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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16
Registered Users
Posts: 1416
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851. futari - sofi, lare, urad, dibs
852. geoette - sori, lawe, urao, dips
853. futari - siri, dawe, ural, rips
854. glotynn - sidi, diwe, udal, ripe
855. geoette - sida, dide, odal, rine
856. futari - soda, dido, odax, rink
857. geoette - coda, fido, olax, zink
858. glotynn - coca, fino, klax, fink
859. geoette - coco, finn, slax, oink
860. futari - cuco, fian, slaw, kink
861. geoette - cuca, dian, staw, king
862. glotynn - auca, jian, stay, ging
863. geoette - yuca, mian, stau, ling
864. glotynn - yuba, mien, stad, lina
865. geoette - yuga, pien, swad, linn
866. menquart - juga, tien, swap, jinn
867. geoette - juge, tier, swag, jini
868. futari - kuge, tyer, swab, jina
869. geoette - kune, ther, swan, jiva
870. glotynn - aune, thep, saan, kiva
871. geoette - sune, shep, sain, kive
872. futari - suni, swep, saic, kike
873. glotynn - sunn, swet, saif, kyke
874. futari - sunu, snet, saff, kyne
875. geoette - sunt, suet, saft, syne
876. glotynn - dunt, duet, baft, tyne
877. futari - nunt, diet, daft, tyke
878. geoette - nint, ditt, haft, tyte
879. futari - nilt, bitt, haet, tite
880. glotynn - kilt, sitt, hast, nite
881. geoette - kile, sith, hasi, site
882. futari - kiln, sish, hass, wite





Posted on: 2007/10/31 4:12
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16
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Posts: 1416
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MP : 472 / 41624
EXP : 28

glotynn wrote:

878. geoette - nint, ditt, haft, tyte
879. futari - nilt, bitt, haet, ayle

Hi Futari, your 'ayle' does not follow 'tyte'. Please have it replaced. Thanks.

That's silly of me! Thanks!

Posted on: 2007/10/31 4:14
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Re: wanna add the next word?
851. futari - sofi, lare, urad, dibs
852. geoette - sori, lawe, urao, dips
853. futari - siri, dawe, ural, rips
854. glotynn - sidi, diwe, udal, ripe
855. geoette - sida, dide, odal, rine
856. futari - soda, dido, odax, rink
857. geoette - coda, fido, olax, zink
858. glotynn - coca, fino, klax, fink
859. geoette - coco, finn, slax, oink
860. futari - cuco, fian, slaw, kink
861. geoette - cuca, dian, staw, king
862. glotynn - auca, jian, stay, ging
863. geoette - yuca, mian, stau, ling
864. glotynn - yuba, mien, stad, lina
865. geoette - yuga, pien, swad, linn
866. menquart - juga, tien, swap, jinn
867. geoette - juge, tier, swag, jini
868. futari - kuge, tyer, swab, jina
869. geoette - kune, ther, swan, jiva
870. glotynn - aune, thep, saan, kiva
871. geoette - sune, shep, sain, kive
872. futari - suni, swep, saic, kike
873. glotynn - sunn, swet, saif, kyke
874. futari - sunu, snet, saff, kyne
875. geoette - sunt, suet, saft, syne
876. glotynn - dunt, duet, baft, tyne
877. futari - nunt, diet, daft, tyke
878. geoette - nint, ditt, haft, tyte
879. futari - nilt, bitt, haet, tite
880. glotynn - kilt, sitt, hast, nite
881. geoette - kile, sith, hasi, site
882. futari - kiln, sish, hass, wite
883.geoette - kilk, sise, hiss, wize

Vol IV .. Page 614
'kilk' >> Contraction of 'killock', 'kellock'


Vol VIII .. Page 750
'wize' >> An old spelling of 'wise'

