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Here is information related to this category.
Category | Q&A | Last Q&A published |
![]() Questions about the discussion forum. |
3 | How do I view all the posts from newest to oldes... |
Here are the published Q&As of that category.
These terms are taken from Role Playing Games.
HP (Health/Hit Points) is determined by your average posts per day.
MP (Magic Points) is determined by your join date related to your post count.
EXP (EXperience Points) goes up each time you post, and when you get to 100%, you gain a level and the EXP drops to 0 again.
HP (Health/Hit Points) is determined by your average posts per day.
MP (Magic Points) is determined by your join date related to your post count.
EXP (EXperience Points) goes up each time you post, and when you get to 100%, you gain a level and the EXP drops to 0 again.
RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication.
Please refer to for more details.
Please refer to for more details.
Just click Post on the lower right side of the Newest Posts block and then you can see all the posts from newest to oldest 10 posts a time. You should be able to see Post right beside Forum.