront, cath, tava
836. geoette - jouk, runt, caph, taxa
837. glotynn - joik, rune, caps, toxa
838. geoette - joie, runs, caas, toga
839. futari - jote, russ, paas, tota
840. geoette - sote, ruse, paan, tosa
841. futari - sope, rusa, paar, tose
842. geoette - sipe, ruta, pair, toke
843. glotynn - supe, ruth, dair, roke
844. geoette - pupe, ryth, vair, roky
845. menquart - pume, rath, zair, rory
846. futari - pumi, ratu, zaar, lory
847. geoette - gumi, rayu, haar, logy
848. glotynn - lumi, layu, maar, dogy
849. geoette - sumi. layt, maad, dogs
850. glotynn - sufi, lart, mrad, digs
851. futari - sofi, lare, urad, dibs





Posted on: 2007/10/15 2:15
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Hello Glot

Thanks for the explanation on the words 'russ' and 'mrad.

glotynn wrote:

The word 'mrad' is a short for millirad. Though abbreviated, it's not done in an acronym manner taking the initial letters of several words to combine. Such one-to-one short terms have often been accepted in this game. Geo, you may be able to remind me of some examples in previous entries of the game beyond my bad memory.


Let me do a search on the above and let you have the examples nearer the time.

Hi Futari

I overlooked that adjectival 'russ'. Thanks for pointing out.

The word 'sufu' only appeared once entered by Menquart at Line # 700. Similarly, 'suzu' entered once by yourself at Line # 705 also appeared twice in the list. Check page 129. I cannot understand why it appeared twice on the alphabetized list.

Now for my entry ...

826. futari - bouk, mork, qada, baru
827. geoette - boud, mors, qadi, zaru
828. glotynn - loud, mora, qadr, zafu
829. futari - loid, gora, sadr, zaju
830. glotynn - loir, gorf, sabr, caju
831. geoette - lour, gort, sabz, caja
832. futari - gour, gont, satz, cava
833. geoette - your, hont, batz, java
834. glotynn - youg, kont, catz, kava
835. menquart - joug, ront, cath, tava
836. geoette - jouk, runt, caph, taxa
837. glotynn - joik, rune, caps, toxa
838. geoette - joie, runs, caas, toga
839. futari - jote, russ, paas, tota
840. geoette - sote, ruse, paan, tosa
841. futari - sope, rusa, paar, tose
842. geoette - sipe, ruta, pair, toke
843. glotynn - supe, ruth, dair, roke
844. geoette - pupe, ryth, vair, roky
845. menquart - pume, rath, zair, rory
846. futari - pumi, ratu, zaar, lory
847. geoette - gumi, rayu, haar, logy
848. glotynn - lumi, layu, maar, dogy
849. geoette - sumi. layt, maad, dogs
850. glotynn - sufi, lart, mrad, digs
851. futari - sofi, lare, urad, dibs
852. geoette - sori, lawe, urao, dips


I shall be away for about a week or so. Anyone can override my entry should there be word(s) that is/are not acceptable to this game. You guys have fun.

Cheers all!

Posted on: 2007/10/15 7:01
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16
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Have a great holiday, Geoette.

826. futari - bouk, mork, qada, baru
827. geoette - boud, mors, qadi, zaru
828. glotynn - loud, mora, qadr, zafu
829. futari - loid, gora, sadr, zaju
830. glotynn - loir, gorf, sabr, caju
831. geoette - lour, gort, sabz, caja
832. futari - gour, gont, satz, cava
833. geoette - your, hont, batz, java
834. glotynn - youg, kont, catz, kava
835. menquart - joug, ront, cath, tava
836. geoette - jouk, runt, caph, taxa
837. glotynn - joik, rune, caps, toxa
838. geoette - joie, runs, caas, toga
839. futari - jote, russ, paas, tota
840. geoette - sote, ruse, paan, tosa
841. futari - sope, rusa, paar, tose
842. geoette - sipe, ruta, pair, toke
843. glotynn - supe, ruth, dair, roke
844. geoette - pupe, ryth, vair, roky
845. menquart - pume, rath, zair, rory
846. futari - pumi, ratu, zaar, lory
847. geoette - gumi, rayu, haar, logy
848. glotynn - lumi, layu, maar, dogy
849. geoette - sumi. layt, maad, dogs
850. glotynn - sufi, lart, mrad, digs
851. futari - sofi, lare, urad, dibs
852. geoette - sori, lawe, urao, dips
853. futari - siri, dawe, ural, rips





Posted on: 2007/10/16 19:30
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/1/20 18:03
From Taipei
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Hi Futari,

"Ural" is the proper adjective of "The Urals" or "The Ural Mountains", and therefore does not fit the game.
Would you pick another word? Thanks.

Posted on: 2007/10/16 22:00
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16
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Proper adjective? And I thought it's only proper noun that we are not accepting! Anyway, I still hold on to "ural" but with other meanings added.


Posted on: 2007/10/16 22:47
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/1/20 18:03
From Taipei
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Proper adjectives certainly do not fit the game. Let alone the 4-letter words, you won't think such adjectives as Iraqi, Irani, Irish, Chinese acceptable, will you?

However, you new link has legalized 'ural'. That's a good job you've done!

My following entry:
826. futari - bouk, mork, qada, baru
827. geoette - boud, mors, qadi, zaru
828. glotynn - loud, mora, qadr, zafu
829. futari - loid, gora, sadr, zaju
830. glotynn - loir, gorf, sabr, caju
831. geoette - lour, gort, sabz, caja
832. futari - gour, gont, satz, cava
833. geoette - your, hont, batz, java
834. glotynn - youg, kont, catz, kava
835. menquart - joug, ront, cath, tava
836. geoette - jouk, runt, caph, taxa
837. glotynn - joik, rune, caps, toxa
838. geoette - joie, runs, caas, toga
839. futari - jote, russ, paas, tota
840. geoette - sote, ruse, paan, tosa
841. futari - sope, rusa, paar, tose
842. geoette - sipe, ruta, pair, toke
843. glotynn - supe, ruth, dair, roke
844. geoette - pupe, ryth, vair, roky
845. menquart - pume, rath, zair, rory
846. futari - pumi, ratu, zaar, lory
847. geoette - gumi, rayu, haar, logy
848. glotynn - lumi, layu, maar, dogy
849. geoette - sumi. layt, maad, dogs
850. glotynn - sufi, lart, mrad, digs
851. futari - sofi, lare, urad, dibs
852. geoette - sori, lawe, urao, dips
853. futari - siri, dawe, ural, rips
854. glotynn - sidi, diwe, udal, ripe

>> http://www.pantheon.org/articles/d/diwe.html

Posted on: 2007/10/16 23:15
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