Posted on: 2007/10/31 11:37
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/1/20 18:03
From Taipei
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Posts: 999
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EXP : 96
851. futari - sofi, lare, urad, dibs
852. geoette - sori, lawe, urao, dips
853. futari - siri, dawe, ural, rips
854. glotynn - sidi, diwe, udal, ripe
855. geoette - sida, dide, odal, rine
856. futari - soda, dido, odax, rink
857. geoette - coda, fido, olax, zink
858. glotynn - coca, fino, klax, fink
859. geoette - coco, finn, slax, oink
860. futari - cuco, fian, slaw, kink
861. geoette - cuca, dian, staw, king
862. glotynn - auca, jian, stay, ging
863. geoette - yuca, mian, stau, ling
864. glotynn - yuba, mien, stad, lina
865. geoette - yuga, pien, swad, linn
866. menquart - juga, tien, swap, jinn
867. geoette - juge, tier, swag, jini
868. futari - kuge, tyer, swab, jina
869. geoette - kune, ther, swan, jiva
870. glotynn - aune, thep, saan, kiva
871. geoette - sune, shep, sain, kive
872. futari - suni, swep, saic, kike
873. glotynn - sunn, swet, saif, kyke
874. futari - sunu, snet, saff, kyne
875. geoette - sunt, suet, saft, syne
876. glotynn - dunt, duet, baft, tyne
877. futari - nunt, diet, daft, tyke
878. geoette - nint, ditt, haft, tyte
879. futari - nilt, bitt, haet, tite
880. glotynn - kilt, sitt, hast, nite
881. geoette - kile, sith, hasi, site
882. futari - kiln, sish, hass, wite
883.geoette - kilk, sise, hiss, wize
884. glotynn - bilk, tise, liss, wike


Posted on: 2007/10/31 15:58
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Re: wanna add the next word?
851. futari - sofi, lare, urad, dibs
852. geoette - sori, lawe, urao, dips
853. futari - siri, dawe, ural, rips
854. glotynn - sidi, diwe, udal, ripe
855. geoette - sida, dide, odal, rine
856. futari - soda, dido, odax, rink
857. geoette - coda, fido, olax, zink
858. glotynn - coca, fino, klax, fink
859. geoette - coco, finn, slax, oink
860. futari - cuco, fian, slaw, kink
861. geoette - cuca, dian, staw, king
862. glotynn - auca, jian, stay, ging
863. geoette - yuca, mian, stau, ling
864. glotynn - yuba, mien, stad, lina
865. geoette - yuga, pien, swad, linn
866. menquart - juga, tien, swap, jinn
867. geoette - juge, tier, swag, jini
868. futari - kuge, tyer, swab, jina
869. geoette - kune, ther, swan, jiva
870. glotynn - aune, thep, saan, kiva
871. geoette - sune, shep, sain, kive
872. futari - suni, swep, saic, kike
873. glotynn - sunn, swet, saif, kyke
874. futari - sunu, snet, saff, kyne
875. geoette - sunt, suet, saft, syne
876. glotynn - dunt, duet, baft, tyne
877. futari - nunt, diet, daft, tyke
878. geoette - nint, ditt, haft, tyte
879. futari - nilt, bitt, haet, tite
880. glotynn - kilt, sitt, hast, nite
881. geoette - kile, sith, hasi, site
882. futari - kiln, sish, hass, wite
883.geoette - kilk, sise, hiss, wize
884. glotynn - bilk, tise, liss, wike
885. geoette - cilk, tish, lisp, wife


Posted on: 2007/10/31 18:51
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16
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Posts: 1416
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EXP : 28
Hey, folks, I'll be away for a while; in the meantime, keep the ball rolling, and, have FUN! Cheerio!

Posted on: 2007/11/1 8:19
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/1/17 19:32
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Posts: 2217
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EXP : 45
Hello Futari:
come back soon. I think bo bo geo and uncle glot two are waiting for you to go on the word game.

Posted on: 2007/11/11 19:19
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Re: wanna add the next word?
2006/1/16 17:41
From Taipei, 大羅天
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New alphabetized list for lines 1 to 875.


abed, aber, abet, abib, abir, abit, abiu, abut, acar, acer, ache, achy, acid, acut, adar, adat, adda, adha, adin, adit, aeae, aeon, afar, agar, aged, agee, agen, agin, agon, ahem, ahum, aide, aidi, aids, aiel, aira, aire, airs, airt, airy, ajam, ajar, ajax, akha, akia, akin, alae, alal, alan, alar, alas, alee, alef, alen, alew, alie, alif, alim, alit, alod, aloe, aloo, alow, alum, amae, amah, amen, amia, amic, amid, amir, amon, anan, anas, anax, anew, anon, anus, apar, aper, apob, apod, apus, arak, arca, arch, arco, area, areg, arew, aria, arid, aril, arit, arna, arsh, arth, arty, arum, arya, aryk, aryl, ashy, asty, atar, atef, ates, atob, atof, atoi, atom, atop, auge, aula, aulu, aunt, aura, auwa, aver, aves, avid, avie, avis, awit, axel, axes, axia, axyl, ayah, ayan, ayat, ayel, ayen, ayin, azan, azon, baba, babe, babi, babu, baby, bace, bach, back, bade, bado, bael, baff, baga, bagh, bail, bain, bait, bake, bala, bald, bale, balk, ball, balm, band, bane, bang, bank, barb, bard, bare, barf, bark, barm, barn, bars, baru, base, bash, bask, bass, bast, bata, bate, bath, bats, batt, batz, baud, bawd, bawl, bawn, bawu, baya, bays, bayt, bead, beak, beal, beam, bean, bear, beat, beau, beck, bede, beef, beel, been, beep, beer, beet, belk, bell, belt, bend, bene, berg, berk, berm, best, beta, bete, beth, bhat, bice, bide, bidi, bier, biff, biga, bike, bikh, bile, bill, bima, bina, bind, bine, bing, bink, bint, bion, biot, bird, birk, birl, birn, biro, birt, bise, bish, bisk, bite, bito, bize, blaa, blab, blae, blah, blan, blat, blau, blaw, blay, blea, bleb, bled, blee, blet, bleu, blew, blin, blip, blit, blob, blog, blot, blow, blue, boak, boar, boat, boce, bock, bode, bodo, body, boer, boff, bogy, boil, boke, boku, bola, bold, bole, boll, boln, bolo, bolt, boma, bond, bone, bong, bonk, bont, bont, bony, book, bool, boom, boon, boor, boot, bora, bord, bore, bork, born, bort, bosa, bosh, bosk, boss, bota, bote, both, boud, bouk, boun, bour, bout, bowl, boza, bozo, brad, brae, brag, brak, bran, brat, braw, bray, bred, bred, bree, bren, bret, brew, brie, bril, brim, brio, bris, brit, broa, brob, brog, brot, brow, bual, buat, bubo, buck, budo, budu, buff, bufo, buga, buhe, buhl, buhr, buka, buke, bulk, bull, bulu, bump, buna, bund, bung, bunk, buno, bunt, bura, burb, bure, burg, burh, burl, burn, burr, burt, buru, bury, bush, busk, buss, bust, busy, buta, butt, buza, buzz, byer, byon, byor, byou, byte, caas, caca, cack, caco, cade, cadi, cady, caff, cage, cagy, caid, caja, caju, cake, caky, cala, cale, calf, cali, calk, call, calm, calp, calx, cama, came, camp, cana, cand, cane, cang, cant, cany, cape, caph, capo, caps, carb, card, care, carf, cark, carn, carp, carr, cart, case, cash, cask, cass, cast, cate, cath, catz, cauf, cauk, cava, cave, cavy, cawk, cede, cedi, ceil, cell, celo, celt, cent, cerd, cere, cero, cess, cest, chab, cham, chap, char, chat, chaw, chef, chem, chen, ches, chet, chew, chez, chia, chic, chin, chip, chit, chon, chop, chow, chub, chum, cill, cima, cine, cion, circ, cire, cirl, cite, city, cive, cize, clad, clam, clan, clap, claw, clay, clee, clef, clew, clip, clit, clod, clog, clop, clot, cloy, clue, coag, coak, coal, coap, coat, coax, cock, code, coil, coin, coit, coit, coke, cola, cold, cole, coll, colo, colp, colt, coma, come, comp, cond, cone, cong, coni, conk, conn, cons, cony, cook, cool, coom, coon, coop, coot, cope, cops, copt, copy, cora, corb, cord, core, corf, cori, cork, corm, corn, coro, corp, coss, cost, cosy, cote, coup, cour, cove, cowl, crab, crag, cram, cran, crap, craw, cray, cred, cree, crew, crib, cric, crim, crip, crit, croc, cron, crop, crow, cube, cuff, cuke, cull, culm, cult, cunt, cuon, curb, curd, cure, curl, curr, curt, cusk, cuss, cute, cuve, cyan, cyon, czar, dace, dada, dade, dado, daff, dago, dahi, dahu, dain, dair, dais, dale, dali, dalo, dama, dame, damn, damp, dana, dang, dank, dare, dark, darn, dart, dase, dash, dass, data, date, datu, daud, daun, dawa, dawn, daya, days, daze, deaf, deal, dean, dear, deck, dede, deed, deep, deer, defi, deft, defy, deil, deis, deke, dele, delf, deli, dell, delt, deme, demi, demo, demy, dene, deng, deni, dens, dent, deny, derb, dere, derf, derg, derk, derm, dern, desk, dess, deve, dhow, dial, dibs, dice, dick, diff, digs, dihu, dika, dike, dill, dime, dina, dine, ding, dink, dint, dips, dire, dirk, dirl, dirt, disa, disc, dish, disk, dita, dite, ditz, diva, dive, diya, diyu, dizz, doce, dock, dodo, doer, does, doff, doge, dogs, dogy, doha, doit, doit, doke, dola, dole, doll, dolt, dome, dona, done, dong, doni, donk, dono, doof, dook, doom, doon, doop, door, dopa, dope, dopy, dore, dork, dorm, dorn, dorp, dort, dory, dosa, dose, doss, dost, dote, doth, dour, dout, dove, dowl, down, doze, drab, drad, drag, dram, dram, drat, drat, draw, dray, dree, dreg, drew, drey, drib, drie, drip, drop, drow, drua, drub, drug, drum, dual, duan, duce, duck, duda, dude, dudo, duel, duff, duke, dull, duly, duma, dump, dune, dung, dunk, dupe, dura, dure, duse, dusk, dust, dyke, dyon, each, eale, eame, earl, earn, ease, east, easy, eave, eche, echo, echt, ecut, edda, eddy, edge, edgy, edit, eira, eire, elil, elim, elix, emic, emir, emit, epic, etic, etim, euge, eval, even, ever, evet, evil, eyen, eyer, eyet, eyot, eyre, face, fact, fade, fado, faff, fail, fain, fair, faja, fake, falk, fall, fals, fame, fand, fane, fang, fard, fare, farm, fart, fash, fast, fate, fave, fawn, faze, feal, fear, feat, feck, feed, feel, feet, feld, fele, fell, felt, fend, feng, ferm, fern, fess, fest, feta, fete, feud, fiar, fiat, fiat, fice, fico, fico, fief, fife, fila, file, fili, filk, fill, film, fils, find, fine, fink, fint, fint, fire, firk, firm, firn, fish, fisk, fist, fita, fitt, fitz, five, fizz, flab, flag, flak, flam, flan, flap, flat, flaw, flax, flay, flea, fled, flee, flet, flew, flex, fley, flic, flik, flip, flit, flix, floc, floe, flog, flon, flop, flot, flow, flub, flue, flux, foal, foam, foge, fogy, foil, foin, fold, folk, fond, fone, fong, fons, font, font, fonz, food, fool, foon, foot, fora, forb, ford, fore, fork, form, fors, fort, foss, foul, four, fowl, frae, frat, frat, fray, fred, free, fren, fret, frie, frit, frob, froe, frog, from, frow, fuck, fuel, fuff, fufu, fufu, fuga, fuge, fugo, fugu, fula, fume, fump, fund, funk, furl, fury, fuse, fuss, fust, fute, fute, futu, futu, futz, fuwa, fuze, fuzz, gabi, gaby, gade, gaff, gaga, gage, gagh, gain, gait, gaja, gaki, gala, gale, gall, galp, galt, gamb, game, gamp, gamy, gane, gang, gape, garb, gard, gare, gari, garn, gash, gasp, gast, gate, gaud, gaum, gaur, gave, gawd, gawk, gawn, gawp, gaze, gear, geck, geep, geer, geet, geld, gell, gelt, gene, gent, genu, gerb, germ, gern, gess, gest, ghat, ghee, gibe, gift, giga, gige, gila, gild, gile, gill, gilt, gimp, ging, gink, gird, gire, giri, girl, girn, giro, girt, gise, gist, gite, give, glad, glam, glee, gleg, glen, glew, gley, glib, glim, glob, glom, glop, glow, glue, glum, glut, goad, goaf, goal, goar, goat, gobi, gobo, goby, gode, goel, goen, goer, goes, gohn, goje, gola, gold, golf, goll, golp, goma, gome, gone, gong, gonk, gont, good, goof, goog, gook, goon, goop, goot, gora, gord, gore, gorf, gork, gorn, gorp, gort, gory, gose, gosh, goss, gota, gote, goth, gour, gout, gove, gowk, gowl, gown, grab, grad, gram, gran, gray, gree, gren, gret, grew, grey, grid, grim, grip, grit, grow, grum, guan, guar, guck, guff, guhr, gula, guld, gule, gulf, gull, gulp, gult, guly, gumi, guna, gunk, gurl, gurn, gurr, gurt, guru, gush, gust, gybe, gyle, gyre, gyve, haar, hack, hade, haen, haff, haik, hail, hain, hair, haje, haka, hake, haku, hala, hald, hale, half, halk, hall, halm, halo, halp, halt, hame, hand, hane, hang, hank, hapa, hara, hard, hare, hark, harl, harm, harn, harp, hart, hary, hasa, hase, hash, hask, hasp, hate, hath, haud, haul, haut, have, hawk, hawm, haze, hazy, head, heal, heam, heap, hear, heat, heck, heed, heel, heep, heer, heft, heir, held, hele, hell, helm, helo, help, hemp, heng, henk, herb, herd, here, herm, hero, hest, hete, heuk, hewe, hick, hide, high, hike, hill, hilo, hind, hint, hire, hiro, hive, hizz, hoar, hoax, hobo, hock, hogh, hoit, hoit, hoke, hola, hold, hole, holm, holp, holt, holy, homa, home, homo, hond, hone, honk, hont, hood, hoof, hook, hook, hool, hoom, hoom, hoon, hoon, hoop, hoot, hoot, hope, hora, horn, horo, hose, hoss, host, hote, hoth, houp, hour, hout, hove, howk, howl, howm, howp, howz, huch, huck, hued, huel, huer, huey, huff, hufu, huge, hugs, hugy, hugz, huhu, huke, hula, hulk, hull, huly, huma, hump, huna, hung, hunk, hunt, hurl, hurr, hurt, hush, husk, huso, huzz, hyen, hype, hypo, hyte, iamb, ibex, ibis, icer, icon, idea, idel, idem, ides, idol, idyl, ikon, ilea, ilex, ilia, ilon, imam, iman, inde, indo, inia, into, iona, iota, iris, iron, ison, itan, item, iter, ivan, iwis, ixia, iyan, izar, jack, jade, jaff, jail, jake, jali, jamb, jane, jann, jant, jarl, jars, jasp, jass, jato, java, jawi, jawn, jawy, jazz, jeep, jeer, jell, jerk, jess, jest, jibe, jiff, jigo, jill, jina, jini, jink, jinn, jinx, jito, jiva, jive, jizz, joan, jock, jodo, jody, joey, john, joie, joik, join, joke, jole, jolt, jort, joss, jota, jote, joug, jouk, jowl, juba, jube, judo, jufu, jufu, jugo, juke, juku, junk, jupe, jura, jurt, jury, juse, just, jute, kadi, kaff, kage, kaka, kaki, kale, kali, kama, kame, kana, kand, kane, kapa, kaph, kapo, kapu, kara, kard, kari, karn, kart, kata, kate, kava, keck, keef, keel, keen, keep, keet, keld, kele, kell, kelp, kelt, kemb, kemp, keno, kent, kept, kerb, kerf, kern, kero, khan, khap, khat, khet, kibe, kick, kief, kigo, kike, kill, kilo, kima, kime, kimo, kina, kind, kine, king, kink, kino, kipe, kira, kirk, kish, kiss, kist, kite, kiva, kive, koan, koek, koel, koha, kohl, koil, koko, koku, kola, kolk, kont, kook, kora, kore, korn, koro, kray, kuda, kudo, kudu, kula, kuli, kumo, kuna, kupu, kuru, kuso, kuta, kuzu, kyke, kyne, laas, lace, lack, lacy, lade, lady, laff, laft, laid, lain, lair, laja, lake, laky, lali, lalo, lama, lamb, lame, lamp, land, lane, lang, lank, lant, lard, lari, lark, larn, lart, lase, lash, lask, lass, last, late, lath, lats, laud, lava, lave, lawn, laws, lays, layt, layu, laze, lazy, lead, leaf, leak, leal, leam, lean, leap, lede, leea, leed, leef, leek, leep, leer, lees, leet, left, leie, leil, leim, leis, leme, lena, lend, lene, leno, lens, lent, leod, lese, less, lest, leud, leve, lewd, leys, liar, lice, lick, lied, lief, lien, lier, lieu, life, lift, like, lill, lilt, lima, limb, lime, limn, limo, limp, lina, lind, line, ling, link, linn, lino, lint, lion, lira, lire, lirk, lirt, list, lite, live, lixt, load, loaf, loan, loba, lobe, lobo, lock, lode, lofo, loft, loge, logh, logo, logy, loid, loin, loir, loka, loke, loma, lomo, lone, long, loof, look, lool, loom, loon, loop, loos, loot, lope, lora, lord, lore, lori, lorn, lory, lose, loss, lost, lota, lote, loth, loti, loud, lour, lout, love, lown, lube, luck, lude, ludo, luff, luft, luge, lulu, lume, lumi, lump, lune, lung, lunk, luny, lure, lush, lusk, luso, lust, lute, luxe, luxy, lyon, lyre, maad, maar, mabi, mace, mach, mack, maco, made, mado, mage, magi, magn, mago, maha, maid, mail, maim, main, maja, majo, make, maki, mako, mala, male, mall, malm, malo, malt, mama, mami, mamo, mana, mand, mane, mano, manx, many, mara, marc, mare, mark, mart, mary, masa, mase, mash, mask, mass, mast, mate, math, matt, maty, maul, mawk, mawn, maxi, mead, meak, meal, mean, mear, meat, mede, meed, meek, meer, meet, mega, meld, mell, melt, meme, memo, mend, mene, mens, menu, mere, merk, mesa, mesh, mess, meta, mete, meth, meve, mica, mica, mice, mich, mick, mico, mico, midi, miff, mild, mile, milk, mill, milo, milt, mime, mine, mini, mink, mint, minx, miny, mire, mirk, miro, miry, mise, miso, miss, mist, misy, mita, mita, mite, mitt, mitu, mity, mixt, moan, moat, mobo, moby, mock, moco, mode, modo, mody, moff, mofo, moga, moil, moin, mojo, 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oaty, obel, obex, obia, obie, obil, obit, oboe, obol, oche, ocho, odic, odir, odyl, ofay, offa, offo, offy, oink, okay, okeh, oker, okey, okir, olan, olay, omal, omam, omau, ombi, ombu, omen, omer, omit, onde, ondo, onto, onus, oobi, oofo, oofy, ooze, oozy, opal, open, opus, orad, oral, ordo, orzo, otic, otis, ouch, oude, ouse, oust, ouze, ouzo, oval, oven, over, oves, ovex, ovis, oxen, oxer, oxyl, oyer, paak, paan, paar, paas, paca, pace, pack, paco, pact, pacu, pada, page, pagh, paha, pahu, paid, pail, pain, pair, pake, paki, pala, pale, pali, pall, palm, palo, palp, paly, pane, pang, pank, pann, pant, papa, pape, para, pard, pard, pare, pari, park, parm, parr, pars, part, pase, pash, pass, past, pata, pate, path, pato, patu, paua, paul, paum, pave, pavo, pavy, pawk, pawl, pawn, paya, pays, peak, peal, pear, peat, peck, peel, peep, peer, pega, pegm, pela, pell, pelt, pend, peng, penk, pent, peon, pepa, pepe, pepo, perk, perm, pern, pese, pest, phat, phew, pice, pick, pico, pico, pied, pier, pika, pike, pile, pili, pill, pimp, pine, ping, pink, pint, piot, pipa, pipe, piri, pirl, pirn, pish, piso, piss, pist, pita, pith, pito, pits, pity, pitz, plan, plat, play, plea, pleb, pled, plew, plex, pley, plie, plim, plip, ploc, plod, plok, plop, plot, plow, ploy, plum, poak, pock, poco, poco, pogo, pogo, pogy, poke, poky, pole, poll, polo, poly, pome, pomo, pomp, pond, pone, pony, pood, poof, pool, poon, poop, poor, pope, porc, pore, pori, pork, port, pory, posa, pose, posh, poss, post, posy, pott, pouf, poup, pour, pous, pout, powp, poze, prad, pram, prat, pray, pred, prey, prie, prim, pris, prod, prom, prop, prow, psst, puce, puck, pudu, puer, puff, pugs, puja, puka, puke, puku, pula, pule, puli, pulk, pull, pulp, pulu, puma, pume, pumi, pump, pumy, puna, pung, punk, punt, puny, pupa, pupe, pupu, pure, purl, purr, pusa, push, puso, puss, pust, puta, puto, putt, putz, pyot, qada, qadi, qadr, qagh, quab, quad, quap, quar, quas, quat, quay, qued, quel, ques, quet, quew, quey, quib, quid, quik, quim, quin, quip, quit, quiz, quob, quod, quog, quop, quoz, raca, race, rach, rack, racy, rade, rady, raff, raft, raga, rage, ragi, raid, rail, rain, raja, rake, raki, raku, rale, rang, rank, rant, rape, rasa, rase, rash, rasm, rasp, rata, rate, rath, rato, ratu, rave, rayu, raze, razz, read, real, ream, reap, reck, rede, redo, reed, reef, reek, reel, reft, rely, rend, reng, rent, repo, rese, rest, reve, rewe, rice, rick, ride, rife, riff, rift, rile, rill, rily, rime, rimy, rind, rine, ring, rink, riot, ripe, rips, rise, rish, risk, rite, rive, road, roam, roan, roar, robe, rock, rode, rody, roke, roky, role, roll, rong, ront, rood, roof, rook, room, roon, roop, root, rope, ropy, rory, rosa, rose, rosh, ross, rost, rosy, rota, rote, roti, rotl, roto, roty, roue, roun, roup, rout, rove, rube, ruck, rude, rufa, ruff, ruft, ruga, rule, ruly, rump, rune, rung, runs, runt, rupa, rusa, ruse, rush, rusk, russ, rust, ruta, rute, ruth, ryth, saba, sabr, sabz, sack, sadr, saga, sage, sagh, sago, sagy, said, sail, saim, sair, sake, saki, sala, sale, salm, salo, salt, sama, same, sand, sane, sang, sanj, sank, sans, sard, sari, sart, sash, sass, sate, satz, sauf, saul, saur, saut, save, sawn, scab, scad, scag, scam, scar, scat, scop, scot, scow, scud, scum, scut, seah, seak, seal, seam, sear, seat, seck, seed, seek, seel, seem, seen, seep, seer, seet, seid, seis, seld, self, sell, sema, seme, semi, sems, send, sene, senj, senn, sens, sent, sera, sere, serf, sess, seta, sext, shab, shad, shag, sham, shan, shat, shaw, shea, shed, shee, shen, sher, shet, shew, shie, shim, shin, ship, shir, shit, shod, shoe, shog, shoo, shop, shot, show, shun, shut, sica, sich, sick, side, sift, sigh, sika, sike, sikh, silk, sill, silo, silt, sima, sine, sing, sink, sipe, sira, sire, sirt, siss, sist, size, skat, skee, sken, skep, skew, skid, skim, skin, skit, slab, slag, slam, slap, slat, slay, sled, slee, slen, slep, slew, sley, slid, slim, slip, slit, slob, sloe, slog, sloo, slop, slot, slow, slub, slug, slum, slut, smag, smen, smew, smog, smug, smut, snag, snag, snap, snaw, snew, snig, snip, snob, snog, snow, snub, snug, snus, soak, soal, soam, soap, soar, sock, soft, soil, soke, sola, sold, sole, solo, soly, soma, some, sone, song, sool, soon, soot, sope, sora, sore, sorn, sort, soss, sote, souk, soul, soun, soup, sour, sous, sout, sowl, spam, spar, spaw, sped, spet, spew, spud, spun, spur, sput, stab, stag, stal, star, stat, sted, sten, step, stet, stew, stir, stoa, stob, stop, stor, stot, stow, stub, stuc, stud, stun, stut, such, suck, suer, sufi, sufu, sufu, suka, sula, sulk, sull, sulu, suma, sumi, sumo, sump, sung, sunk, supe, sura, sure, suss, suzu, suzu, swam, swat, swim, swob, swop, swot, syrt, tace, tack, taco, tact, taha, tail, tain, tait, taka, take, taki, tala, talc, tale, tali, talk, tall, tame, tana, tang, tank, tant, tanx, tapa, tape, tapu, tara, tare, tarn, taro, tarp, tart, tasa, task, tass, tata, tatt, tatu, taua, taut, tava, tawa, taxa, taxi, tazz, tead, teak, teal, team, tear, teat, teek, teen, teja, tela, tell, temp, tend, tene, tent, tepa, term, tern, terp, tess, test, teth, text, than, thar, that, thaw, thea, thee, them, then, thew, they, thin, tian, tiar, tice, tick, tico, tide, tidy, tift, tige, tigh, tike, tile, till, time, tine, ting, tink, tint, tiny, tire, tirl, tiro, tith, titi, toad, toat, toby, tock, toco, tody, toea, toft, tofu, toga, toke, tola, told, tole, toll, tolu, tome, tone, tong, tonk, tons, tony, took, tool, toom, toon, toor, toot, tope, topi, topo, tops, torc, tore, torm, torn, toro, torp, tort, tory, tosa, tose, tosh, toso, toss, tost, tota, tote, tour, tout, town, toxa, toze, trad, tram, trap, tray, tree, trek, tren, trey, trie, trim, trio, trip, trit, trod, trot, troy, tuak, tuan, tuba, tube, tuck, tufa, tuff, tuft, tugs, tuhu, tula, tule, tumo, tump, tuna, tune, tunk, turd, turf, tusk, tute, tutu, tuya, tuza, tuzz, twat, twig, twin, twit, type, typo, tyre, tzar, uiro, ulan, ulna, ulva, undo, unto, urea, urna, urva, utea, utia, utis, uvea, uyot, vadi, vail, vain, vair, vale, vali, vals, vane, vang, vann, vant, vary, vase, vast, vaut, veal, veck, veda, vedi, veep, veer, veil, vela, vele, veli, vell, vena, verb, verd, vert, very, vese, veve, vial, vibe, vice, vick, vide, vile, vill, vine, vire, visa, vise, vite, vive, vole, volt, vote, wade, wadi, wady, waff, waft, wage, waid, waif, wail, wain, wair, wait, wake, waki, wald, wale, wali, walk, wall, walm, waly, wand, wane, wank, want, ward, ware, wark, warm, warn, warp, wart, wary, wase, wasp, wast, watt, waul, waur, wave, wavy, weak, wear, weed, week, weel, ween, weep, weer, weet, weft, weid, weil, weir, weld, welk, well, welt, wend, wene, went, wept, werd, were, werk, west, whan, whap, what, whee, when, whet, whew, whin, whip, whit, whop, whot, wick, wide, wild, wile, wilk, will, wilt, wind, wine, wing, wink, winx, wire, wise, wist, wive, wode, woke, wone, wong, wonk, wont, wont, wood, wool, woon, woop, word, wore, work, worm, worn, wort, wost, wove, wrak, wrap, wraw, wray, wren, wrie, writ, wudu, wuss, wust, xill, xorn, yagi, yald, yale, yali, yana, yang, yank, yara, yard, yare, yark, yarn, yarr, yate, yawd, yawi, yawl, yawn, yawp, yaws, yead, yeah, yean, yeap, year, yede, yell, yelp, yend, yerk, yern, yili, yill, yirn, yock, yode, yoga, yogi, yoik, yoit, yoke, yolk, yoma, yona, yore, yose, yosi, yote, youg, your, yowe, yowl, yuan, yuck, yuka, yuke, yuku, yule, yurt, yuzu, yuzu, ywis, ywit, zaar, zafu, zair, zaju, zari, zaru, zati, zeal, zedi, zemi, zeni, zerk, zero, zess, zest, zill, zinc, zine, zing, zink, ziti, zizz, zobo, zoea, zoep, zoey, zoll, zomo, zona, zone, zonk, zony, zool, zoom, zoon, zoop, zoot, zork, zouk, zuar, zubr, zuhr, zuke, zulu, zupu, zyll,


Posted on: 2007/11/13 11:40
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16
Registered Users
Posts: 1416
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EXP : 28
Hi there! Here's my entry:

(Couldn't quite gain access to some referential links. So, do ignore any of my entries for the coming months if it's deemed improper.)

876. glotynn - dunt, duet, baft, tyne
877. futari - nunt, diet, daft, tyke
878. geoette - nint, ditt, haft, tyte
879. futari - nilt, bitt, haet, tite
880. glotynn - kilt, sitt, hast, nite
881. geoette - kile, sith, hasi, site
882. futari - kiln, sish, hass, wite
883.geoette - kilk, sise, hiss, wize
884. glotynn - bilk, tise, liss, wike
885. geoette - cilk, tish, lisp, wife
886. futari - hilk, mish, lirp, wipe

= A calculator application operating under the Windows 95 and NT ...

= Short for missionary, man on top, face to face.



Posted on: 2007/11/13 11:45
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Re: wanna add the next word?
Home away from home
2006/10/25 14:16
Registered Users
Posts: 1416
Level : 32
HP : 0 / 782
MP : 472 / 41624
EXP : 28

123 wrote:
Hello Futari:
come back soon. I think bo bo geo and uncle glot two are waiting for you to go on the word game.

I will if I find time.

Posted on: 2007/11/13 12:14
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